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Ive been jumping up and down yelling how bad he blows. Anyone that knows anything about football can see he does not get open. Im shocked he starts and even shocked he is on our roster.


Other teams give up on way more talented WRS. I get it he has good hands and runs crisp routes. All that is great but he lacks speed and quickness. You cant teach those.. How much longer do you stay with a guy who cant get open???

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Every year, the fans pick a scape goat and run him out of town. What has that achieved in 12 yrs since the return? Maybe if we had stability in personnel we wouldn't suck so badly. The front office knows we don't have speedy receivers, yet didn't get anyone in FA despite being $23m under the cap. Maybe they planned the O line would give Colt time for our slow receivers to get open. Did Colt get more than 2 secs to find a receiver yesterday? All I saw were pocket collapses and gap penetration all game long. We need an owner who understands football, not scapegoating the personnel the front office thinks are adequate.

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Ive been jumping up and down yelling how bad he blows. Anyone that knows anything about football can see he does not get open. Im shocked he starts and even shocked he is on our roster.


Other teams give up on way more talented WRS. I get it he has good hands and runs crisp routes. All that is great but he lacks speed and quickness. You cant teach those.. How much longer do you stay with a guy who cant get open???

Exactly....it just blows me away how someone can watch the entire game and not understand that our WR's can't get any seperation from the DB's, which causes Colt to hold onto the ball too long and scramble around everytime he drops back....And then you have guys who say WR isnt a position of need right now?! Thats a freaking joke just like our WR core right now. The last good season where we won 10 games, we had weapons/playmakers on offense bottomline.

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Every year, the fans pick a scape goat and run him out of town. What has that achieved in 12 yrs since the return? Maybe if we had stability in personnel we wouldn't suck so badly. The front office knows we don't have speedy receivers, yet didn't get anyone in FA despite being $23m under the cap. Maybe they planned the O line would give Colt time for our slow receivers to get open. Did Colt get more than 2 secs to find a receiver yesterday? All I saw were pocket collapses and gap penetration all game long. We need an owner who understands football, not scapegoating the personnel the front office thinks are adequate.


Well if you have the $977 million to buy the team...be my guest. Fun fact: That's the 2011 net worth of the Cleveland Browns per Forbes.com. I can put about $20 on it...after all.....cops aren't rich you know.

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You can't really call out Robiskie. Although I've never liked the guy, NONE of our receivers could get open. Why? Because none of them are any good. I'm sorry, Hillis is going to end up leading this team in receptions this year. While everyone is complaining about the little 2-3 yard throws, you have to understand why that happens. McCoy is looking down field, no separation and no time means he has to resort to his checkdown option, usually Hillis or one of our TE's. I mean pick your poison, would you rather see 20 yard passes incomplete or intercepted? or would you rather see 2 yard passes? they both suck, but at least a checkdown means you're moving forward as pathetic as they are.

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I love OSU as much as the next guy around here but Robiske is in year 3 and he isn't improving at all. He doesn't get open and he seems to still drop passes even when he is open.


Little looked decent yesterday when the ball was thrown his way and I thought Cribbs looked ok as a receiver in the preseason.


Robiske just isn't good enough at the NFL level..2+ seasons of watching as proven that.

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i'm sorry but i didn't read a word of this thread.


Any play where Robiske or #11 is on the field and Cribbs is not makes me nearly puke. i was gagging a lot on Sunday. Cribbs is, at least, a decoy. Those two guys are not.


Here is my bottom line. Colt has the tools to be darn good QB. However, 1. He has little pass protection. 2. His pass weapons are tight ends- Watson and Moore. 3.Cribbs could be effective as a weapon, if we had other WR's. Now Cribbs is wasted merely as a decoy.


Heckert is the genius that finds us the players. Find us a guy that doesn't shank punts. Find us a player that can unleash Cribbs as a playmaker. Is he Little? Can your Coach Shurmer domonstrate that?


Heckert was annointed as the king. What have you given us? It's time for you to step up and talk to us.


i'll discuss defense next week. Mr. Heckert, you won't want to tune in for that one either. Wake up.

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Robiskie and Massaquoi both have been a big time bust.


We wasted two second round picks on these guys and both of them suck.


They have not come through to show that they were even worth being a second round pick.


At the present time they should be battling each other for the fifth spot on the depth chart.

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The Browns need WR's worse than 'Lil Wayne needs a voice modulator when he tries to sing.


This "plan" that the front office has better include a badass receiver in next year's draft.



Alshon Jeffries or Justin Blackmon are looking pretty darn good right now if we end up in the top 10... One of them, Little, Massaquoi, Cribbs, Moore, Norwood, and Mitchell sounds pretty damn good to me.. but I do think we need to consistently draft a O-Lineman in the 3rd or 4th round as well as a late pick for depth. Consistency is key on the Oline and injuries are rampant. we gotta get the defense out of the box with an actual #1 WR but also our Oline has always been a problem and football starts in the trenches for sure.

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Alshon Jeffries or Justin Blackmon are looking pretty darn good right now if we end up in the top 10... One of them, Little, Massaquoi, Cribbs, Moore, Norwood, and Mitchell sounds pretty damn good to me.. but I do think we need to consistently draft a O-Lineman in the 3rd or 4th round as well as a late pick for depth. Consistency is key on the Oline and injuries are rampant. we gotta get the defense out of the box with an actual #1 WR but also our Oline has always been a problem and football starts in the trenches for sure.

Both really great talents. If I had to pick one id go with Blackmon...dude is a dog out there.

And if we don't take a weapon with our first pick, im going to organize a march through downtown cleveland

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I have been ringing that bell for 10 years now. These fukcing idiots want to draft more offensive linemen.


It isn't just WRs we don't have. We have no running game. As long as 9 defenders stay within 10 yards of the line......... we will have NO OFFENSE.

5 OL CANNOT block NINE defenders.

THAT is the problem.

SHIT players.


You can't have it both ways Tom. No burners would mean no respect for a deep threat, so D can crowd the line. BTW, we had one O-line fatass hurt, and a rookie at the other position = 3 guys on Hillis as soon as he touched the ball. Peyton is good, but he can't run through seven guys, so there's your reason for no running game. If you happened to be watching MNF, hope you noticed the Patriots o-line was giving Brady all day to throw = 500+ yards passing.


And I happen to agree, it looks like Robiski is a major bust, and Massaquoi is a small one. You don't draft a guy in the second round to be a slot receiver, which is what MoMas would be on most other teams. Little shows some promise however, and Cribbs can be decent if the o-line could ever give McCoy more than two seconds before he has to start running for his life.

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Wait I have said the last 2 years how we need to sign a wrs.. I'm telling u it isn't rocket science to see robiske is a bust.


Momass would be a good number 2 wr with a team who had a very good number 1.


Little is raw but we should play him anyway. No reason to have robiske on the field or even on the roster..



Hello to mr heckert, ur an idiot!

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Wait I have said the last 2 years how we need to sign a wrs.. I'm telling u it isn't rocket science to see robiske is a bust.


Momass would be a good number 2 wr with a team who had a very good number 1.


Little is raw but we should play him anyway. No reason to have robiske on the field or even on the roster..



Hello to mr heckert, ur an idiot!


I really don't think WR's are Heckert's cup o' tea. It was the same in Philly when he was there.

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Wait I have said the last 2 years how we need to sign a wrs.. I'm telling u it isn't rocket science to see robiske is a bust.


Momass would be a good number 2 wr with a team who had a very good number 1.


Little is raw but we should play him anyway. No reason to have robiske on the field or even on the roster..



Hello to mr heckert, ur an idiot!


Robiske is not Heckert's problem. He was drafted before Heckert got here. We still have so many needs at different positions that you can't blame him for not picking a WR. I bet you guys would blame him for not drafting a defensive lineman and complained about that if we had got a WR in the 1st round instead of Taylor.


And as for Little, sure I want to see if he can play too. But he is a rookie with hardly any experience. Shurmur may feel he doesn't know the playbook well enough yet who knows? But either way, this is a coaching decision and again has nothing to do with Heckert.

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Wait I have said the last 2 years how we need to sign a wrs.. I'm telling u it isn't rocket science to see robiske is a bust.


Momass would be a good number 2 wr with a team who had a very good number 1.


Little is raw but we should play him anyway. No reason to have robiske on the field or even on the roster..



Hello to mr heckert, ur an idiot!

yeah robiskie was drafted in 2009. heckert didn't come in until 2010.


my questiong of the front office goes more towards holmgren.


how come the patriots are good every year and they are never drafting big names? what's the big name WR they have. ocho? wes welker is the only guy i can name. yet they draft no name talent and their rookies go out and perform. their OL is almost always solid and their defense is good.





edit: i know they do a lot in FA, something that we can't compete with because no one wants to come to a perennial loser.

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Do the names DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin ring a bell?


Those were at the tail end of his tenure there. I recall plenty of seasons where everyone was saying Donovan McNabb needed more receivers to take the next step. So sure they picked up a couple of home run hitters at the end but for the most part WR's isn't what you'd call his area of expertise.

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yeah robiskie was drafted in 2009. heckert didn't come in until 2010.


my questiong of the front office goes more towards holmgren.


how come the patriots are good every year and they are never drafting big names? what's the big name WR they have. ocho? wes welker is the only guy i can name. yet they draft no name talent and their rookies go out and perform. their OL is almost always solid and their defense is good.





edit: i know they do a lot in FA, something that we can't compete with because no one wants to come to a perennial loser.


In case you forgot Holmgren didn't get here until 2010 either. Kind of hard to build a team the quality of the Patriots in a matter of 2 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those were at the tail end of his tenure there. I recall plenty of seasons where everyone was saying Donovan McNabb needed more receivers to take the next step. So sure they picked up a couple of home run hitters at the end but for the most part WR's isn't what you'd call his area of expertise.


He was only the GM of the Eagles from 2006-09 and while he was the GM Andy Reid was also the Executive VP of football ops. Heckert was honestly more of an advisor to Reid then an actual GM as Reid ultimately had the final say in everything. His being more of a puppet for Andy Reid is probably why he came here.

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yeah robiskie was drafted in 2009. heckert didn't come in until 2010.


my questiong of the front office goes more towards holmgren.


how come the patriots are good every year and they are never drafting big names? what's the big name WR they have. ocho? wes welker is the only guy i can name. yet they draft no name talent and their rookies go out and perform. their OL is almost always solid and their defense is good.





edit: i know they do a lot in FA, something that we can't compete with because no one wants to come to a perennial loser.


Uhhh why are the Patriots good every year...REALLY...Tom Brady is why, Pats have ZERO DEFENSE. No running game, and no Wide outs( Besides Welker) they do have a great TE group)


As for a GM he Sucks...REALLY. I hope your joking. We have 4 starters on Defense from the past 2 drafts, who all could be pro bowl type players..HADAN is a PRO BOWL PLAYER...


New system on Offense will only get better each week, but I am still not sold on Colt, Dont know why...Our offense of line is not good with Steinbach out, that really hurts our line. That being said Colt has only been sacked 4 times, but he is running for his life. He have players that can make plays


If I was running the offense this is what I would do.


Hardesty would get 15-20 touches a game, either running the ball or screen passes. He is the real deal, just needs to stay healthy

Hillis would get the same 15-20 touches a game, it would be harder for hillis because he does not have the same O-line as last year to open up holes, plus losing Vickers hurts. Thats why he is only Averageing 3.4 yards a game. Hardesty is a little more shifty and has that cut back move that all great backs have...

Momass is fine everybody wants to jump on his case, I think hes fine

Little- Will be a Monster by end of the year, remember did not play last year at N.C

Cribbs- say what u want, had a groin problem and still made a great catch in the end zone he should get 8-12 touches a game


So Colt at QB

Hillis and Hardesty 50/50 in the back feild

MoMass as number 1, but as year goes on becomes number 2 behind Little. and Cribbs number 3....


Just my thought....

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So Colt at QB

Hillis and Hardesty 50/50 in the back feild

MoMass as number 1, but as year goes on becomes number 2 behind Little. and Cribbs number 3....


Just my thought....




What about Robiskie? Practice squad? Trade? Maybe trade him for a case of Michelob Light?

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