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Quick Play Td Legal?


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Was the Bungles quick play call for a touchdown "legal". It seems Shurmur doesn't thinks so and is going to look at the replay and may take it to the league officials(not that it will do any good). He questions the legality of play because he says the Bungles made substitutions during that down, which according to the NFL rule book, should allow the opposing defense time to make substitions as well and the allowance was not given.


A few players as well thought the "play" should questioned as well. I thought the play was "cheap trickery" as well. Athough I guess if the Browns did it I would be happy!!

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Trick plays are just that. But I don't get that the Browns didn't call a time out when they saw the substitutes immediately take their place on the field


and the line move right to the los.


Live and learn. IT won't happen again. But I believe there is a rule about giving the defense time to get set or something like that.


I think Little needs to be on the field a lot more, and with the Bengals pressing like crazy, I would like to have seen


Smith get a chance to come out of the backfield and take off with the ball.


Hardesty is looking good, but the Browns need Little to get open quickly.


HELL of a beautiful throw by Colt on a flat out run to escape the pressure to Momass.


We have a qb to run the wc offense !


I hate worrying about the offensive line. "sigh"

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There is no way this is illegal. They are grown men who should know better. Good play by Cinci and poor play by the Browns' coaching staff.


Maybe Shurmur is just grasping at straws because of the coaching staff's/players mistake?? I'm unsure of whether there was a rule broken, but Shurmer thought maybe there was?? Obviously nothing is going to change if a rule was broken. All it will do is bring attention to it for when the next time it happens.


Half the time when they "pan" the sidelines showing the coaches they are too busy looking down at their plays and trying to get them in to the players. How much of the game are they really watching?? I would like to see the replay on this and really see what was going on, on the field, as well as the sideline.

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It doesn't make any difference.


You're right it doesn't make a difference, but it may show that there was some incompetence on the refs. part there. Also, it takes some of the blame off him and his coaching staff if a rule was broken. There must be a reason why he is questioning it, and him actually brought it public during the press conference, no??

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There is no way this is illegal. They are grown men who should know better. Good play by Cinci and poor play by the Browns' coaching staff.

QFT, at least the part about the staff.


it wasn't legal....when the offense makes substitutions, they must wait until we make substitutions as well. thats why we were waiting. however, jauron had his head up his ass....as did shurmur.

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