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Hey everyone, so seeing as I'm 23, just got into grad school, and still am without a car, it appears that I'm about to get my feet wet for the first time in my life. I've been pretty much paying my way through everything since I started college, but now I'm going to be off my parents' insurance, and I'm going to need a car, plus insurance... I'm a bit worried since I'll be pulling in a measly 760 per paycheck before taxes. So if you could help me with any or all of the following topics, it'd really be appreciated.


Food Stamps


I'm pretty sure I'm going to be eligible for these with all the bills that I'll have to be paying, if so, that would be a godsend.

I assume you are single (as in non-married) and have no kids. If this is the case, don't be so sure you'll get it. How often do you get paid? Weekly, bi-weekly or bi-monthly?




Okay, so the school says that they've got my life insurance covered. I imagine that means I don't have to worry about payments. I suppose it'd be best to ask another grad student.


If I'm still claimed by my parents, I might be able to fall under their home insurance, but I'm not sure I want to do this. If I go my own way, I'd probably end up doing renter's insurance. The neighborhood I'm moving into had 3 armed robberies in the last month, so I'm thinking it'd be a really, really great idea to be insured for the worst case scenario.


For car insurance... I have no xxxxing clue what a good deal is. Do you have any recommendations on who to go to for auto insurance? I know that it sucks for me because I'm a <25 year old male, but I've been told that your premiums go up if you have a 2-door because it's considered a sports car. Which brings me to my next question...

Don't assume about the life insurance. You need to find out how you're covered and through who. You also need to ensure that you have someone listed as the beneficiary. Especially if your parents are divorced.


If you live with your parents, you will fall under their home insurance. If you are living on your own, you will not. In that case, you will need renters insurance. As for car insurance, expect to pay. You are under 25 and unless you've taken a safe-driving course, you won't get any breaks. I use Safe Auto...it's relatively cheap. That being said, if you are still in college, your parents may be able to cover you cheaper than you can get on your own. (You'd have to pay them the difference.) Car Insurance rates are dependent on a lot of variables. Marital status, dependents, where you live, your age, your sex and (of course) your driving record. Don't be afraid to shop around.




Okay, so I don't have a car. I've been looking on craigslist here and there over the past two years, but all I can find for <$3000 are pieces of shit (no surprise). My mom suggested I lease a car. Are the only differences between leasing and buying (1) you don't have as big of a down payment and (2) you just don't own it? Also, I hear European cars have been shit, lately, I imagine I'll go with a Japanese or American car.


Kind of exciting, kind of scary. Thanks in advance.

Cars are not cheap. However, you can go and get some older cars that tend to last. 10 years ago, I bought a 1990 Honda Accord that had 150K miles on it...ran it for another 5 years (and another 150K miles) before trading it in. My 2000 Cavalier that I bought new lasted for well over 170K miles...before it was totaled in an accident.


Honda Accord

Toyota Corola

Chevy Cavalier


Had a lot of great experiences with those types of vehicles.

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Even if a euro car doesn't give you trouble, the maintenance alone will cost you an arm and a leg. Even if you do the labor yourself.


hmmmm a decent car under 3 grand.... maybe you can find some old guy selling a decent car for a good price... stay away from anything that has aftermarket ground effects or an aftermarket wing (some kid probably ragged it out)


late nineties/ early 2000's Buicks are VERY reliable and insurance rates should be good since its mainly old farts driving them around.

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Food stamps? Seriously? I'm sorry but as a grad student you have zero business using food stamps. As far as the insurance is concerned it's not going to be cheap but most schools will provide you with some health insurance, for a fee of course. You could also try to be a graduate assistant which means the school will give you a small stipend BUT pay for your room and board. As far as the car is concerned I'd just pick up a used Honda because of cost of repair (low) and reliability. I'd seriously punch someone in the face if they were on food stamps and leasing a car so don't be that guy and go that route. Once again no BUSINESS using food stamps. Absolutely zero. I'm honestly shocked.

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Do like most people do. Get a job and save your money.


That is what my nephew and 3 of his classmates are doing this year. They will enter grad school next year after they have saved up enough money to live off of.


But if you feel entitled then go by the way of begging for taxpayers assistance.

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Jeez, didn't realize it was that big of a deal. I know a bunch of other grad students are doing it.


Food stamps? Then they shouldn't be in grad school. Are they not working? My sister worked all through grad school. I did the same and honestly have never heard of anyone getting food stamps. They aren't meant for people in college and the people you know using them should honestly be ashamed of themselves. If you're worried about money for food become a graduate assistant or get a part time job. Anyone that claims they can't work at the same time is full of sh.it or lazy. It should also be known that I'm as liberal as they come, have no qualms with social programs of any kind. However I do have a problem with abusing the system and getting food stamps while you pay a school upwards of 30k a year is asinine.

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Food stamps? Then they shouldn't be in grad school. Are they not working? My sister worked all through grad school. I did the same and honestly have never heard of anyone getting food stamps. They aren't meant for people in college and the people you know using them should honestly be ashamed of themselves. If you're worried about money for food become a graduate assistant or get a part time job. Anyone that claims they can't work at the same time is full of sh.it or lazy. It should also be known that I'm as liberal as they come, have no qualms with social programs of any kind. However I do have a problem with abusing the system and getting food stamps while you pay a school upwards of 30k a year is asinine.


Note to Vapor- courtesy of St. Ronald Reagan. A "hand up" not a "hand out". Think about it- you're asking ME Joe Taxpayer, to subsidize your food. Go get a grad assistanship as was suggested.


And that's what POs us damn conservatives- the deadbeats (or smarter than thous) that abuse the system. [[aside- I've seen a ton of abuse in the medical system, and you ain't seen nothing yet come Obamacare]] College Students? How about the guy ahead of me in line at the local food mart that bought some steaks & ice cream with food stamps and then proceeded to drive off in a new Trans Am?

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Liberals, generally speaking, game the system. And if they can't game it, they try to warp it so they can.


Like "gay marriage" for the conveniences, in the face of any morality or principle or legality.


Food stamps? "A bunch of other grad students are doing it" ???


And we wonder why our entitlement spending is so high? LOL?


When I was in the service many decades @@ ago, there were a few guys who


got food stamps. They got them by saying they were homeless, and relying on soup kitchens.


But they were in the Air Force, getting paid, and living with a few friends. And they would


trade their food stamps for booze at the local state store, quite illegally.


I was just out of electronics tech school, and he and his buddy kept telling me I should go in with them.


It's what they do: They game the system to their advantage - and it's all part of Obamao's marxist "spread the wealth" race baiting and class warfare crap.


It's gotten THAT BAD over all these years. Insurance? I'm sure that your advisor in college can advise you, Vaporized, or do you want extra medical insurance free, too?


How about a free car ?


Anyways - enough about the food stamp thing. The suggestion about a Honda Accord is an excellent one. Our friends drive one still, with well over a hundred thousand miles


on it, and they go on out of state vacations with it all the time, it's so reliable. A lot of foreign cars cost $$$$$$$$$ to get fixed.


If you travel back home a lot, a good distance, or plan to drive a lot - maybe a lease would be good, if it was very cheap. In a big snow environment -


you should consider a Ford Escape with four wheel drive. It's a great little car, plenty of room for your stuff - good gas mileage. But the Honda Accord is


very highly rated for dependability with a lot of miles on it.

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Liberals, generally speaking, game the system. And if they can't game it, they try to warp it so they can.


Kind of like Governor K-Sick?

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Beater. You won't be locked into payments every month no matter what, and it's far less likely to get stolen.


Offhand, do not buy a VW, Pontiac, or some dipsy foreign jobbie.


I'd go older Chevy sedan, or Ford ... but it depends. You surely won't find a deal on any car lot...


check the papers etc, and try to buy one from an older owner who didn't trash it mechanically.


Good luck, there's a lot of unreliable junk out there. I don't know diddley about Buicks.


And, if you qualify for food stamps honestly, that's a good thing if you can get them. It's what they are for.

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It's a system I respect and don't want to abuse. I wouldn't even consider the idea if I didn't think I needed it. I remember seeing the rapper, ol dirty bastard, pull up to the welfare building in a stretch limo to get his welfare check. He's a piece of shit. I know a girl who's on food stamps. She buys cases of water, returns them, then buys alcohol. She is a piece of shit.


I'm not going to pull that shit.

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That's not how grad school works. Grad school, (in the sciences, anyways), they pay YOU to do research and your class fees get waived, so I'm not paying any school at this time 30k/year. Anyways, my wage is pretty terrible. I'm going to make just over 14k for the whole year. Here's how I can argue my case.


According to this factsheet






According to the National Poverty Center, in 2009, the poverty thresholds were, for a single individual under 65 years old, $11,161.


Source: http://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty/


Following a link on their site to the census' calculation of the poverty threshold in 2010, inflation has raised the number to $11,344


Source: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/data/threshld/index.html


My income is 14,500. 130% of 11,344 is 14,747. Therefore, I qualify according to the guidelines in Ohio. Seeing that I've been living paycheck to paycheck already without car and insurance payments, the 200-300/month I can get toward food would be alleviate a bunch of financial stress. I'm going to need the car because I won't be living on campus anymore (and my contract does not include room and board, as tron said it does) so I really don't consider this to be abusing the system.


I went to grad school, as did my sister and that's how ours worked. Room and board was paid if you choose to be a grad assistant. However your situation is just as good if not better. If your class load is paid for then all you have to worry about is room and board. I still think using food stamps is completely bogus whether you're below the poverty line or not. No one is forcing you to go to grad school is my point. Room and board likely translates to just about the same as a full grad school schedule so in my opinion it's a wash. As I said previously you may be making out better. Soooo 14k to cover room/board and you can grab a beater for under 500 I'm sure. If not get a bike and stick close to campus. Your research also shouldn't take up so much of your time that you couldn't grab a job for a couple days a week. I'd be ashamed to use food stamps if I didn't truly need them. It is abusing the system. People that use them daily AREN'T going to grad school for 30k a year.

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When I was in the service many decades @@ ago, there were a few guys who got food stamps. They got them by saying they were homeless, and relying on soup kitchens. But they were in the Air Force, getting paid, and living with a few friends. And they would trade their food stamps for booze at the local state store, quite illegally.


I'm not homeless, and if I want these food stamps, then I have to interview with a case worker whom I have no intention of lying to. If I qualify, I qualify, if not, then too bad for me.


It's gotten THAT BAD over all these years. Insurance? I'm sure that your advisor in college can advise you, Vaporized, or do you want extra medical insurance free, too?


My mom's insurance is quite literally the only benefit I get from my parents, and I think they only do it because they get benefits too, but I'm not sure how much longer they will be able to claim me. So even if I'm covered now, insurance is something I'm going to need to look into. The program offered by the grad school isn't free, but it's cheap. I'm just looking for the cheapest way to do this.


How about a free car ?


Oh please. I haven't had a car since my senior year of high school.


Anyways - enough about the food stamp thing. The suggestion about a Honda Accord is an excellent one. Our friends drive one still, with well over a hundred thousand miles on it, and they go on out of state vacations with it all the time, it's so reliable. A lot of foreign cars cost $$$$$$$$$ to get fixed. If you travel back home a lot, a good distance, or plan to drive a lot - maybe a lease would be good, if it was very cheap. In a big snow environment - you should consider a Ford Escape with four wheel drive. It's a great little car, plenty of room for your stuff - good gas mileage. But the Honda Accord is very highly rated for dependability with a lot of miles on it.


Thanks, I honestly appreciate the info. I know very, very little about leasing vehicles. I know that many of them go by mileage, so if I do lease, I shouldn't be traveling very much (and I won't I'll just be going from downtown to the campus, mostly). But would anyone recommend either leasing a decent car or just buying a POS beater?



You're covered until 26 via your parents insurance. Thank President Obama.

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I went to grad school, as did my sister and that's how ours worked. Room and board was paid if you choose to be a grad assistant. However your situation is just as good if not better. If your class load is paid for then all you have to worry about is room and board.


Wait, did you have to pay for your classes, then?


I still think using food stamps is completely bogus whether you're below the poverty line or not.


I respectfully disagree.


No one is forcing you to go to grad school is my point.


And? My job search turned up nothing. Applied to about 15 jobs. If I weren't doing this, I'd be unemployed or doing landscaping (eff ever doing landscaping again, one summer was enough).


Room and board likely translates to just about the same as a full grad school schedule so in my opinion it's a wash. As I said previously you may be making out better.


Room and board last year was just under 6000 per semester, so yeah, it's about even.


Soooo 14k to cover room/board and you can grab a beater for under 500 I'm sure. If not get a bike and stick close to campus.


I'm just worried that if I buy a POS for 500, that to keep it running will cost an arm and a leg. My brother just did that, actually, and his xxxxing wheel fell off while he's driving.


Your research also shouldn't take up so much of your time that you couldn't grab a job for a couple days a week.


You clearly didn't graduate in the sciences. I'm currently on 3 separate projects with experiments that need data in 12 hour intervals, so I'm not in lab from 9-5. I'm interviewing for a part time job with Kaplan as an MCAT instructor, but if my research or classes need my time, I'll be kissing that job good bye (if I get it).


I'd be ashamed to use food stamps if I didn't truly need them. It is abusing the system. People that use them daily AREN'T going to grad school for 30k a year.


That's for the case worker to decide.


Scholarship money and financial aid and you can 100% live off your stipend without dipping in to additional government assistance. I personally think it's totally bogus and would never do it. I personally would be ashamed because grad students aren't supposed to be on the "program". They pay you just enough to get by so you should be able to make your stipend work and if you'll be at the school that often your car won't be driven that often anyway. Look for a used Honda Civic/accord and stash money away when you get it for future vehicle repairs if necessary. It should also be noted that employers like to see kids get away from the student life and work a little bit even if it's no in their desired field. They don't like to see people graduate with a B.S and jump right in to grad school. 15 jobs also isn't a lot, especially in this economy. No guarantee that when you finish your masters you're going to find a job. My sister has her's in Special Education/community mental health and just found a job and she graduated last December. The position also isn't permanent so times are tough. You may end up paying 30k plus a year for 2 years or longer only to find yourself in the same position. You also need to know that when you fill out job applications etc and send in resumes they are going to see that you took food stamps. They'll then have the same questions. "Why were you going to grad school and living off food stamps?"


Do what you gotta do. It's abusing the system in my opinion.

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Good luck, there's a lot of unreliable junk out there. I don't know diddley about Buicks.




Here ya go. 2001 Buick Century, very reliable according to JD Power.


It's only been a couple years ago that Buick topped Lexus to be the most reliable make in JD Powers' long term (3 year) vehicle reliability study. Take from it what you will. These studies are not a guarantee of anything. But they are a good starting point.



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Just what we need, another fooking leach off me.



Yet when he graduates he will be in a tax bracket that actually has to pay more than a few thousand dollars in taxes. You're measly tax amount doesn't go to pay much. He'll be paying for the services you use daily.

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Thank you, PE. I thought that was what these programs were for. Help people out while they're struggling so that they can focus on getting a job/education/experience, then when they get what they need, they get off the program and start giving back. And, fwiw, my audition with Kaplan for teaching the MCAT went well, and I've got a second interview later this week. I don't really have a problem with confidence during interviews, so as far as I'm concerned the spot is mine to lose, and this extra 100-200 a week will be more than enough to take care of food (plus it'll make me ineligible).


self centered, atheistic mooch. @@ No, you can't have a rickshaw with two chinese runners at your disposal, either. No nanny, but maybe


we could chip in for a 24-7 tutor for you.

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Yet when he graduates he will be in a tax bracket that actually has to pay more than a few thousand dollars in taxes. You're measly tax amount doesn't go to pay much. He'll be paying for the services you use daily.


WOW, you know how successful he will be when he graduates AND you know how much income tax I pay every year. (And apparently how much income). You sure are smart.

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I thought he would have to have a twenty four seven tutor, and when IF he ever graduates,


he would join the Peace Corps and live in some jungle hut in some Chinese communist farm area, and get malaria,


and typhoid fever and bit by some poisonous snake, and then he'd be flown all the way back here for


medical treatment, yelling about how our medical system is the worst in the world, @@, but he will have amnesia, go on welfare and food stamps, and he'll pile sand up around


his little kiddie pool in his section eight housing back yard, and sip pina coladas on our dime for the rest of his life, and Michael Moo-er would be his roommate. And the rest of us will foot the bill.

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Moo-er would probably not be his nanny - he'd be his chauffeur, you know. In a rickshaw. Shep could make that into a movie.


Heck could have a big role as Nurse Betty. MosquitoZits could play the role of the rickshaw mechanic,


The audeince would be spell bound waiting in suspense... to see how they ever get anywhere when they always turn left... @@

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Wooooo! Not that you xxxxers care, but I got the job with Kaplan. 18/hr... holy shit. Definitely NOT going to be using food stamps, plus this will look much better on my resume'. I love kicking life's ass.


Congratulations. I wish you the best, no matter what you may think of me.

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No, DieHard, he doesn't hate you.


He's too busy hating me. "sniff" All liberals are hateful, and mean, terrible, wicked, bad and nasty.

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I hate all liberals, conservatives, centrists, libertarians, tea-partiers, neocons, communists, anarchists, statists, absolutists, fascists, marxists, imperialists, socialists, theocrists, populists, oligarchists, monarchists, plutocrists, aristrocrats, bureaucrats, egalitists, atheists, fundamentalists, deists, unitarians, satanists, scientologists, muslims, hindus, bhuddists, and catholics. F em all!

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