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Anybody Still Believe Obamaocare Is A Good Deal?


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"The fact that over 1,000 waivers have been granted is a tacit admission that the healthcare law is fundamentally flawed,"


Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.)


Any lib want to explain this baloney? All these waivers to avoid complying with part of Obamaocare?

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Since Obama's Commi-Care has became law our Health Insuranve premiums have doubledd, and the taxes for it have not even started.


So in the near future we can expect to pay HigHer Premiums and have to wait 30+ days after calling the doc to be seen.



I'm sure that the Libtards that passed this law will never have to deal with the same details of waiting on seeing a doctor and will have premium treatment while all the serfs get to eat their cake.



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I suppose Heck will now go on a self imposed exile, so he doesn't have to admit he has no


way to support Obamaocare now.

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Yeah, I actually thought there was a chance it'd be a good deal.

I think stubborn politics (mostly arrogance from Dems) spoiled what could have been a decent program.


As societies age that creeping socialism is inevitable. We'll have socialized medicine sooner or later.


The US may be just past the peak.

We tend to see history as starting 10 years ago.



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But it was never written to be a solution - it was written to be a giant procurement of part of our economy, for political posturing reasons.


Already, the Obamao admin has used political loyalty to Democrats, as the criteria for whether or not some states get disaster relief,


as well as what states with what companies with what unions, or no unions... get waivers.


With corrupt socialists, the frantic maneuvering to cya knows no restrictions, and the more power, is the more power to


coerce/manipulate, one way, or another. Look who WROTE it, and look how they couldn't care less what was IN it, when all the Dems voted for it.



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