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Louis Farrakhan Insults Obama

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Louis Farrakhan: Obama Is A 'Murderer,' An 'Assassin'





Louis Farrakhan, speaking at the American Clergy Leadership Conference on May 28, lambasted President Barack Obama over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. military intervention in Libya, calling him an “assassin” and a “murderer.”


"We voted for our brother Barack, a beautiful human being with a sweet heart,” Farrakhan said, in a video making the rounds on the internet. But he has turned into someone else, Farrakhan told the crowd. “Now he's an assassin.”


America “puts her trust in her weapons of war,” he continued. “She threatens the nations of the earth and has my brother calling for the assassination of brother Muammar Gaddafi. What has he done? I can defend that man. You don't know that man.”


“My poor brother. They said they were only going over there for humanitarian reasons -- and we believed that. You've been deceived.”


Farrakhan draws a comparison between U.S. intervention in Libya and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


“You talk about a man killing his own people,” Farrakhan told the crowd. “When you lie to the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. When you lie and then take innocent young men who come to serve their country, and send them to die in Iraq, in Afghanistan, over lies, that's a murderer in the White House."



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“You talk about a man killing his own people,” Farrakhan told the crowd. “When you lie to the American people saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. When you lie and then take innocent young men who come to serve their country, and send them to die in Iraq, in Afghanistan, over lies, that's a murderer in the White House."


Wait did I miss something here? Didn't this happen 10 years ago. Die Hard you are getting old.

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All of Congress and the CIA "lied" too, Kosar.


That was then, this is now.


What on earth is your point?


The bark has completely fallen off the ugly Obamao tree,


and the leaves have long since turned brown and fallen to the ground,.


Obamao was never a "brilliant magic man" like he was ignorantly portrayed...


he is a lying, corrupt leftist man who is hurting this country, and dividing us all, at every


turn... even to the point of allowing weapons to be sold to criminals in Mexico, to be able to


use the resulting violence as a political banner for 2012, and also for leverage to try to sway


enough people to override the 2nd Amendment per the "United Nations" wishes.


If you can't admit Obamao is a punk, then give up changing the subjects of threads.

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Division occurs when two parties will not get together and work on the problem or when you have complete disregard for the Constitution or any rule of law.


Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.


Then they distract us by pinning this Democrat vs Republican bullshit against us. They are running a muck in congress while "bark falls from the Obama tree" statements do nothing to show who the real culprits are. Sorry I have to come down on you Cal, but for every 100 comments you make about how bad Obama is, you only give one solution. You are distracted to the hoopla.


I agree, he sucks, but he is not the criminal here. Is is the Congress and House that are raping us. It's so obvious.


What about Bush's faults? Anyone? And did you complain about them when he was in office?

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Congress can't make law that the president doesn't sign and vetoes, right?


(barring the rare occurence to override his veto)....


People like me just want to be free to make my own choices, and have rules that protect our freedoms.


People like you, K, are the ones who want to bash everything like nothing is decent and right on the money.


You are too busy bashing Sarah Palin to criticize this loser president or to take a LEGIT look at Congress.


There are several corrupt and dimwitted Congresspeople, yah.


But saying the entire Congress is all the same just isn't fact.


BTW, I stayed on here the entire Bush admin, even after it wasn't cool.


And I bashed Bush on immigration lack of work at a solution.


But this nutjob loser president takes the world championship on most any issue now.

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