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Dear Mr. Egg-Sucking Weasel As A President


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I just thought to write a letter to you. You know, from real Americans who don't agree with you. Now, I'm in Ohio,

and I keep reading about how you like to lie out your wazoo about everything. Why do you get so enraged when you can't get what

you want? And then lie some more?


The major poll I saw, was that 75% of us support the House's budget plan they passed. But just like you thought you'd been to

57 states in our country......(apparently not your country), you seem to "believe" that 80% of Americans back your plan, which

doesn't exist. So, how does it feel to be a marxist front man, reading your teleprompter most all the time, like you are a stoned

DJ on a radical college hippie radio station? I haven't heard a president sound like you, ever. And you SOUND like you are a

Manchurian candidate with a hundred George Soroses beaming marxist crap into your brain.


Now, I probably wouldn't be so blunt, but you've made in clear that you are at war with us Americans. You don't like our freedoms.

You don't like our Constitution or Bill of Rights. You don't like our guns or our Supreme Court, or our Congress in the House or Senate

has any Republicans in it, you don't like our home or farm ownership, you don't like our cars or our lightbulbs, you don't like capitalism and

you don't like States' rights. And if you had been in the old Soviet Union or Communist China, you surely would have ordered more mass murders than Lenin or Mao ever did, just because those people disagreed with you and you had the power.


But you are only the president of the Greatest Nation on Earth and we don't tolerate that garbage. Not here in OUR



You don't like fair elections and you don't like successful Americans. You don't like not being Mao to America, and you don't like

having to run for election again and be sternly booted out of our White House. You like Union violence, but you hate Tea Partiers who

just wave the flag and listen to speeches by conservative folks at rallies.


And, you lie like a pyschotic agent of the KGB. For instance, you said you get us out of Iraq.... but didn't. You say you want a balanced budget,

ROF,LMAO, but you have no intention of failing to spend us into a debt crisis so huge, that we will "just have to let you become Mao" for us.

Maybe you watched too many hate America film clips from Communist parties around the world while you were "in college".


I say that because you won't release your grades. And, I don't care even if you had been born in my hometown - you still really, really SUCK as

an American, and REALLY as a president. Just once, I'd really like to know why you happily ignore the New Black Panther voter intimidation, but

you blew off at your big mouth when that white policeman was doing his job... oh yeah. Because you and your admin are radical racists of sorts.


Your ilk in the "Justice Dept" wouldn't press charges against the Panthers. And you agree with them that the Justice Dept only goes after white people doing the offense, and the laws are meant to protect only blacks from discrimination. Seems to me, that that makes you at least politically complicit to racist behavior.


Mr. "president", you won't be around, surely, as president after the Jan after the 2012 election. America sees right through your falsehoods now.

You easlly are a failure at every turn. I believe there are a LOT of Americans who happen to be black, and white, all sorts of colors, who won't vote for you again.


The simple truth is, you and yours are not "American". You all want to turn everything we are, and our lives, upside-down, and inside-out, putting our

existences on the defensive at every turn - so you and yours can control everything through forced and manipulated dependency..


It will never work. This is our America, not just your little clay to remake to fit your magic kingdom of Obamao college marxist ideas.


Maybe, after you are fired, you may like to move to communist china, or maybe n korea, and they might let you make little clay pots in some factory.


So, "The Marxist in America who would be King Obamao" - stop it, and meanwhile, if you can, start being president of ALL AMERICANS, even white people and gun owners and

successful and happy REAL AMERICANS of all colors who don't buy into your marxist crap.


It will never fly here, even if you did have the UN try to take all our guns one way or another..


And have a nice day.dry.gif


Truly Offended by you and yours,



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I just thought to write a letter to you. You know, from real Americans who don't agree with you. Now, I'm in Ohio,

and I keep reading about how you like to lie out your wazoo about everything. Why do you get so enraged when you can't get what

you want? And then lie some more?


The major poll I saw, was that 75% of us support the House's budget plan they passed. But just like you thought you'd been to

57 states in our country......(apparently not your country), you seem to "believe" that 80% of Americans back your plan, which

doesn't exist. So, how does it feel to be a marxist front man, reading your teleprompter most all the time, like you are a stoned

DJ on a radical college hippie radio station? I haven't heard a president sound like you, ever. And you SOUND like you are a

Manchurian candidate with a hundred George Soroses beaming marxist crap into your brain.


Now, I probably wouldn't be so blunt, but you've made in clear that you are at war with us Americans. You don't like our freedoms.

You don't like our Constitution or Bill of Rights. You don't like our guns or our Supreme Court, or our Congress in the House or Senate

has any Republicans in it, you don't like our home or farm ownership, you don't like our cars or our lightbulbs, you don't like capitalism and

you don't like States' rights. And if you had been in the old Soviet Union or Communist China, you surely would have ordered more mass murders than Lenin or Mao ever did, just because those people disagreed with you and you had the power.


But you are only the president of the Greatest Nation on Earth and we don't tolerate that garbage. Not here in OUR



You don't like fair elections and you don't like successful Americans. You don't like not being Mao to America, and you don't like

having to run for election again and be sternly booted out of our White House. You like Union violence, but you hate Tea Partiers who

just wave the flag and listen to speeches by conservative folks at rallies.


And, you lie like a pyschotic agent of the KGB. For instance, you said you get us out of Iraq.... but didn't. You say you want a balanced budget,

ROF,LMAO, but you have no intention of failing to spend us into a debt crisis so huge, that we will "just have to let you become Mao" for us.

Maybe you watched too many hate America film clips from Communist parties around the world while you were "in college".


I say that because you won't release your grades. And, I don't care even if you had been born in my hometown - you still really, really SUCK as

an American, and REALLY as a president. Just once, I'd really like to know why you happily ignore the New Black Panther voter intimidation, but

you blew off at your big mouth when that white policeman was doing his job... oh yeah. Because you and your admin are radical racists of sorts.


Your ilk in the "Justice Dept" wouldn't press charges against the Panthers. And you agree with them that the Justice Dept only goes after white people doing the offense, and the laws are meant to protect only blacks from discrimination. Seems to me, that that makes you at least politically complicit to racist behavior.


Mr. "president", you won't be around, surely, as president after the Jan after the 2012 election. America sees right through your falsehoods now.

You easlly are a failure at every turn. I believe there are a LOT of Americans who happen to be black, and white, all sorts of colors, who won't vote for you again.


The simple truth is, you and yours are not "American". You all want to turn everything we are, and our lives, upside-down, and inside-out, putting our

existences on the defensive at every turn - so you and yours can control everything through forced and manipulated dependency..


It will never work. This is our America, not just your little clay to remake to fit your magic kingdom of Obamao college marxist ideas.


Maybe, after you are fired, you may like to move to communist china, or maybe n korea, and they might let you make little clay pots in some factory.


So, "The Marxist in America who would be King Obamao" - stop it, and meanwhile, if you can, start being president of ALL AMERICANS, even white people and gun owners and

successful and happy REAL AMERICANS of all colors who don't buy into your marxist crap.


It will never fly here, even if you did have the UN try to take all our guns one way or another..


And have a nice day.dry.gif


Truly Offended by you and yours,





LMFAO. I fear for your current or eventual children. They'll certainly be front runners for the Darwin awards.

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See? They always eventually go after children. All I did was write a funny silly "letter".


Perhaps, homochigger, you should learn that "chocked" is not "choked".

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Thank God for the beach where you can go and relax. I'm sure Obama and his band of lefty progressives will even screw that up some day.


Who knows maybe they will start claiming that the dolphins and the rest of the sealife have been extorted for our own personal gain and want reperations.

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I figure the next things to come down the pike from ObaMao's marxist minions who want everythng turned upside down and inside out...




Dolphin-man marriage, taxes on air, taxes on dust, taxes on pets, global warming "taxes", taxes on taxes, to support the leftist


great unwashed entitlement radical throngs.


And violence. From gay marriage supporters, from the SEIU, and other phoney unions are really radical political fronts,


and UN interference in our affairs.


ObaMao is Mao and Chavez and Putin and jane traitor fonda and a whining/pouting/lashing out little child all rolled into one.


That is say, a child that was raised by pervert communist radicals. Not good.


Liberals never have to say they're sorry when they totally screw up and are REALLY WRONG. They just leave and go to some other place and pretend it never happened.

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