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Stop! Drinkin De Kool Aid!.....


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The time has come to put to rest all the hype and all the BULLSH*t this franchise has been shoveling at it's fans for the last what bagilliion years now. This loss yesterday was what could be the worst loss in the last 5 years....The new regime, the new QB, the new coach, the new staff, the new draft picks stuffed in their pockets (to build depth in a team that has nothing to begin with)..Over and Over, year after year...it's the same ol sh*t.

we are a young team, we have to grow, we have a young QB, we have a nice runnning back, we have picks for the future, blah, blah blah, blah blah..NONSENSE....!! Losing yesterday was an absolute abomination for this franchise...the Bengals are the worst team, (up until 1pm yesterday in the league) and the Browns lose at home in the opening day game where they were favored by 7??

All this franchise does is feed the people what they want to hear, take the gate money, the concessions, the parking, the TV dough and run out another joke of a team and call it a contender. So keep on drinkin that Kool-aid, and keep the dream alive, while they keep on passing up skilled postion players in the draft, and run out the scrapes of the NFL dumpster, only to have the sucker fan base embarrased yet again..


Yesterday's loss just set the tone for another 3-4 win season...Now lets all get ready for that April draft..only to drop down and get future Mutts to run out on Sunday's...

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The time has come to put to rest all the hype and all the BULLSH*t this franchise has been shoveling at it's fans for the last what bagilliion years now. This loss yesterday was what could be the worst loss in the last 5 years....The new regime, the new QB, the new coach, the new staff, the new draft picks stuffed in their pockets (to build depth in a team that has nothing to begin with)..Over and Over, year after year...it's the same ol sh*t.

we are a young team, we have to grow, we have a young QB, we have a nice runnning back, we have picks for the future, blah, blah blah, blah blah..NONSENSE....!! Losing yesterday was an absolute abomination for this franchise...the Bengals are the worst team, (up until 1pm yesterday in the league) and the Browns lose at home in the opening day game where they were favored by 7??

All this franchise does is feed the people what they want to hear, take the gate money, the concessions, the parking, the TV dough and run out another joke of a team and call it a contender. So keep on drinkin that Kool-aid, and keep the dream alive, while they keep on passing up skilled postion players in the draft, and run out the scrapes of the NFL dumpster, only to have the sucker fan base embarrased yet again..


Yesterday's loss just set the tone for another 3-4 win season...Now lets all get ready for that April draft..only to drop down and get future Mutts to run out on Sunday's...


Ok dude not trying to be a dick but I'm asking this as an interested fellow fan. What is your winning solution? There are plenty of our comrades on here that feel the same way you do. The issue is I have yet to hear one with this same mindset explain exactly what it would take to start winning first thing next Sunday....in their own minds. A lot of people on here have a lot of insightful things to say and not to say you guys with the anti Kool Aid mindset don't but I'm seriously interested in what in your mind will it take to start winning right now?

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Ok dude not trying to be a dick but I'm asking this as an interested fellow fan. What is your winning solution? There are plenty of our comrades on here that feel the same way you do. The issue is I have yet to hear one with this same mindset explain exactly what it would take to start winning first thing next Sunday....in their own minds. A lot of people on here have a lot of insightful things to say and not to say you guys with the anti Kool Aid mindset don't but I'm seriously interested in what in your mind will it take to start winning right now?


How I would have started the season, would have been to go out and beg borrow or steal some skilled position player...I'm talking player (not players)...They have absolutley nobody at the wide-out or TE postion..This was the first thing I would have gotten in the draft..Passing up on Jones is gonna hurt....He would have been a nice compliment to the receiving group...So now you would have Hillis and a young stud wide-out to build on with a young capable QB...it's something...passing on the skilled position wide-out/Rb/TE, in the recent drafts is completely stupid...Let me ask you...Do you do Fantasy F-all...if so, how long did it take for a Browns wide-out to get drafted...(nobody took any in my draft either)hence their in-lies the problem...This team is worried so much about depth and future picks, while doing nothing about aquiring talent...Let me ask you thistoo. How many Robiskie jersey do you see ou there, how many Massaqoiu jersey are flyin off the rack, how many Watson jersey's are out there...see what I mean...Basically it's that simple...how many top picks did the Browns get over the last how many years?...and sh*t the bed on all of them...OK I'll give you (Colt)..but he should have at least (2) wide-outs as go to guys with Hillis as his stud back.....That's where I would have to start..

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I hear what you guys are saying.. I really do. I do however see one difference between the last few years and all the years of frustration before then. Drafting.


Since H/H has taken over we have drafted:


Haden (beast)


Hardesty (who looked pretty good running the ball on Sunday)

Taylor (future beast)

Sheard is an unknown as of now and so is little but you can't deny the potential for both to be great

We even picked up two guys who are getting PT in the late rounds in Buster Skrines and Jason Pinkston


I understand the frustration. I feel it too as I had my head on the bar looking like an ass after the defense gave up that absolutely pathetic touchdown pass to Green. Is it really worth this much bitching though? Holmgren and Heckert are bringing in the right people. I know I know... blah blah blah patience its the same old song and dance, but maybe its actually true this time. I just know that I have enjoyed seeing our draft picks evolve into something we can actually use on the football field, for once.

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Ok dude not trying to be a dick but I'm asking this as an interested fellow fan. What is your winning solution? There are plenty of our comrades on here that feel the same way you do. The issue is I have yet to hear one with this same mindset explain exactly what it would take to start winning first thing next Sunday....in their own minds. A lot of people on here have a lot of insightful things to say and not to say you guys with the anti Kool Aid mindset don't but I'm seriously interested in what in your mind will it take to start winning right now?


Thank you!

Before going into "semi retirement", I managed for many years. Any manager has had to tolerate at least one "chronic bitcher", & probably more. My rule was always that NO ONE was allowed to complain to me about anything UNLESS they had a suggestion on how to fix it. It was my contention that you CANNOT have a legitimate complaint without an idea for improvement. That rule worked very well. Actually, there were also some excellent suggestions presented as well & folks started thinking things out more fully prior to voicing their complaints. Results were that I wasn't beseiged with a bunch of inane complaints & a lot of great solutions were brought forward by employees who then felt valued. Criticism CAN be constructive IF properly thought out & presented.


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Its going to take time to build but i will say i dont like the sluggishness to deal with important shit coming from this regime..

To slow and to nice guy in dealing with turning this club around, as fans of a team without an owner we have been here to many times already, H&H need to get on the ball instead of talking about getting things done and then bringing in piss poor talent to fill important jobs..

I am not pleased with the guys hecktard is currently bringing in, it snaps the koolaid spell when you know there is far better WRs, linemen and punters available, but heckert brings in these players and they will be no help and so maybe the "suck for luck" sweepstakes is real?


We need to see this regime do something to improve this teams talent besides talking out of their asses and delivering nothing..


Hey heckert, you know its alright to say, ah gee maybe i was wrong about this or that guy oh well looking for someone better..

However it is not alright to candy coat bad evaluations about players when most fans can see with their own eyes and it makes you look Retarded and non professional..

Losing fan respect will not bode well for you sir..

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Seriously, this is probably the best thread I've read since I joined this board many years ago. There are so many good points.


However, let me start with what I don't agree with: 1) That we can conclude too much from one game this season. I'm as pissed off as anyone else is about the loss, but it's one game and I am only expecting them to win about 6 of them. 2) That any of this is Heckert's fault. Are you kidding me, if he was here 6 years ago, do you think we'd be concerned? and 3) that turnarounds require a lot of time. There are too many examples to prove that theory wrong.


I absolutely do agree with the following: 1) Holmgren is showing no sense of urgency or the mandate to pursue wins and this sets a dangerous tone from the top. If he did, he would have been active in free-agency getting us some weapons (WR) and solid back-ups. 2) When you have the luxury of drafting early, use the pick to add an elite playmaker to your team, don't collect lower picks. 3)Talent assessment isn't about who the best player is to fill the starting role, it's determining if the player has the ability/desire to play at this level. If not (or not yet), he shouldn't be out there. 4) Shurmur's team wasn't prepared and that's on him. The offensive play calling in the second half was terrible and also on him. He should have called the time-out on the quick huddle. So there will be a lot of mistakes with him and his coaching staff - but I agree that we need continuity to win and I like our coach, so let's give him an opportunity to prove himself. 5) Nothing beats a team of players/coaches that hate to lose.


Here's what I am not reading. 1) Why did the Browns need to go to a West Coast offence. Why couldn't we have built it secretively and slowly. Corportations understand that sometimes change happens in increments and not all at once. I would have re-signed Vickers and added a free agent starting lineman. I would have kept the playbook close to what was already there, and perhaps added a few new plays with each opportunity for the team to learn them. Colt needs a running game to make the play-action work, and WR's need timing with the QB, which can take months to achieve. 2) Our punter also lost the game for us. A "normal" NFL punter takes at least 10 points off the board for Cinci. 3) Our TE not laying out for a touchdown catch and making a feeble one arm effort, turned the tide for the game. At the NFL level, that's unacceptable. 4)First and goal from the four and you have to make a play that results in a TD.

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