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Vapor Trails Big Gay Ny Wedding, Legalized In Ny


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I know I'm a little late to the party, but great news for gay rights.


ALBANY, N.Y. — After days of contentious negotiations and last-minute reversals by two Republican senators, New York became the sixth and largest state in the U.S. to legalize gay marriage, breathing life into the national gay rights movement that had stalled over a nearly identical bill here two years ago.



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What next ? Single people will be able to marry themselves, so they can have the benefits of marriage?


Or marrying the maple tree in their front yards?


It's all about turning our lives and our beliefs upside down, and inside out, ....


And of course, after that will be the push to get rid of the age requirements -


so that kids under age 16 can get married, and not have their rights violated.


Kindergarten matrimony, marriage leftist style.


Anything to crash the system of decent values held dear by the vast majority of Americans.

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What next ? Single people will be able to marry themselves, so they can have the benefits of marriage?


Or marrying the maple tree in their front yards?


It's all about turning our lives and our beliefs upside down, and inside out, ....


And of course, after that will be the push to get rid of the age requirements -


so that kids under age 16 can get married, and not have their rights violated.


Kindergarten matrimony, marriage leftist style.


Anything to crash the system of decent values held dear by the vast majority of Americans.


Cal, I don't have to look at your replies. So predictable.

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No wonder Shep and Heck have been MIA.


Anyway who cares?

But out of curiosity is everyone as supporting of polygamy and siblings?



Polygamy? Yes. If 3 people want to have sex with each other, that's their prerogative. I have no idea how to fairly extend benefits that married couples have to groups of 3 or more, though.


Siblings? Maybe. This one's a little trickier. The gene pool is diluted enough that every one of us here could probably procreate with our first cousins and have a completely healthy child. I would imagine that it's not too much different between siblings. If the two of them want each other, then have at it. I think that the best plan of action to take would be for these couples to have mandatory genetic testing to check the probability of a child inheriting certain diseases. Even if these chances are high, I think they should still be allowed to procreate, because the government telling you who you can and can't xxxx (so long as it's consensual and both partners are capable of making decisions [read: of age]) is a very, very bad road to start down.


As for who cares? Lots of people do. The gay bar in Dayton has college nights on Wednesdays, where it's not exclusively homosexuals, but this night, they were out in force and flamboyantly celebrating. Good for them.


What next ? Single people will be able to marry themselves, so they can have the benefits of marriage?


Or marrying the maple tree in their front yards?


It's all about turning our lives and our beliefs upside down, and inside out, ....


And of course, after that will be the push to get rid of the age requirements -


so that kids under age 16 can get married, and not have their rights violated.


Kindergarten matrimony, marriage leftist style.


Anything to crash the system of decent values held dear by the vast majority of Americans.


Your "decent values" are vile and disgusting, and support discrimination.

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Cal, I don't have to look at your replies. So predictable. K


Well - my values are consistent, well developed over my lifetime, and strongly held.


They don't change with the wind, or for popularity, or just to be cool on a board.


It's kinda funny, btw, that Vapor thinks decent values are "vile, and disgusting"....


but the opposite values are just wonderful.


See what I mean? It's all elitism:


"we're super special more than you guys, because we

believe in everything opposite, it's us against the world, boy are we special"


It's all liberal, Democrat anti-American baloney.

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Maybe we should have a law making all the queers register with the sheriffs office, and then make them go door to door letting all those with children know that they have lepers living in the neighborhood.


And since the queers choose to take a partner so they are not capable to pro-create do not allow them to adopt and mess up some poor kid. The kids would be better off as orphans than growing up in a mixed up upside down world.

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The Constitution and Bill of Rights are there to protect minorities from the will of the majority. Vapor


Great leapin horny toads of baloney.


The Constitution and Bill of Rights are there to protect ALL Americans from the tyranny of government.


They don't teach reality in some schools, I swear....

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Do you really have no idea what the Bill of Rights and other 17 amendments are amending? Holy shit. You don't.



Read them and tell us VT, we dont want to listen to what some Big Lib Proffesor taught you. We want the facts.


Bill of Rights


VT, isn't it hypocritical on how the democratic/liberal party will rally around queer rights and kick women's rights to the curb.

A good example is how they Libs treat and persecute Palin & Bachmann.

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VT, isn't it hypocritical on how the democratic/liberal party will rally around queer rights and kick women's rights to the curb.

A good example is how they Libs treat and persecute Palin & Bachmann.


And you persecute Pelosi. It's the same shit, different party man. This is the reason we are failing as a country. Who gives a shit if they dig dudes or are dumb shits who want to build a bridge to nowhere or steal my money on pet projects with earmarks that are still sitting from 14 years ago. It's looking at what they can offer society/community and not whine like a bitch about what another "party" is doing. I bitch about them all. It's marketing man.

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T, just curious, did you switch the picture I linked to? Cuz I saw something different than what you quoted.


Also, how can you be so blind to not see that both parties act hypocritically.



I just switched the picture in the quote to catch your attention.


And as for both parties being hypocrites I agree. McCain is ready to bend over the American tax paying public and join the Libs on tax increases.


I always said he was a RINO.


But with the liberal media putting their spin on who we should vote for we have been driven to choose from the lessor of two evils.

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i can understand everyone's point of view here left or right. but really who gives a shit what people do within their own closed doors? unless of course it affects everyone else's day to day life. is it really going to change the way you pump gas, mow your lawn or drink hooch on your front porch cuz there's a couple of quiffs or dykes walking hand in hand down your street? pleeeez. they probably have some of the same conservative views that a lot of you hate mongers have minus the ass munch thing.


how come it's cool to blare out the fag word but when i called lebron a bitch ass N word you would think the world was coming to an end. check yourselves before you wreckedy wreck yourselves. i hate. i hate. then your dead.


you want to bitch about something bitch about how florida has become the toothless cleetus capitol of the world letting another kid killer walk free.

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Actually, you are referring to the Old Testament, which was superceded by the New Testament.


But nothing matters to hater special minority interests, right?

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Next on Agenda: FORCING churches to perform gay weddings


Gay Marriage: A Bittersweet Victory?

woke up Saturday morning to discover that, despite my best efforts, I was still only married to my job.


I had spent part of Friday night in Greenwich Village with the crowds outside the Stonewall Inn celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York state. I proposed to several passersby but every single one laughed. The thumping of "Y.M.C.A." on an adjacent boombox killed any possibility of romance. (Why is that song always played at weddings?)

Yahoo article


This is good



A Brooklyn Catholic school rejected a local assemblyman's donation - saying they couldn't take the cash because he voted to legalize gay marriage


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/07/08/2011-07-08_pols_gay_nups_yea_gets_him_a_nay_from_church.html#ixzz1RXAmKrvX


Maybe soon we will not have to witness all of those sicko parades where freaks are dancing and making out in public.



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Actually, you are referring to the Old Testament, which was superceded by the New Testament.


But nothing matters to hater special minority interests, right?


Well, Cal, here's a little quote for you from big J, himself.


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.


-Matthew 5:17


And, no T, we don't want to force churches to let gays marry. I could give a shit less about the church seeing as it's separate from our government.

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As a side note, here's what your good book thinks of sex and marriage.




i always new religion was a crock of shit.


frank zappa: "god made us in his image. so if we're dumb, god is dumb. and maybe even a little ugly on the side."

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I'm sure that gay people who pretend they are actually married, will now sue because they are unable to have children born to them,


and will sue for their "rights" being violated.


And with an Obamao judge, they could win their "lottery" in our tax dollars - part of ObaMao's "spread the wealth" revolutionary stupidity.


I gather that maybe Vapor has a vested interest in the ignorant and repulsive movement.... ?

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i think it'd actually be kinda cool to belly up to a bar and talk to a lot of you with such strong opinions left or right or in between, but someone had told me long ago don't mix politics and religion and alcohol. i've known people who swear reagan and bush were the best things to happen to america since sliced bread. but then where does nixon fall into place? ford was a doofuss and carter although a great humanitarian couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


all in all they are all (politicians) scumbags professing change or war or the end of war yet letting themselves be dragged around by the lobbyists and campaign contributors. who has the right to tell anyone what they can or should be or how they should act in a civilized democratic society? big fat bald white men puffing on cohibas over martinis at the senators' club deciding on womens' rights? sounds kinda fxxked up to me. everyone is a liberal when it comes to themselves. when they see something that doesn't agree with them because of the way they were brought up or smacked on the back of the head when they were 5 years old.....then we all become so flippin' uptight conservative that we just want to drag someone from their car at nazi stomp them to the curb.



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I'm sure that gay people who pretend they are actually married, will now sue because they are unable to have children born to them,


and will sue for their "rights" being violated.


And with an Obamao judge, they could win their "lottery" in our tax dollars - part of ObaMao's "spread the wealth" revolutionary stupidity.


I gather that maybe Vapor has a vested interest in the ignorant and repulsive movement.... ?


Ah, I see we're going with the straw man again. Typical Cal. So I'm just going to point out that you didn't address how you rectify the new testament quote I posted above with how you claim the NT supersedes the OT.


Anyways, "ignorant and repulsive movement?" You really think that monogamous marriage is "natural?" If it's so natural, then why do over 50% of them end up in divorce? Oh wait, because humans pretend that they are somehow above other animals.


Let's take at some of our closest genetic relatives, the bonobo, NSFW warning.



Yep, one man, one woman, totally natural. :rolleyes:

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So, perversion is a great thing, to you, because the divorce rate is high?


You really want to go with that as your basis of justification for your doofy views about the world?


Really????? Seriously?????


I call baloney. You don't have enough years on you to know what you're talking about -


you're a kid in college, and you know what you've been taught by some doofarse profs.....


Yeah, the divorce rate of MEN and WOMEN who are REALLY married... means you can marry yourself or a rock...


or a tree.


got it.


You really have a keen eye for the absurd - (liberals think reality is in their old, antique Superman comic books - "Bizarro World"......

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