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Thoughts? Notice the years between 46-72.


Can anyone answer me what happened during the Reagan and Bush part one years? And the years leading up to the great depression?


My link


My answer, you raise the top-bracket marginal income tax rate AND cut pork and bring the troops home. An equal balance that will appease everyone. But that will never happen the because FOOKING babies in congress are a bunch of bitches whining about power and who done it. Either protecting millionaires or those "poors".

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The Dems refuse to stop spending billions and trillions to buy votes from their base.


They are playing hardball politics and they couldn't care less about the damage done to all of us long term.


Obamao is a corrupt somebeech. Meanwhile, I know that if you retire, and get your severance pay,


a hell of a ton of it gets taken for taxes, and that is just a teacher.


meanwhile, the rich could give ALL their freakin money, and it wouldn't be enough for the Dems.


We're in big, big trouble.

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The Dems refuse to stop spending billions and trillions to buy votes from their base.


They are playing hardball politics and they couldn't care less about the damage done to all of us long term.


Obamao is a corrupt somebeech. Meanwhile, I know that if you retire, and get your severance pay,


a hell of a ton of it gets taken for taxes, and that is just a teacher.


meanwhile, the rich could give ALL their freakin money, and it wouldn't be enough for the Dems.


We're in big, big trouble.


And Cal cannot comment on the FACTS again. Surprising.

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Numbers can say anything you want them to say, it all depends on how they are presented, calculated.


The "facts" are worthless, K. Reagan had to REBUILD our military, because it was seriously damaged by the previous


nutjob arsewhole DEM president.


Bush had to crank up our response to 9/11. That was completely justified. Nations spend a lot to go to war.


Obamao has spent trillions on frivilous stupid ass crap to try to buy votes for his reelection.

Now, he wants to spend billions and trillions more for his re-election.


Here's a fact for you:


I believe you cannot see the difference, and you fail to fathom why we are in big, big trouble.


Your linkie is a big stinkie.

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The numbers can say anything, lol. Because they don't fit your ideology, they are wrong? I am really starting to think Cal is fooking Retarded.


So there is no correlation with increasing taxes and reducing the deficit? I feel sorry for you Cal, I really do.


Still blinded by your immature ideologies.

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Reagan sure ran some historically large deficits. That's why I don't understand the Tea Party's love for him. Oh wait... He cut taxes for the rich. Now I understand.


That is right. And that was with ANY SIGNIFICANT WARS. LOL. Except the war on drugs and that has worked wonders.


"So when you cut programs you save a MILLION DOLLARS! But when you increase taxes you create 700 Billion dollars, ehhh"

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Carter devasted our economy and our military preparedness.


The fix it bounce back cost a lot during Reagan's years.


Oh, shut up, K. LOL - of course there is a correlation between lowering the deficit and raising taxes.


But that will kill the economy, and you aren't mature enough to understand


the ramifications of certain actions. Economics is all about cause and affect.


Like demand/pull inflation. You can't just say "let's outlaw gasoline and diesel engines,


and pass a law that all Americans must own an electric car". If you could THINK, you'd understand


that no electric car can pull a camper or a horse trailer or utility trailer.


Why not get all pouty pouty and demand that all airplanes be electric engines, they make


more pollution??? That's the simplified nonsense you leak all over your posts. LOL


Golly, Mr. pie in the sky for pres, are you that into smokie smokie?


Raise taxes too much, and Americans will quit buying things and going places. Unemployment ensues,


and money circulation goes down the tubes, and the housing market crashes, people lose investments,


companies lose all investment in R&D and capital, and...


But Kosar, really - you just want to raise taxes to pay off the debt, when the spending is runaway


and way over what we ever take in?


What a boofus. ("BOOFUS" > dummy than a "doofus"


I hereby sneeze in your direction.B)

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Carter devasted our economy and our military preparedness.


The fix it bounce back cost a lot during Reagan's years.


Oh, shut up, K. LOL - of course there is a correlation between lowering the deficit and raising taxes.


But that will kill the economy, and you aren't mature enough to understand


the ramifications of certain actions. Economics is all about cause and affect.


Like demand/pull inflation. You can't just say "let's outlaw gasoline and diesel engines,


and pass a law that all Americans must own an electric car". If you could THINK, you'd understand


that no electric car can pull a camper or a horse trailer or utility trailer.


Why not get all pouty pouty and demand that all airplanes be electric engines, they make


more pollution??? That's the simplified nonsense you leak all over your posts. LOL


Golly, Mr. pie in the sky for pres, are you that into smokie smokie?


Raise taxes too much, and Americans will quit buying things and going places. Unemployment ensues,


and money circulation goes down the tubes, and the housing market crashes, people lose investments,


companies lose all investment in R&D and capital, and...


But Kosar, really - you just want to raise taxes to pay off the debt, when the spending is runaway


and way over what we ever take in?


What a boofus. ("BOOFUS" > dummy than a "doofus"


I hereby sneeze in your direction.B)


Mature? "pouty pouty", "smokie smokie" and "BOOFUS". Sounds like a ten year old wrote this.


Just like the "bounce back" in Obama's tenure. The bounce back you are talking about is spending. Wait Reagan spent more on military. So we should spend money on guns? I thought you were against more spending, lol.


I am not saying out law anything, dumb ass.


No Cal, there needs to be a medium stance here. It not as cut and dry as, cut spending. There needs to be a mix of raising taxes and cutting bullshit spending. See you're too near sighted to see that. You would be a GREAT congressmen.

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We're taxed too much already. You want us all to just give everything we make to the Obamao regime,


so it can be divied up and we can all be exactly the same? History has shown that that always fails.


If you raise taxes, this dishonest marxist president - Obamao, will JUST FREAKIN SPEND IT< TOO.


I humbly apologize, K.


I always have given you more credit than that. My bad. B)


P:S - my "pouty pouty" is a fun and polite way of talking down to your level.


Have a nice day, K.

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