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Survey Dog Days Of Summer

The Gipper

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?



3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?



4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


short term no



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


not entirely



3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


any new hire has inherent risks. Tressel value may be dropping now that we discover his program at state was not squeaky clean. His Credibility has taken a direct hit.


IMO the timing is wrong for the Browns to make a pitch.



4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?





5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


go to the pool and hang out with my sons.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


All I can say is ..."lets start the goddamn season already!


2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


Its considered the #1 sport in the world. My Immediate family has a long History with the game of Soccer. So I would say no, although Im not an avid fan.


3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


I dont think it could hurt.



4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


Hell if I know.



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


Stay in My Air conditioned room.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


No....not at all.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


No....I actually enjoy low scoring games where every point is at a premium







3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?



Not really. I don't think he was ultra creative. He was a good recruiter at a school that hasn't had a problem recruiting for maybe 60 years. My question is, what would he bring??



4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


They should be, but they won't



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


Walk my 6 miles at 6:30 am and keep the AC cranked. Forget the set back setting....it's set on 73 and push hold. That seems to hold 78 or so late in the day.....between 4-7, just sit in the den(semi underground) with a box fan on medium.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?

You dont see to many men watching soccer do you?


3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?

Only on a PR standpoint, He is better suited for college ball.


4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?

She was acquitted for the charges of murder, I didn't see any charges of negligence. The DA may of had something then.



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?

After work I go home and eat dinner with my beautiful wife and then jump in the pool with her to relax.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


Nope. Been there, seen that.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


Not that either.



3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


Tressel probably wont land with the Browns- but he will find a lot of doors open in the NFL should he decide to actually decide to come out of "retirement". Face it, he's already set for life financially.



4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


OJ will still be looking for his wife's killer once he gets out of prison. As a lawyer, you know quite well that "not guilty" doesn't mean "innocent". What mom doesn't report her child missing for weeks? If the kid drowned in the pool? Why not call 911 immediately? LOL, to turn Johnny Cohcran on his head, "if there's a stink in the trunk, the woman's a punk."



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


I just keep telling myself if I lived in Florida, it would be like this for an extra six months.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.

Well I already knew most of these guys are greedy assholes before the lockout. so no not really.


2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?

No. I would never say it was gay. But it is soft.


3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?

I'm not so sure about this one. Definitely too soon. But maybe down the road sometime.


4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?

I don't know the story behind the Sam Sheppard case (Although I could imagine its something about attacking someone who was pretty much guaranteed guilty but got off?).



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?

Work inside an air conditioned building for 8 hours a day. With the exception of lunch time when I go on a run.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


My own answers:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


No. Once this one greedy guy who wants to hold things up....Mankins I believe, gets bitch slapped down by his own comrades, this deal will get done today and tomorrow and it will be a football frenzy for a while.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


The sport per se is not gay (FYI "gay" in modern terminology goes far beyond "homosexuality". It is now a catchall term for anything that is weak or lame)

Some of its rules ARE gay... In this World Cup action, this rule that an OT game is not to be decided by a "golden goal" as they call is is gay. If someone scores in OT the game should be over then and there. Like NHL hockey. But, OK, I can see having a complete OT period, like basketball. But if someone is ahead at the end of the OT the game should be over, right? Not in World Cup Soccer. If you are ahead at the end of OT, so what, we are going to play a second OT period. That is like the NBA saying....even though a team is ahead at the buzzer of an OT period, so what...we have to play another OT period. Then, if tied at the end of that period, these penalty kicks to decide the champion is absurd. That would be like the NBA saying: at the end of 2 OTs if still tied, we will have a three point shooting contest to decide the winner. Or it would be like baseball having a home run derby contest to decide the winner of a game. A complete and utter gimmick. Gay.

Also, the one rule that could be implemented to get more scoring in the regular game would be to eliminate the offside rule. The rule they have is tantamount to disallowing a fast break in basketball. Could you imagine a basketball rule that said "a goal will be disallowed unless there are at least 2 defenders between the shooter and the basket". Or could you imagine the NFL disallowing a TD because WR or a RB got behind the defense to score, saying "a TD will be disallowed unless there are two defenders between the ball carrier and the goal line at all times"

The soccer offside rule does 2 things: it awards incompetent defense and slowness, and it turns the goalie into basically a potted plant. Gay.


3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


At some point sure. The man can coach football and that is all the NFL cares about. Not these archaic, internicene rules that the NCAA implements simply to exploits the college players. All Tressel did was not snitch on a few players that he knew had sold their own personal property. I mean, these players were given these trinkets. It was their personal property. To declare that they had to keep them forever in their possession and that they are not allowed to sell them for a little money is ridiculous. If it is that big a deal, then no school should have been allowed to reward these trinkets to their players in the first place. So, don't give us any BS about integrity. That is farcical. In case you didn't notice, in the NFL, they actually give awards to their players. It is called cash money. They don't care how much of it you get or give or is given to you by someone else. Coaching and playing is what matters. Tressel may be as good a coach as there is. He may be more suited to the college game. You do have to be worried about a lot of college coaches that try to go to the NFL (see Steve Spurrier). But that does not mean that Tressel would automtically not be capable in the NFL. For all we know, he may be far more suited to the pro game. One never knows.


4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


Maybe 1% of the idiots out there know who Sam Sheppard is...and I doubt that they would have learned the lesson. The lesson is: Sam Sheppard's murder trial was a complete zoo. Worse than this Anthony trial because then the newspapers were allowed right into the trial room with their cameras. They were sitting and standing right next to the jury. That jury was also not subject to sequestration the ways juries may be today. They could go home every night and read the Cleveland Press reports and editorials, all of which were slanted in favor of hanging Shepard. (Most of the TV reports today were in favor of hanging Anthony). There, Sheppard was found guilty, but his conviction was overturned only after he served quite a few years in jail. Now, it turns out with later evidence that Sheppard is almost surely innocent, that a guy named Richard Everhart I believe actually killed Marilyn Sheppard. Maybe, just maybe, 20 years from now we will learn that this girl too is innocent. You never know. There is also one other difference in this case: Casey Anthony is "hot". Sam Sheppard wasn't.



5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


Yea, just hanging in the A/C. In my office or in my basement, banging on this pleasure machine.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


NO. It will be going strong after this weekend.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


YES, it's worse than gay, and that's pitiful.



3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


NO. He's burnt his bridges with football, have a nice retirement writing your autobiography, Tressel.


4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


NO, different circumstances. She should have been tried for involuntary manslaughter, the evidence seems to have been there for that.


5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


I'm still working the garden in the morning and evening - (over a thousand tomato plants) and doing stuff in the house during the midday. But the secret is to drink plenty of root beer on the rocks.

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Here are this week's survey questions. Please give your opinions:


1. Will the lockout affect your viewpoint on the game of football.


NO. It will be going strong after this weekend.



2. Speaking of football, or "futbol", do you think Soccer is gay?


YES, it's worse than gay, and that's pitiful.



3. Would it be good for the Browns...or any NFL team...to hire Jim Tressel as a consultant or asst. coach or in any capacity?


NO. He's burnt his bridges with football, have a nice retirement writing your autobiography, Tressel.


4. Do you think that the lessons learned (or not learned) from the Sam Sheppard case should be a warning to the people that want to apparently lynch this Casey Anthony after she was acquitted?


NO, different circumstances. She should have been tried for involuntary manslaughter, the evidence seems to have been there for that.


5. The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, what with this somewhat sweltering heat wave we have. What do you do to beat the Dog Days?


I'm still working the garden in the morning and evening - (over a thousand tomato plants) and doing stuff in the house during the midday. But the secret is to drink plenty of root beer on the rocks.

The Best Root Beer ever:



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frostie.gif Yeah, BOY !!!!!!!! Now I can only find "Frosttop" root beer - at Rural King. If I could just find Frostie root beer, I'd be

a happy camper !

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frostie.gif Yeah, BOY !!!!!!!! Now I can only find "Frosttop" root beer - at Rural King. If I could just find Frostie root beer, I'd be

a happy camper !

I may have a source for authentic Frosty root beer. I will pm you if i am able to get my paws on some product.

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