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Randy Lerner Losing Popularity At Aston Villa


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Randy Lerner is expected to name a new manager who was allegedly

'tapped up" from Aston Villa's fiercest rivals.



Most of what is in your link is esoteric to what AV fans think about the potential choice of who runs their franchise, which quite frankly, nearly all Browns fans could give a cabbage fart about.

Likewise I suppose most AV fans could give a rat's ass who the HC of the Cleveland Browns is.


The issue is Randy Lerner's ownership/management style. We, here, believe that Randy has finally learned to put real professionals in control of his football team and to get the hell out of the way and just write the checks.

Whether or not he has applied that same lesson learned to his futbol team, we will have to rely on you to give your opinion for that.


The other thing I read out of this is that Lerner may be about to make a move that would be tantamount to Lerner hiring Bill Cowher as the Head Coach of the Browns. Unlike your folks opinion of this "McLeish", we here may have seen the hiring of Cowher with much more approval, since, after all, he played for the Browns and coached for the Browns before being "tapped" by the Pittsburgh Steelers to be their HC. And during Cowher's tenure with the Steelers he always had his team in contention for a title, even winning the Super Bowl once.

A fair analogy?.

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We need Horseballs to delete this soccer thread



To the extent that this thread is a discussion about Lerner's "management style" I guess it has some legitimacy on the Browns board. God knows that is a subject that has been up for debate over the years.

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Soccer's gay.





Tell that to the plethora of players that have had thier shins and balls kicked in and have sustained some of the lingering injuries they have to live with if its Gay. Running in perpetual motion for 2-3 hours is not an easy feat to accomplish while your trying to manipulate a ball wich is almost next to impossible when you think of physics and gravity...No you dont have to like Soccer and thats your god given right. But atleast respect what these Men put thier bodies through. Im not a huge fan of Baseball but I atleast respect the game and hopes the Tribe wins a WS someday soon.

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They aren't always running in soccer. There's stopping involved.






I know...My family has been involved in soccer winning numerous championships in local and regional leagues...My uncle was inducted into the Ohio Soccer Hall of Fame back in 09 and won 10 championships coaching and another(number unknown)as a player...Although it was not an interest of mine to play the game I still respect it none the less.

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Most of what is in your link is esoteric to what AV fans think about the potential choice of who runs their franchise, which quite frankly, nearly all Browns fans could give a cabbage fart about.

Likewise I suppose most AV fans could give a rat's ass who the HC of the Cleveland Browns is.


The issue is Randy Lerner's ownership/management style. We, here, believe that Randy has finally learned to put real professionals in control of his football team and to get the hell out of the way and just write the checks.

Whether or not he has applied that same lesson learned to his futbol team, we will have to rely on you to give your opinion for that.


The other thing I read out of this is that Lerner may be about to make a move that would be tantamount to Lerner hiring Bill Cowher as the Head Coach of the Browns. Unlike your folks opinion of this "McLeish", we here may have seen the hiring of Cowher with much more approval, since, after all, he played for the Browns and coached for the Browns before being "tapped" by the Pittsburgh Steelers to be their HC. And during Cowher's tenure with the Steelers he always had his team in contention for a title, even winning the Super Bowl once.

A fair analogy?.

Not sure how fierce the rivalry is with the Steelers. One major difference in English football that Randy will not be accustomed to is the rivalry of teams within the same city. While for a minute ignoring the in depth analysis of "soccer is gay" I wonder what parallels can be drawn in how Randy operates and in giving a brief idea of what is happening across the pond, invite discussion on Randy's methods.


Things all seemed to be going well at Villa until last year when his head coach decided that Randy wasn't writing enough checks and quit days before the season. Randy eventually appointed a coach with a trophy winning background but with questionable medical (cardiac) history. Before the seasons end, the hc suffered further heart problems and was forced to retire. While out of season Randy is now about to risk alienating supporters.


Th willingness to alienate fans is what has surprised me. While Randy seems impressed with this coach, his record is nothing short of appalling. The rivalry in question is not something that can easily be converted into text. Are there games that tailgating in Cleveland would be prohibited by police ? Games that would be played only on a sunday morning to ensure enough police be able to be present ? As mentioned this is a rivalry that divides the same city, but also divides families, work/ school colleagues with an absolute hatred, on match day there is no banter, just tribal war parties.


So when Bill Cowher was appointed how was the reception and do you think Randy is expecting things to follow a similar course ?

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Soccer's a good game for girls. Men have come up with much more hardcore, interesting games which is why soccer fails in America and Canada but is all the rave in Euro-soft counties.


I'm going to watch Hockey tonight and I guarantee you that no one will flop around like a school girl if someone accidently touches them.


Then I'm going to wait for football season where getting hammered is part of the game and nobody whines about it.


Enjoy your soccer.



1. You're right there are more hardcore games than soccer. Rugby for example, padding for protection free zone, where in England "soccer" and rugby are played by many of the same people at a non professional level.

English football aka soccer unfortunately does have an element of euro softies attempting to ruin the games with theatrical dives and play acting. With satellite tv this is what the USA audience sees, probably worth a mention though that the english game has been built on tha back of players with nicknames such as "bites ya legs hunter" "chopper harris" and a descriptions "he wasn't born they got him from a rock quarry"

I don't recall any of those softies going on strike cos lifes not fair waaaah ;)

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Not sure how fierce the rivalry is with the Steelers.

It is, historically one of the fiercest rivalries in American sports. The only problem lately is that the Browns have not been very good and have been on the wrong side of the ledger too many times recently.

One major difference in English football that Randy will not be accustomed to is the rivalry of teams within the same city. While for a minute ignoring the in depth analysis of "soccer is gay" I wonder what parallels can be drawn in how Randy operates and in giving a brief idea of what is happening across the pond, invite discussion on Randy's methods.


Right, I believe that is the crux of this thread....Lerner. (not the soccer is gay way it was going)


Things all seemed to be going well at Villa until last year when his head coach decided that Randy wasn't writing enough checks and quit days before the season. Randy eventually appointed a coach with a trophy winning background but with questionable medical (cardiac) history. Before the seasons end, the hc suffered further heart problems and was forced to retire. While out of season Randy is now about to risk alienating supporters.

So? He picked a championship caliber coach, but the guy had health problems? Why the F*** would the fans there hold that against Lerner?


Th willingness to alienate fans is what has surprised me. While Randy seems impressed with this coach, his record is nothing short of appalling. The rivalry in question is not something that can easily be converted into text. Are there games that tailgating in Cleveland would be prohibited by police ? Games that would be played only on a sunday morning to ensure enough police be able to be present ? As mentioned this is a rivalry that divides the same city, but also divides families, work/ school colleagues with an absolute hatred, on match day there is no banter, just tribal war parties.


I don't know if it goes that far. Very few cities in America have more than 1 team per town in the major sports. Only NYC, Chicago and LA do.


So when Bill Cowher was appointed how was the reception and do you think Randy is expecting things to follow a similar course ?


Cowher was NOT "appointed" here after coaching in Pittsburgh. I was only making an analogy on IF he were to be named coach here how it could be similar to your situation. It was only hypothetical. You know it is possible that Lerner had the Cowher situation in mind when he appointed McLeish, i.e. he did not want to turn down hiring a particular coach just because he formerly coached his rival.

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1. You're right there are more hardcore games than soccer. Rugby for example, padding for protection free zone, where in England "soccer" and rugby are played by many of the same people at a non professional level.

English football aka soccer unfortunately does have an element of euro softies attempting to ruin the games with theatrical dives and play acting. With satellite tv this is what the USA audience sees, probably worth a mention though that the english game has been built on tha back of players with nicknames such as "bites ya legs hunter" "chopper harris" and a descriptions "he wasn't born they got him from a rock quarry"

I don't recall any of those softies going on strike cos lifes not fair waaaah ;)



FYI, the football players here did not go on strike. They were locked out by the owners. The owners are trying to get the players to make "give backs". Primarily they want the players to take a smaller piece of the revenue pie.

You know how it is. The very wealthy always want the middle class and the poor to give them more money to fatten their already fat pockets. Like, who is this woman who is running that says that to decrease unemployment in this country we should eliminate the minimum wage? Yea, like that is really going to solve our problems. Giving someone $2.00 an hour instead of $7.00 an hour is really going to put a lot of people to work in a job in which that income can sustain a family. Right. Not that the NFL players are poor, or even middle class.

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1. You're right there are more hardcore games than soccer. Rugby for example, padding for protection free zone, where in England "soccer" and rugby are played by many of the same people at a non professional level.

English football aka soccer unfortunately does have an element of euro softies attempting to ruin the games with theatrical dives and play acting. With satellite tv this is what the USA audience sees, probably worth a mention though that the english game has been built on tha back of players with nicknames such as "bites ya legs hunter" "chopper harris" and a descriptions "he wasn't born they got him from a rock quarry"

I don't recall any of those softies going on strike cos lifes not fair waaaah ;)


My cousin, who is an Englishman, loves Rugby. He has traveled around the world to New Zealand and Australia for Rugby Cups. He hates soccer. His direct quote is that the players are a bunch of "preening pansies". In the bit I have watched I have seen some of that. In one World Cup match that I caught a bit of there was one country's team that was full of more melodrama than a bad opera. I recall the announcers roundly chastising them for their total theatrics.


Need more evidence? They should get Nathan Lane to portray some of these guys:




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Gipper, you said


"I don't know if it goes that far. Very few cities in America have more than 1 team per town in the major sports. Only NYC, Chicago and LA do"


In England its more like 2 or 3, maybe more teams in a city and its outskirts (within 30 miles of each other). Rivalry in English 'soccer' is something very different to what you experience over in the US. When Aston Villa play our main rival, Birmingham City (who's former coach Randy Lerner is trying to employ) it is always on a Sunday at midday and the police presence is increased 10fold.


This is typical of a 'Second City Derby' as its known.


It's not banter, its not a laugh, a couple of years ago a Villa fan was killed after Aston Villa beat Birmingham City 5-1, i'm not trying to glorify the violence i just think you need to know the importance of local pride in English football (soccer).

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Ya, well, soccer's gay.



still lmao.



Not wanting a debate on football versus american football, it's a cultural thing. Just seriously wondering whether as an owner of the Browns Randy has encountered or if such appointment was made would encounter a hostile backlash. Don't get me wrong by the way, I would still say that Randy has the backing of the majority of supporters, they just think he's temporarily gone insane

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Gipper, you said


"I don't know if it goes that far. Very few cities in America have more than 1 team per town in the major sports. Only NYC, Chicago and LA do"


In England its more like 2 or 3, maybe more teams in a city and its outskirts (within 30 miles of each other). Rivalry in English 'soccer' is something very different to what you experience over in the US. When Aston Villa play our main rival, Birmingham City (who's former coach Randy Lerner is trying to employ) it is always on a Sunday at midday and the police presence is increased 10fold.


This is typical of a 'Second City Derby' as its known.


It's not banter, its not a laugh, a couple of years ago a Villa fan was killed after Aston Villa beat Birmingham City 5-1, i'm not trying to glorify the violence i just think you need to know the importance of local pride in English football (soccer).



Well, the "hooliganism" of English soccer fans is well renowned. I am not sure it is a thing to be proud for some of these guys, even though they may think it is. They may as well wear a sign around their necks saying "I'm a F****ing Idiot". Fair to say?

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Lerner made a bit of a strange selection when chose Eric Mangini as head coach, the story goes that one of the reporters said that Randy perked up at a press conference when he was told Mangini was fired, then he went out and hired him when there were more "savory" guys available. He also hired a guy to be GM that was gone in 6 months which left the team rudderless with only poor Mangini in charge. Mangini is a good enough football guy, but he had no chance. Then, finally, Lerner signed Mike Holmgren as President and to handle all football operations, including hires, and Lerner goes off to England and meddles with your soccer team instead. Best thing Lerner ever did was hand the reigns over to Holmgren and get out of the way. He's got deep pockets (thanks to Daddy), but he's not much of an administrator.


He does seem to be a loyal guy that cares about the fans though.




Exactly. His old man was a Marine, and a Marine Flag flies above Browns Stadium. But his son, the current owner is kind of a puss--y. Probably grew up a rich boy and never new anything hard. That being said, he did inherit the team and I think he is doing his best.

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Lerner made a bit of a strange selection when chose Eric Mangini as head coach, the story goes that one of the reporters said that Randy perked up at a press conference when he was told Mangini was fired, then he went out and hired him when there were more "savory" guys available. He also hired a guy to be GM that was gone in 6 months which left the team rudderless with only poor Mangini in charge. Mangini is a good enough football guy, but he had no chance. Then, finally, Lerner signed Mike Holmgren as President and to handle all football operations, including hires, and Lerner goes off to England and meddles with your soccer team instead. Best thing Lerner ever did was hand the reigns over to Holmgren and get out of the way. He's got deep pockets (thanks to Daddy), but he's not much of an administrator.


He does seem to be a loyal guy that cares about the fans though.




Yea, that is why I said originally that you need to tell us whether or not Randy learned his lesson from the Browns and applied it over there. Possibly not by what you are saying.

I think he means well, but just has had trouble getting the right people in place on his teams.

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Well, the "hooliganism" of English soccer fans is well renowned. I am not sure it is a thing to be proud for some of these guys, even though they may think it is. They may as well wear a sign around their necks saying "I'm a F****ing Idiot". Fair to say?


If i were you i would be thinking exactly that. However, as someone that has been to many of these games i have to admit that no matter how calm and non-violent a person you are, it is hard to keep control of your emotions. It is absolute hatred, that is the one word that sums it up... Hatred!


Back on topic, Randy has really betrayed the fans on this one. I honestly dont know what the equivalent would be for you guys... An englishman buying your team then appointing the worst possible coach he can think of, despite protests at the Stadium from fans, players saying it would be bad for team morale, death threats to owner and coach, getting sued by your bitter rivals and fans burning their season tickets and jerseys! It is a complete mind f**k that he has chosen this guy, it will lead to riots in the city!


For the record, i know nothing about NFL, i like to watch it occasionally, but i joined to know how you guys feel about Lerner... Good night one and all

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Well, the "hooliganism" of English soccer fans is well renowned. I am not sure it is a thing to be proud for some of these guys, even though they may think it is. They may as well wear a sign around their necks saying "I'm a F****ing Idiot". Fair to say?


If i were you i would be thinking exactly that. However, as someone that has been to many of these games i have to admit that no matter how calm and non-violent a person you are, it is hard to keep control of your emotions. It is absolute hatred, that is the one word that sums it up... Hatred!


Back on topic, Randy has really betrayed the fans on this one. I honestly dont know what the equivalent would be for you guys... An englishman buying your team then appointing the worst possible coach he can think of, despite protests at the Stadium from fans, players saying it would be bad for team morale, death threats to owner and coach, getting sued by your bitter rivals and fans burning their season tickets and jerseys! It is a complete mind f**k that he has chosen this guy, it will lead to riots in the city!


For the record, i know nothing about NFL, i like to watch it occasionally, but i joined to know how you guys feel about Lerner... Good night one and all

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Lerner made a bit of a strange selection when chose Eric Mangini as head coach, the story goes that one of the reporters said that Randy perked up at a press conference when he was told Mangini was fired, then he went out and hired him when there were more "savory" guys available. He also hired a guy to be GM that was gone in 6 months which left the team rudderless with only poor Mangini in charge. Mangini is a good enough football guy, but he had no chance. Then, finally, Lerner signed Mike Holmgren as President and to handle all football operations, including hires, and Lerner goes off to England and meddles with your soccer team instead. Best thing Lerner ever did was hand the reigns over to Holmgren and get out of the way. He's got deep pockets (thanks to Daddy), but he's not much of an administrator.


He does seem to be a loyal guy that cares about the fans though.



I live in hope then that he's on a learning curve at the Villa. He has the equivalent of club president he leaves to run the club who a lot of fans are laying the blame on. He's considered an American pr guy with no knowledge of "soccer" (by Villa fans) who I guess is a guy Randy trusts. Appreciate all the replies and good luck to The Browns from The Limeys

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Randy Lerner is expected to name a new manager who was allegedly

'tapped up" from Aston Villa's fiercest rivals.

Randy should keep his priorities in order. If you can throw money around in soccer you need to be buying the building blocks for your real "football" team. No one around here gives rats azz about his kick ball team winning or losing.

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Some of you are a little harsh on these guys who are just looking for information. I think you forget that they are just as passionate about they're sport as we are about ours.


I would bet everything I own that if one of them were to tell you how stupud american football is you would take offense and start trash taking them.


No wonder everyone hates Americans.

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I live in hope then that he's on a learning curve at the Villa. He has the equivalent of club president he leaves to run the club who a lot of fans are laying the blame on.


Well, he has done the same thing here....hired a well respected Club President. A former Super Bowl winning coach and GM. Doesn't the guy he hired for AV have a similar type background?



He's considered an American pr guy with no knowledge of "soccer" (by Villa fans) who I guess is a guy Randy trusts. Appreciate all the replies and good luck to The Browns from The Limeys


Refresh our memories: who is the American PR guy that Lerner hired to run AV?

Sometimes, over here, a team will hire a "Club President" whose only real job is to run the club finances and PR, but not to run the football operations. That is what the "General Manager" does. In the past the Browns have had that model, but not now. Now they have hired Holmgren, the Super Bowl coach/GM, as Club President, and Tom Heckert as GM. Heckert's job is primarily talent acquisition. Together they have hired a new Head Coach, Pat Shurmur.

All these guys are "Football" guys, not accountants or PR types, though that certainly falls within their duties.

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They know we're just xxxxing with them. It's mid-June and there's a lockout ... we're getting antsy.


Besides we don't include the English as "Euro Sofites", the Limeys have proven their metal over and over, they are tough SOBs and their soccer league is the best.



--that said, soccer is gay.



Although, Andrew Jackson with only about 4000 men, did open a can of whoopass on the British who had about 20,000 men at the Battle of New Orleans.

And don't forget Saratoga and Yorktown. And the Cowpens.

And don't forget about the Battle of Lake Erie.

Westide Steve can tell you about it:




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Well, they're not AMERICAN tough ... but those mofos never backed down to Hitler, while the Frenchies rolled over like ... well, like a French whore.



OK, but remember, it was the French that helped us defeat Britain and gain our independence.


Think about it though: I don't believe the US has ever fought a war against the French. We have had wars with most other major European countries: Britain twice. Spain, Italy, Germany twice, Austria/Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, even a cold war with Russia.

Though, apparently there was some kind of "Quasi-War", undeclared between the US and France from 1798-1800 over French Privateers attacking American shipping. Apparently Revolutionary France was angry that the US declared its neutrality in it conflict with Britain.

They were also angry that the US didn't repay its monetary debt to France from the American Revolution. Apparently the US claimed it owed the government of the French Royal Crown that had been deposed, not the new French Revolutionary government. There were really only a few minor skirmishes that occurred in this "war", mainly over French ships attacking merchant vessels and attempting to impress US citizens into its navy. The French would grab these ships, and the US would try to grab them back. The whole "conflict" ended when Napolean came to power and made peace with the US.

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They know we're just xxxxing with them. It's mid-June and there's a lockout ... we're getting antsy.


Besides we don't include the English as "Euro Sofites", the Limeys have proven their metal over and over, they are tough SOBs and their soccer league is the best.



--that said, soccer is gay.


Hey Z you don't have to like it- just try to understand it- slow motion hockey.


And after watching some of the clips- I proclaim that baseball is pretty gay too. Must take drugs to up home run count.


Some pu$$y catcher's agent is whining because a guy slid into him too hard? How about Buckner losing the World Series flubbing a ball with a mistake that pee-wee league kids are taught to avoid?


PS I'm all for taking flares and baseball bats to Browns Steelers games.

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They know we're just xxxxing with them. It's mid-June and there's a lockout ... we're getting antsy.


Besides we don't include the English as "Euro Sofites", the Limeys have proven their metal over and over, they are tough SOBs and their soccer league is the best.



--that said, soccer is gay.

We do know you're xxxxing with us and it's all good. I've had a good laugh at most the comments on here.


As for everybody hates the Americans !!! That's just not true I mean there are countries around the world that will support and back an America under attack with their last breath as patriotically as Americans themselves. There's England and then there's ........ well England !


The ceo/president that Randy leaves running the club is Paul Faulkner, previous background is that he held some kinda position with mbna.

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OK, but remember, it was the French that helped us defeat Britain and gain our independence.


Think about it though: I don't believe the US has ever fought a war against the French. We have had wars with most other major European countries: Britain twice. Spain, Italy, Germany twice, Austria/Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, even a cold war with Russia.

Though, apparently there was some kind of "Quasi-War", undeclared between the US and France from 1798-1800 over French Privateers attacking American shipping. Apparently Revolutionary France was angry that the US declared its neutrality in it conflict with Britain.

They were also angry that the US didn't repay its monetary debt to France from the American Revolution. Apparently the US claimed it owed the government of the French Royal Crown that had been deposed, not the new French Revolutionary government. There were really only a few minor skirmishes that occurred in this "war", mainly over French ships attacking merchant vessels and attempting to impress US citizens into its navy. The French would grab these ships, and the US would try to grab them back. The whole "conflict" ended when Napolean came to power and made peace with the US.

So you would choose the French to have your back ?

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