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Browns Vs Lions

Harry Buffalo

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You do realize that the owner doesn't pocket whatever money not spent on the cap, right?



Uhmm you do realize what the lock out was about?? The salary cap itself is in direct relation to the actual revenue sharing. Why do you think teams like the Bucs, the Bengals, the Chiefs are notoriuos low spenders. Because yes these owners do pocket the money not spent..


I may be lost but seems like this implies it does? Maybe you can break down to new cap for me and the rest of the world?

Why do the teams below not spend? who gets the money? hahahahahahaha


On the team level, however, there are no requirements this year and next. That allows teams—pick your favorite target franchise not spending in this recent frenzy (Bengals, Buccaneers, Bills, Chiefs, etc.)—to “free-ride” off of the higher spending teams while the league as a whole meets the spending requirement.



Even in the now-expired CBA—the one that the Bills and Bengals voted against—there were Cap minimum spending requirements, although no cash minimums. It is hard to know why at least Cap minimums were not included in the new CBA for this year and next. I know that tougher team minimums are coming in 2013, but that is for then to discuss, not now.



Time will tell if player spending on the team level is what the NFLPA hoped it would be for the next two years, but nothing is in place to mandate that. Cash over Cap lives, but not necessarily everywhere in the NFL….



Follow me on Twitter at adbrandt.

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man, if only every player in the NFL with physical talent made it on a roster, it'd be perfect for em. Everyone in the NFL has physical talent, that doesn't mean shit to me. I don't ever consider myself at the knowledge of an NFL scout, but i have significant knowledge of the game and how it's played. I played all throughout my high school and a year at the D2 level of college (Wingate University). My family has been in the football/baseball coaching for years now, and we take great pride in actually understanding the game well. You know what, if you want I'd be happy when I get some spare time to break down footage of Mr. Brown and explain in detail i'm sure you've never heard of why he is simply garbage. Hell, he wasn't even that good at WVU outside of scrambling and having a cannon. How'd that work out for Jamarcus? You can't be, as you ignorantly would call it just "a physical talent" and expect to be on a roster in the NFL.


If you're battling to be on the team as a 3rd string at any position, you have to go out there and prove you have at least some traits that make you good at the position. Just as you again ignorantly assumed I would bash Armond Smith, he's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Yes, he fumbled twice. But he also had an awesome 81 yard run where he had great vision and saw the hole perfectly. THAT's the type of flash that keeps a UDFA or bubble player around after the cuts. Through 2 extensive opportunities in games this year & in camp, he has quite literally done nothing right. His footwork, mechanics, poise, accuracy, & awareness have not just been off, they've been TERRIBLE. Whether you want to believe it or not, the NFL for these guys is a show me now league. If the guys in the FO and on the field, think he's worth the project, then I will defer to their opinion always. But he has shown no business of being on an NFL yet, and has zero promising signs of being a QB. We still should bring in a guy to challenge him, put a fire under his ass and maybe that'll bring something out of him that i haven't seen.



Actually, from the few drives I've seen, Brown shows good potential. Flashes, mind you, but potential nonetheless.


The fact that he barely played at WVU and still can make an NFL team run by a "QB guru" speaks volumes of his physical talent alone.


Another upside to his lack of playing time at the college level (especially at WVU) is that he lacks the "run first" mindset that seems to be ingrained most QB's in the spread option type offense. He's skittish and seems to escape the relative safety of the pocket at the first sign of pressure, but he doesn't take off when being pressured and more often than not his eyes stay downfield, which is what QB coaches covet in a mobile QB. This is a great asset. In college, mobile QB's could simply outrun the defenders and pick up hearty chunks to move the chains. They face problems in the NFL, where the linemen are as fast as corners and the corners are as fast as cheetahs. Brown doesn't have this mentality (at least he hasn't shown indications thus far).


He has a cannon for an arm and he often puts too much mustard on his passes (a la D.A.), but with time and the right coaching that's an easy fix.


His footwork and mechanics are godawful, I agree. But, once again, that comes from lack of experience. The one good thing about Brown's footwork, however, is that he's not flat-footed on his drop backs. He stays on the balls of his feet, and they're constantly moving when he's in the pocket. His throwing mechanics are exactly like those of a big-armed QB with little quality coaching. He throws off his back foot too often and seems to try to overcompensate by heaving the ball, hence the off-target and bulleted short passes. With sharpened mechanics, his passes will be more consistent, therefore enabling him to better time his throws.


His vision thus far leaves something to be desired. He tends to focus on one read, and doesn't show much read progression. It's like he's choosing who he'll throw to before the snap, which is a common problem among young and inexperienced QB's. Once again, lack of experience coming into play.


His poise is what you would expect of a 23 year old 3rd string QB with little college experience. I think that if and when he calms down in the pocket, you'll see a lot more passes on target.



Keep in mind, he's a big armed QB being asked to throw in the WCO. That's like trying to snipe with a shotgun, it just won't work. It's not a good fit, and I don't believe he'll ever crack the Browns lineup. But to say that he doesn't have potential is just flat out wrong, he could be a very valuable asset for a team like Minnesota, Arizona or San Diego.


Maybe Carolina could use him, Chud is the O-coordinator there and Lord knows that QB race is wide-open.

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nice post Tim, but we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I haven't seen any of those flashes that you speak of, but I will admit by the 4th quarter I'm not watching religiously on every play. Although those things you have mentioned are potentially fixable, I don't think it's something that can turn around by the time it's the NFL. Those problems such as footwork and mechanics are stuff that just need to be there at this stage in the game, with only minor critiques along the way. To me, his problems with those things are major, major issues. He got away with it in college because the scramble and read plays are a huge factor in the college game. That doesn't work in the NFL. The only reason I'm strongly voicing my opinion on the matter is that as we've seen we've needed a guy the past few years in the 3rd string role to come in and start.

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Uhmm you do realize what the lock out was about?? The salary cap itself is in direct relation to the actual revenue sharing. Why do you think teams like the Bucs, the Bengals, the Chiefs are notoriuos low spenders. Because yes these owners do pocket the money not spent..


I may be lost but seems like this implies it does? Maybe you can break down to new cap for me and the rest of the world?

Why do the teams below not spend? who gets the money? hahahahahahaha


On the team level, however, there are no requirements this year and next. That allows teams—pick your favorite target franchise not spending in this recent frenzy (Bengals, Buccaneers, Bills, Chiefs, etc.)—to “free-ride” off of the higher spending teams while the league as a whole meets the spending requirement.



Even in the now-expired CBA—the one that the Bills and Bengals voted against—there were Cap minimum spending requirements, although no cash minimums. It is hard to know why at least Cap minimums were not included in the new CBA for this year and next. I know that tougher team minimums are coming in 2013, but that is for then to discuss, not now.



Time will tell if player spending on the team level is what the NFLPA hoped it would be for the next two years, but nothing is in place to mandate that. Cash over Cap lives, but not necessarily everywhere in the NFL….



Follow me on Twitter at adbrandt.



The money goes to the organization, not the owner. It's not deposited into Lerner's personal bank account, it's money left over for the Browns franchise for organizational costs. The extra money saved through the salary cap doesn't go to Aston Villa or to Lerner's vacation. It goes toward installing heated seats so you don't freeze your ass off while watching Greg Little prove you wrong about our receiving corps.


Lerner cannot take the overage money and simply whisk himself away on a cruise. Granted, I realize that through a butterfly effect his pocket feels some of the effect. But he's not the mustache-twirling villain you're making him out to be.

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The money goes to the organization, not the owner. It's not deposited into Lerner's personal bank account, it's money left over for the Browns franchise for organizational costs. The extra money saved through the salary cap doesn't go to Aston Villa or to Lerner's vacation. It goes toward installing heated seats so you don't freeze your ass off while watching Greg Little prove you wrong about our receiving corps.


Lerner cannot take the overage money and simply whisk himself away on a cruise. Granted, I realize that through a butterfly effect his pocket feels some of the effect. But he's not the mustache-twirling villain you're making him out to be.




Uhmm you do realize i was joking about the soccer team.. Ok you show me where it tells you that any extra money he earns from not spending money goes towards your heated seats?


I like your attempt to spin something after you and coco were wrong..



Maybe math's just not your game Tim. I know! Let's have a spelling contest!

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