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Obamao's Bias Towards Arabs/muslims Sets Israel Up


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This piece of garbage' is now openly, AGAIN, telling Israel, in PUBLIC, to go back to the 1967 borders.


Obamao is now a very ignorant anti-Semite. I mean, how you do like he does towards Israel,


and not realize that you are pretty much telling Israel's enemies "Now is your chance to find a reason to declare war


on Israel again, because while I'm president, we won't defend her"....


It makes Obamao's "57 American states" gaff more of a Freudian slip. He openly is biased so much towards the Muslim/Arabic/African world,


that he had a great dinner for Muslims, bows to them...


But with the Israeli PM ? A quick shuttle in and out of the BACK DOOR, and an unhospitable, unfriendly meeting, and Obamao then just turned and left.


This Obamao does NOT like Jews, nor Israel. And even if it isn't intententional.... he is stupidly putting Israel all alone on an island, and ignoring


the fact, that Israel was declared war upon, for no good reason, and Israel won, and kept the land they ended up with, for their own security, to prevent


that same surprise attack of war, again.


Oddly, WE AND ISRAEL both are in big, big trouble with this corrupt president.

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  • Romney: Obama threw Israel under the bus
  • obama-on-israel-let-me-be-clear-my-words-mean-nothing/">Obama on Israel: Let me be clear. My words mean nothing. David Harsanyi
  • Here is what Barack Obama said when he was fishing for the Jewish vote in 2008:

    "Let me be clear," Obama said, "Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive and that allows them to prosper. But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders.
    Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided
    ," he added, in efforts to secure the Jewish vote.


    All of a sudden this holy security is negotiable?
    More on how Obama is breaking our promises: Obama Abandons Decades of U.S.-Israeli Diplomacy:

    The commitment to "defensible borders" was dealt with in letters provided to Jerusalem in 1997 by Secretary of State Warren Christopher and in 2004 by President Bush, written in exchange for Israeli withdrawals from Hebron and the Gaza Strip. In the former case Israel gave up a core claim to ancient Jewish heritage. In the latter case it risked and eventually saw an Iranian proxy occupying Israel's southern border. Those territorial concessions are functionally irreversible, which is why the US had to provide ironclad assurances in the first place.


    And: President Obama's Speech to the State Department Means New Dangers for Israel

    Abbas's goal, of trying to transform the Arab Spring into a new mass movement against Israel, is not what President Obama seems to think the outcome of the awakening in the Middle East will lead to. Only one side that of Fatah and Hamas is refusing to make the kind of concessions that will lead to peace. This is why the president's outrageous endorsement of the '67 borders only emboldens Abbas in his intransigence, and harms the ability of Netanyahu to make necessary concessions for peace.


    (Thanks to Harris Vederman for quote.)

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Obama wants Hamas to be closer so that their mortar fire can be more destructive.


Maybe if Obama gets his way he can become a Jew killer like Hitler was.





Rocket Attacks Continue in Israel’s South


Thousands of residents of southern Israel spent the weekend in bomb shelters, as militants from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region continued firing rockets at Israeli targets in the Negev.

Since Thursday, Gaza militants have fired over 100 mortar shells and Kassam rockets at Israeli targets, with fifty fired since early Saturday.


The rockets hit not only locations near Gaza but also the Ashkelon region further away. Four Grad-style Katyusha rockets hit areas near the city, but no injuries or damage were reported. Several people were, however, hospitalized for shock and, as of Saturday night, three were still undergoing treatment.


Major damage was reported in several towns, including in a kibbutz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council where a water pipe was destroyed. Residents expressed that they felt a return to the days of Operation Cast Lead, when Hamas had fired hundreds of rockets at Israeli towns.


The costly Iron Dome system reportedly registered a number of successes, intercepting several rockets aimed for Ber Sheva and Ofakim. The system has intercepted eight rockets since Thursday.


Israel has meanwhile began to strike back at Hamas forces. Overnight Friday, IDF planes targeted several sites in the Gaza region, with precise targeting of several cells in the midst of preparing to fire rockets.

read the rest of the story here.

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How about giving the Philistines part of Jordan? WSS


You mean, Palestinians? :angry:


How ya doin, Steve? Need me to bring you some homemade veggie health juice? GGG


I hope you are doing fine. Let me know if I can some visit and bug you for a while, later, after you


are out of ICU.....

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If Mexicans started terrorist activities in america, would Obama want to give them back Texas and the whole Southwest so they could have there own state?


Its funny how Obama will stand up and shout out that he single handedly killed Osama Ben Laden with his light saber :lol: and then the next week he shows his yellow belly and gives in to terrorists demands.

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In theory the giving back of this land would solve all the Mid East problems. If this did happen, I don't believe giving back the land would be outlandish.


However, I believe these people hate Israel and giving back the land would do little to molify the situation.


I don't believe Obama used good judgment in making these statements to the public.


IMHO, there is no question who Obama favors in this situation. This either shows naivetee (sp) or a true lack of understanding.

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True, John -


If it were possible for Israel to finally live in peace - I believe they would be the first to offer to go back to the 1967 borders.


But "Death to the Jews" and "Wipe Israel off the Map" chants are heard by Arab radicals across the Mid East. Israel tried giving back


the Sinai - that backfired.


Obamao, for his fraudulent? alleged (by lib worshippers) intelligence, should release his school records, so we can see if he


EVER took ONE class on the history of Europe during WWII and the MidEast. I doubt he's ignorant of it.


Which leads me to conclude, he is more and more openly biased with the Arab/Muslim world.


Oddly, the LAST "worst president in our U.S. history", was Jimmy "cricketbrain" Carter - who also favored the Palestinians.


All too sadly, possibly tragicly, for Israel:


ObaMao sees himself as Anwar Sadat, but he is coming across like Yasser Arafat.

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In theory the giving back of this land would solve all the Mid East problems. If this did happen, I don't believe giving back the land would be outlandish.


However, I believe these people hate Israel and giving back the land would do little to molify the situation.


I don't believe Obama used good judgment in making these statements to the public.


IMHO, there is no question who Obama favors in this situation. This either shows naivetee (sp) or a true lack of understanding.


John, come on. This is the same outline proposal from the Clinton administration, the Bush administration, and now the Obama administration. How is that evidence that there's "no question who Obama favors" in this situation? By your logic, that means George Bush favored the Palestinians, and so did Bill Clinton. It's not a very good argument.


The reality is that all three of these administrations have favored getting a peace deal in place that creates a Palestinian state, based on the 67 borders, with negotiated tweaks, because we believe it's best for America's security, and for Israel's.


Nobody imagines it's going to "solve all the Mid East problems" or end the hatred of Israel. That's not the goal.

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Nobody imagines it's going to "solve all the Mid East problems" or end the hatred of Israel. That's not the goal.



Then what is the goal?



Israel has occupied this land for 44 years and progressives want them to give it back?


Whats next do we give our land back to the native Indians?


It doesn't work like that, if you bring a knife to a gun fight your going to lose.

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John, come on. This is the same outline proposal from the Clinton administration, the Bush administration, and now the Obama administration. How is that evidence that there's "no question who Obama favors" in this situation? By your logic, that means George Bush favored the Palestinians, and so did Bill Clinton. It's not a very good argument. HECK




In fact, the Bush admin sent a letter clearly contradicting Obamao's stupidity, in 1994. There surely has NEVER been a dirtbag "president" who came out


and threw Israel under the bus before. Hell, not even Carter did that.


BTW, Heck, your ignorant, childish personal attacks are boring. Perhaps you should rethink what "intelligent conservation" really means. (Hint: it isn't what

you've been taught by moveonupObamao'sgroin.org)

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Come on back at ya Heck.


I was talking about Obama, not Clinton or Bush.


Sometimes it's not what you do but how and when you do it.


I don't believe, unfortunately,that giving back the land would truly ease tensions.


You mentioned the 'goal' and what would be the goal - this would be a learning for me.



PS Just to clarify your statement about my sanity - you did say MORE sane, not sane.


If a third temple is built.........................................

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It isnt' JUST that you are wrong, Heck. It's that you put other people down for opinions you don't share.


Here is another link. If you don't read it, well,


the rest of us will continue to have a intelligent conservation about FACTS and REAL OPINIONS.








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I'll wait to engage John/someone more sane.



In other words you are saying that you will engage John because he will allow you to be a liar and you cannot defend your statements because they are only made up from liberal fantasies.

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How about the US stops sending $ to Israel and then they can do whatever they want. PE


No. If the US bails on Israel, they will be overrun, and a mideast war would be inevitable,


and all hell would break loose, and, if Obamao isn't president, we'd have to go help them.


How about we quit giving 1.3 billion to Pakistan and several other countries that thumb their nose at us.


Israel has never done that to us, ever.


Israel's very survival is on the line, and the UN won't do squat about Egypt, Syria, Iran and Lebannon declaring war on them,


and going for broke.


And, if Israel must, they will bring out a few nukes, as a last resort.


IOW's, we need to keep helping our huge western friend in Israel.

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I meant Philistines Cal.

The region was named after the Israelites sworn enemies by Roman conquerors.

It incorporated most if not all of Jordan.

As long as we want to revert to historical borders.....



Ah. well, it went right past me, bro. I am not worthy. LOL (how ya doin?)

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Never mind. Heck


Too late for that, Heck. John is abolutely correct, and my links


completely make your bs obviously... bs.


You just can't HANDLE the truth, as usual.


You libs are so seriously lacking in honesty, it's startling,


even when we expect it.


So, I believe it's unanimous - we ALL have taken your partisan hackery and made mincemeat of it, at one time or another.


I'm sure you are better at faking knowing how to dance on a dance floor. You are now nicknamed


"Whiney Dancer".


Or, maybe "He tiptoes through his two lips"

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I meant Philistines Cal.

The region was named after the Israelites sworn enemies by Roman conquerors.

It incorporated most if not all of Jordan.

As long as we want to revert to historical borders.....



Ah. well, it went right past me, bro. I am not worthy. LOL (how ya doin?)


Not bad. I hated to miss opening weekend at the bay but I should be out this morning.

I feel pretty good.


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So Heck doesn't want to discuss this one with anyone that doesn't just rubber stamp the 67 border?


Why is that?

If, as you say, that won't solve the problem or ease the hatred of Israel, what then does it do?

Show Hamas that's the ticket to success?


What benefit to Netanyahu to make I*srael much less secure?


(and I'm not addressing the "bail opn the Jews faction here, we can discuss that later)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Everytime I look at that pic above, I laugh. The truth is also funny. Unless you're a lib wonk, socialist Obamao worshipper, then


you don't have a sense of humor....

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