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James Harrison

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James Harrison, who I already know is an idiot, can't keep his mouth shut. He complains about Roger G, his QB, and the Patriots stealing signals in the 2004 playoff game which he didn't even start and was way down on the depth chart. What a freak'n idiot!

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I can't wait for any Steelers troll on this board to try and defend this human piece of garbage for this. You know, this guy could play for the browns and it wouldn't make a difference, I'd still abhor the guy. He's a dirty, thug player who is an absolute idiot on and off the field. It's a shame that a guy like this makes millions of dollars, it really is. I mean I don't like people, but jesus christ these comments. This guy is a huge black eye on the steeler franchise, I'd be embarrassed to have him as a part of my team. IDC what the talent level is.

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I said last year when he got fined so much that it was because of his mouth more than his play. When you come out and say: "I'm looking to hurt people" you put a target on your back. This just made the target ten times bigger.

Although I don't necessarily have a problem with people speaking out against the league, I think that it needs to be done the right way. You take little jabs and make innuendos. You don't come out guns blazin' like this. You also don't throw two of your teammates under the bus like he did either. That is the biggest problem I have with his statements. What a dumbass.

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The sad part is that this guy is a "home boy". He went to high school almost within walking distance of where I sit right now. Of course, Coventy HS has never been known to be a bastion of academic excellence. When I was in school nearly everyone from Coventry seemed to be a greaser or motorhead.

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And for all his hot air, what will it really amount to?


As for his teammates, if the Rooney's don't cut him, you'll hear Ben issue a statement to the effect "I'm upset with the interceptions I threw in the Super Bowl too. I put the defense in a bad spot. James was just blowing off steam. We understand each other, its nothing personal, blah, blah, blah."


The Rooney's have cut players who belched asinine statements to the media before, but he's still a top player. It's unlikely they will do so in this case, but he is pushing his welcome in Pittsburgh. More than likely, you'll hear James make some kind of retraction once the CBA is signed and the Rooney's talk to him, that will go to the effect "my statements were taken out of context..."


The Goodell statements probably won't go unpunished. I'm willing to bet they draw a 1-2 game suspension. Then again he did bring up the collective bargaining so Goodell might be forced to overlook that...as it could be construed as retailation against his collective bargaining rights (even though the Union has been decertified).


As for how they affect the locker room/team...really that type of talk is meaningless fodder for sports media outlets looking for something to talk than anything else.

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I think even Homotard is mindful enough not even to try and defend this one...you just cant...JH is a douche nozzle.

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What a dip shit. I love that he dividing the lockerroom though.


According to local reports Harrison said that the reporter took things out of context. The report also states that he's cool with both Ben and Mendenhall. However for the sake of argument lets say he isn't. It's not going to divide the locker room because the Steelers routinely shut this sorta of thing down. It's part of the reason why the organization is as successful as it is.


EDIT: And yes to make the comments period in context or out of context about Ben and Rashard was/is out of line. I personally couldn't care less what he says about the NFL dictator.

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How can you take those comments out of context when they are word for word? I just don't understand how he can try to play it off when he straight out said what he said in that fashion. He didn't use words like maybe or kinda or I wish. He basically said xxxx you and xxxx you to two of his teammates on how they performed in a game where he had only 1 tackle!


EDIT: By the way one of my roommates from last year who defended this dick with all of his illegal hits and cheered when he put MoMass and Cribbs out with concussions just said he hopes he gets traded or released because he would be seriously pissed to see him in a Steelers jersey next season.

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According to local reports Harrison said that the reporter took things out of context. The report also states that he's cool with both Ben and Mendenhall. However for the sake of argument lets say he isn't. It's not going to divide the locker room because the Steelers routinely shut this sorta of thing down. It's part of the reason why the organization is as successful as it is.


EDIT: And yes to make the comments period in context or out of context about Ben and Rashard was/is out of line. I personally couldn't care less what he says about the NFL dictator.


Don't underestimate what you bring to the table for Steelers success there Sweetums.

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HomoSnapper has his work cut out for him. Keep in mind, Homo is the same guy who told myself and a few others how stupid we were to attack Roid Monk's character for batting his old lady around a little---amongst other things. Hmm, probably not a lot of testing going on right now, wonder if good ole James been tapping that juice a little more?


Men’s Journal writer defends James Harrison, blasts “idiot” quarterbacks


Posted by Michael David Smith on July 14, 2011, 10:16 AM EDT


Steelers linebacker James Harrison claimed his words were twisted when he was quoted by Men’s Journal as ripping some of his own teammates. But the writer whose integrity was called into question by Harrison is not upset by Harrison’s remarks — and he agrees with everything Harrison says.


Paul Solotaroff, who wrote the Men’s Journal article in question, said on ESPN Radio this morning that Harrison had to back away from some of his comments about teammates Ben Roethlisberger and Rashard Mendenhall to keep the peace in the Steelers’ locker room.


“We talked about 11 o’clock yesterday morning,” Solotaroff said on Thursday. “Look, James is the guy who’s got to live with Ben for the next three years. . . . So as I told James, ‘Listen, whatever you’ve got to say to mend fences is perfectly fine with me.’”


Still, Solotaroff stands by what he wrote and even hinted that Harrison said worse things about Roethlisberger than what appears in the article.


“I filled up three notebooks, I don’t know how many hours of digital tape, and I cut so much stuff from this piece,” Solotaroff said. “There is just acres of stuff James said that’s compelling and amusing and riveting. And that wasn’t the only thing he said about Ben.”


Regarding what may have been the most violent of Harrison’s hits last season, the brutal blow to Browns receiver Mohamed Massaquoi, Solotaroff said that if you’re looking for someone to blame, blame Browns quarterback Colt McCoy.


“Massaquoi is coming across the middle and only an idiot kid quarterback is going to lead his receiver — lead his receiver! — into a zone knowing that James Harrison is lurking back there,” Solotaroff said.


Solotaroff is an unabashed fan of Harrison’s and in his radio appearance he ripped NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for cracking down on Harrison’s style of play.


“I was furious at the way James got done by Goodell last year,” Solotaroff said. “I thought making him the poster boy for this abrupt and arbitrary rule change . . . was about the most wrongheaded thing you could do, particularly since Goodell seemed bent on singling James out.”


Men’s Journal writer defends James Harrison, blasts “idiot” quarterbacks | ProFootballTalk

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Nothing is out of context. Its all on tape. The author of the story said there was much more!


Harrison suffers from lack of filter on his brain! Although his comments about Goodell were dead on, you just can't say it that way. Goodell did attack his character and cover up for the Patriots, but his insults were way over the top! Then to top it off he tosses his own team mates and coach under the bus??? Harrison is a complete MORON!

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Doesn't matter ... as soon as they put on the black and yellow and chugging steroids they are headed for a life of raping, criminal activity, douchebagedness, early death and/or crushed by wood.




Yea, there have never been any drunken, drug addicted, steroid shooten, woman rapin, pedestrian killin, son of a guns on the Browns now have there? The only difference in the athletes on the Steelers from the Browns are the RINGS!

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According to local reports Harrison said that the reporter took things out of context.


Yea, right. Bullshit.

The report also states that he's cool with both Ben and Mendenhall. However for the sake of argument lets say he isn't.

It doesn't matter if he's cool with them. Are they cool with him? They may say they are, but that doesn't mean they are. Maybe them saying they are cool with him was "taken out of context"



It's not going to divide the locker room because the Steelers routinely shut this sorta of thing down. It's part of the reason why the organization is as successful as it is.


This may be the one thing you are right about.


EDIT: And yes to make the comments period in context or out of context about Ben and Rashard was/is out of line. I personally couldn't care less what he says about the NFL dictator.

And I doubt that the "NFL dictator" cares what you care about. He is in a position of control, you're not. Though, I personally don't think there will be any direct action taken by the commissioner over these statements. But, you better ass believe that the next time that Harrison will be up for a fine or suspension for something stupid he does on the field (and there will be a next time), the Commish will absolutely show no mercy whatsoever toward him. He was already skating on thin ice. Next time Goodell will sink his sorry ass.

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There is something else we must consider about Harrison: Note that he has received all these fines for helment to helmet collisions with people. We forget that when he is hitting someone else with his helmet, he too is suffering a serious impact to his head by the collisions that he has created. Though his opponent may have gotten the brunt of those individual blows, Harrison may be suffering the cumulative effect of all those hits he is making on others with his own cranium. He too may have suffered some minor concussive symptoms that are now adding up. I mean, his brain may in fact be partially dead.


I have a brother in law that suffered a head injury in an accident when he was quite younger. As I understand it, the damage to his cerebral cortex caused him to somewhat lose his "filter" if you will. He is capable of saying the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. You can say that he doesn't think before he speaks and whatever is in his subconscious mind can come out. Maybe something like this is happening to Harrison.


Note this quote from Dr. Rolf Gainer:


How does a severe brain injury affect the individual? A severe brain injury produces physiologic, cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural changes. Some individuals develop medical problems related to specific deficits caused by the brain injury. The part of the brain that is injured determines the long-term effects. Often a severe brain injury involves multiple areas of the brain, resulting in multiple disabilities. Physical functions can be affected, such as standing, walking, and eye-hand coordination. Cognitive changes can include issues with memory and language. Personality traits can be affected. People may lose their natural inhibitions and behaviour control, leading to inappropriate behaviour. The effects of a brain injury can be extremely widespread, impacting all areas of a person's life and requiring extensive medical and rehabilitative treatment.

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There is something else we must consider about Harrison: Note that he has received all these fines for helment to helmet collisions with people. We forget that when he is hitting someone else with his helmet, he too is suffering a serious impact to his head by the collisions that he has created. Though his opponent may have gotten the brunt of those individual blows, Harrison may be suffering the cumulative effect of all those hits he is making on others with his own cranium. He too may have suffered some minor concussive symptoms that are now adding up. I mean, his brain may in fact be partially dead.


I have a brother in law that suffered a head injury in an accident when he was quite younger. As I understand it, the damage to his cerebral cortex caused him to somewhat lose his "filter" if you will. He is capable of saying the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. You can say that he doesn't think before he speaks and whatever is in his subconscious mind can come out. Maybe something like this is happening to Harrison.


Note this quote from Dr. Rolf Gainer:


How does a severe brain injury affect the individual? A severe brain injury produces physiologic, cognitive, emotional, psychological and behavioural changes. Some individuals develop medical problems related to specific deficits caused by the brain injury. The part of the brain that is injured determines the long-term effects. Often a severe brain injury involves multiple areas of the brain, resulting in multiple disabilities. Physical functions can be affected, such as standing, walking, and eye-hand coordination. Cognitive changes can include issues with memory and language. Personality traits can be affected. People may lose their natural inhibitions and behaviour control, leading to inappropriate behaviour. The effects of a brain injury can be extremely widespread, impacting all areas of a person's life and requiring extensive medical and rehabilitative treatment.



I hope James Harrison gets the worst form of ball cancer that exists, and then as he's walking to the doctors for chemo, a meteor hits him, knocking him unconscious. Then, while incapacitated, I hope fourteen homeless zombies violently sodomize him in the streets of the city he once played for, all the while dirty Pittsburghers laugh and spit on him. Then I hope they leave him for dead.


And, while Harrison's ass is in the air, exposed to all and unconscious to boot, I hope Ben Roethlisberger walks by...


Sorry, I must've bumped my head. Just can't control the things I say

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The cheap shottin sleazeball squeelers are now seeing that their super bowls attitude has been just that - not really football.


Anybody at this point, who supports this sicko Harrison, has watched too many mafia hitman movies and thought that was football, too.


It's time to get back to the NFL playing football, and may the best team win, not the dirtiest, illegally violent team.


Which also includes, Troy "cheapshot idiot" Pollyisagirlieman.


If there's a penalty or fine on it, it ain't football.

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Yea, there have never been any drunken, drug addicted, steroid shooten, woman rapin, pedestrian killin, son of a guns on the Browns now have there? The only difference in the athletes on the Steelers from the Browns are the RINGS!


This is a Browns forum, and we're just having fun bashing your cheap-shottin' Neanderthal. Well, the Browns may lead you in pedestrian pick-offs, but it's pretty well documented you led the league in Super Bowl wins and steroid use in the 70s.


So maybe we should just put a big * after the first four Steeler SB wins, just like Bond's HR record.

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What Harrison did was classic cowardly behavior. The man is a wanna be thug...Deep down inside hes a drugged up dopehead sissy. Real Men black or white dont behave this way and dont wait for a weak moment when the NFL cant defend itself for the asinine comment he made. Homotard can suck the Stooler glass dick all he wants because thats all he is just another troll in a line of steeler troll whores that litter the interweb. He's delusional...And nothing he can ever say will fix this one. Roid Monk did it all to himself

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1 million and 2 dollars says this neanderthal had a PR guy or his agent write the above "apology".



Instead of the usual dodge of claiming these statements were taken out of context, Harrison should have blamed them on "cognitive impairment":


Cognitive impairment occurs when problems with thought processes occur. It can include loss of higher reasoning, forgetfulness, learning disabilities, concentration difficulties, decreased intelligence, and other reductions in mental functions. Cognitive impairment may be present at birth or can occur at any point in a person’s lifespan.


Quite frankly, I find that a more plausible explanation.

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