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Owen Marecic


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Figured I'd start a new topic to keep things fresh. I wanted to see what everyone's opinion of him is thus far.


Personally, I miss Vickers and think he was a beast and a big reason for Hillis' success. I don't think this new regime gave Vickers a chance. He just blew people up.


Marecic has looked lost and I've seen passes hit him in the hands and he drops it. Granted, he is a rookie and has learning to do. But i think it was a mistake to let Vickers go.

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Figured I'd start a new topic to keep things fresh. I wanted to see what everyone's opinion of him is thus far.


Personally, I miss Vickers and think he was a beast and a big reason for Hillis' success. I don't think this new regime gave Vickers a chance. He just blew people up.


Marecic has looked lost and I've seen passes hit him in the hands and he drops it. Granted, he is a rookie and has learning to do. But i think it was a mistake to let Vickers go.



I have been less than happy with Marecic thus far. Too many dropped passes.



Plus, he just flat out sucks in Madden.

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Twice this guy gets a chance to get the ball in at 4th and 2 and he gets stuffed. He's a puss...


I've also seen him hesitant as a lead blocker which has really impeded hills and the guys today... Considering our money situation, why not sign vickers to another 2 yr contract like he did in Houston (it was either one or two yrs)

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He's a rookie ... it's preseason ... I'm glad they are giving him as much action as possible because dress rehearsal is over next week and Vickers has big shoes to fill ... I loved Vickers but this guy was highly regarded by many so he gets my benny of doubt.



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He's a rookie ... it's preseason ... I'm glad they are giving him as much action as possible because dress rehearsal is over next week and Vickers has big shoes to fill ... I loved Vickers but this guy was highly regarded by many so he gets my benny of doubt.





Benny of doubt? A few dropped passes and a couple of yards in 4 preseason games and he gets the benny of doubt? i'm ashamed. This guy was a major mistake.

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Benny of doubt? A few dropped passes and a couple of yards in 4 preseason games and he gets the benny of doubt? i'm ashamed. This guy was a major mistake.


I have to agree. He doesn't get the benny of doubt until he's shown SOMETHING. He's shown nothing this thus far. He is a rookie and has big shoes to fill but he needs to show something. He's been a big hindrance of the offense thus far.


These types of responses only fuel the people like Ghoolie who see us fans having blind support of guys who have shown they can't play. It is preseason, but preseason is the time for these guys who can't make 1st team to shine. He's been a huge turd thus far.

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rookies come in and they're not used to the speed of this pro-level game. i'm not gonna say he sucks until he costs us a couple (2-3) games in the regular season because of his mistakes and not being able to block like vickers.


i agree that we should have kept him and to me one of many things HOLMGREN has made a mistake about. that's just me. my opinion. i'm more than willing to eat shit if the walrus' plan turns out to be a thing of genius.


i really think heckert knows his shit and is not stuck in some pre-formed mold and is willing to adapt with things that are thrown his way.


on the other hand i think holmgren (being the big fat blow hard bully he looks like and is.....legend in his own mind) is stuck in GB with brett and it's his way or the highway.


we'll see. til then it is just the preseason. but they looked so good in the first 2 in the last 2........flush the toilet.


we'll see if it's all smoke and mirrors or if they're for real. BUT i do like the heckert picks.

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You homos watch a couple of preseason games and now you are smarter than Heckert?




You act like this guy (Heckert) can't make a mistake. Sh|t, he's human. Yeah, his job is to pick guys in a crap shoot. Looks like thus far, this guy is crap. Not saying he's not going to pan out, but right now he's crap.


I give people the benefit of the doubt when they have shown they deserve it. I trust no one until they show they can be trusted.

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I gotta agree im dissapponited in him with this preseason as well im glad someone brought it up, i mean we let Vickers go because Marecic was suppossed to be a stud at catching out of the backfield i havent seen that thus far..Ill give him some time though before i compeltely right him off..


I was a bit surprized by the pick in the draft as well,Cam Jordan threw me off as well as i see big things for Moore in the Future.

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I gotta agree im dissapponited in him with this preseason as well im glad someone brought it up, i mean we let Vickers go because Marecic was suppossed to be a stud at catching out of the backfield i havent seen that thus far..Ill give him some time though before i compeltely right him off..


I was a bit surprized by the pick in the draft as well,Cam Jordan threw me off as well as i see big things for Moore in the Future.


I was also completely surprised by the Jordan pick. We already have two great pass catching TEs. I believe we have more positional concerns than a pass catching TE right now.

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I was also completely surprised by the Jordan pick. We already have two great pass catching TEs. I believe we have more positional concerns than a pass catching TE right now.


You have the remember though that Watson is 2-4 odd years away from retiring and Moore is a serious injury threat. Jordan is obviously a project with a high possible ceiling that isn't meant to do anything until Watson leaves or Moore gets hurt (which lets be honest is almost guaranteed to happen.


As for Marecic I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt for a few reasons. First off most notably from what I can think of in the first 3 games (didn't watch much of last night) he has had one or two legit drops that were on the money and he just couldn't get, which in my opinion isn't that worry some because he is a rookie playing in his first few games. His first drop against Greenbay wasn't even his fault, if you watch he is running forward and the ball is thrown behind him, chalk up the fact that he didn't jump on the dropped lateral because it was his first game. Next I don't expect him to be some bruising power rusher either, he averaged 2 yards a carry in college and anyone who expected him to bash like Hillis is a moron. Honestly I feel like anything about his catching and running is a moot point when you consider that Vickers couldn't do shit in those regards either.


Now his blocking. I honestly feel that if he isn't blocking much worse than what Vickers was. Watching any of Vickers blocks last year and most of them where Hillis punches it for more yards, Vickers just sits with the guy he blocks, he doesn't drive him or pancake him, he just takes the body. Now I'm not trying to say that Marecic is on Vickers level as a blocker right now because he is a rookie, but I do think he is on level with what Vickers was doing as a blocker his rookie season.


Finally you can't deny the guys intelligence and work ethic. When you have the amount of people across the NCAA and NFL talking about how much this guy works you can't deny it. Plus the guy finished college with a 3.8 in something like a biological industries degree or some crazy crap. I have to doubt that Marecic is going to work hard to learn his blocks and his routes and work even harder on catching the ball. Ya I still wish Vickers was here, but I think we still have a good future FB who is going to get more comfortable in the regular season and show us all why we drafted him.


Seriously guys, its the preseason and only Greg Jennings can put his team on his back do.

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You act like this guy (Heckert) can't make a mistake. Sh|t, he's human. Yeah, his job is to pick guys in a crap shoot. Looks like thus far, this guy is crap. Not saying he's not going to pan out, but right now he's crap.


I give people the benefit of the doubt when they have shown they deserve it. I trust no one until they show they can be trusted.


Right- I've seen little out of the guy to make it seem justified to let Vickers go- he wasn't making THAT much money. OTOH, most of the other 2011 draft picks have looked pretty good. If Heckert hit on 100% of his picks we'd be in the Super Bowl in no time- so ONE stinker pick per year is certainly above average- sheeze, we were getting one DECENT pick per draft a few years back.

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You have the remember though that Watson is 2-4 odd years away from retiring and Moore is a serious injury threat. Jordan is obviously a project with a high possible ceiling that isn't meant to do anything until Watson leaves or Moore gets hurt (which lets be honest is almost guaranteed to happen.


As for Marecic I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt for a few reasons. First off most notably from what I can think of in the first 3 games (didn't watch much of last night) he has had one or two legit drops that were on the money and he just couldn't get, which in my opinion isn't that worry some because he is a rookie playing in his first few games. His first drop against Greenbay wasn't even his fault, if you watch he is running forward and the ball is thrown behind him, chalk up the fact that he didn't jump on the dropped lateral because it was his first game. Next I don't expect him to be some bruising power rusher either, he averaged 2 yards a carry in college and anyone who expected him to bash like Hillis is a moron. Honestly I feel like anything about his catching and running is a moot point when you consider that Vickers couldn't do shit in those regards either.


Now his blocking. I honestly feel that if he isn't blocking much worse than what Vickers was. Watching any of Vickers blocks last year and most of them where Hillis punches it for more yards, Vickers just sits with the guy he blocks, he doesn't drive him or pancake him, he just takes the body. Now I'm not trying to say that Marecic is on Vickers level as a blocker right now because he is a rookie, but I do think he is on level with what Vickers was doing as a blocker his rookie season.


Finally you can't deny the guys intelligence and work ethic. When you have the amount of people across the NCAA and NFL talking about how much this guy works you can't deny it. Plus the guy finished college with a 3.8 in something like a biological industries degree or some crazy crap. I have to doubt that Marecic is going to work hard to learn his blocks and his routes and work even harder on catching the ball. Ya I still wish Vickers was here, but I think we still have a good future FB who is going to get more comfortable in the regular season and show us all why we drafted him.


Seriously guys, its the preseason and only Greg Jennings can put his team on his back do.


Well said my man. I was going to post something but basically you covered a lot of what i wanted to bring home. It's waaaay early , after a pro-longed lockout and this is this kids first batch of NFL games. Folks need to take it the hell easy, he should be ok. If he isn't....Alex Smith can make the roster and blow the people the hell up.

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Yes, he's intelligent, and he graduated from Stanford with a degree in biology (the easiest of the hard sciences) so maybe I'd want him tutoring me for a lab technique or whatever. I don't give a shit about that, though. This guy is our fullback, and the only thing I care about is him making solid blocks and having sure hands.

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Right- I've seen little out of the guy to make it seem justified to let Vickers go- he wasn't making THAT much money. OTOH, most of the other 2011 draft picks have looked pretty good. If Heckert hit on 100% of his picks we'd be in the Super Bowl in no time- so ONE stinker pick per year is certainly above average- sheeze, we were getting one DECENT pick per draft a few years back.


I do like heckerts picks and I agree we should have kept vickers another year while this kid learned. We have enough voids to fill without trading a proven guy for a crap shoot.

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You act like this guy (Heckert) can't make a mistake. Sh|t, he's human. Yeah, his job is to pick guys in a crap shoot. Looks like thus far, this guy is crap. Not saying he's not going to pan out, but right now he's crap.


I give people the benefit of the doubt when they have shown they deserve it. I trust no one until they show they can be trusted.


He's certainly got good size, he excelled in his career at Stanford and scouts seem to love his intangibles and hard work.


So a fifth round fullback drops a couple of preseason passes and everyone thinks he's a failure?


C'mon ... you guys are smarter than that. Be patient. At least let him play a down in the league.



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He's certainly got good size, he excelled in his career at Stanford and scouts seem to love his intangibles and hard work.


So a fifth round fullback drops a couple of preseason passes and everyone thinks he's a failure?


C'mon ... you guys are smarter than that. Be patient. At least let him play a down in the league.




Of course we'll be patient- we have no choice in the matter.



If you want to believe the ONLY reason the Browns bought Marecic in is because they thought he'd be an upgrade over Vickers (doubtful IMHO, if you can franchise Phil Dawson, why in the hell can't you pay LV market rate?) well then he'd had better start playing like Vickers- from day one.


Learning FB isn't running precise routes. It's like you're leading Peyton through the A gap. Kill the first guy you see.

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Marecic being a rookie he well, looks like a raw lost rookie..

His pass and run blocking along with his catching and running thusfar leaves much to be desired but i have seen some progress, owen will need at least an extra year in the weight room and a lot of grooming before he will pop his head out and say hello as an effective lead blocker..


I think he has the potential but out of the gate he just cant blow people up like vickers could but very few FBs can..

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Face it, people are whispering about the kid. He came in with damn near a pass as a fourth rounder, winner of the Paul Hornung Award, played both ways, was an academic genius and killed grizzlies with a pocket knife.


I was all for letting Vickers walk, I didn't feel he was good for the WCO and Marecic had the credentials it seemed. One telling sign, there has been nary a word about the kid from camp good or bad. I mean, I heard word on guys like Hagg, Skrine, Pinky, Sheard, Taylor and lots of others looking good at times, but never Owen.


He has looked nothing more than putrid so far in game action, but it is way too soon to write him off. He didn't get to participate in most of the off season stuff since he went to Stanford, so he was already behind the 8 ball.


It is worth noting that he has been getting outplayed in camp by a Clutts-----who also happens to be the backup long snapper.

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