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Oh..... Heyl. Quick Passes, Rollouts To The Left....


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Tony Pashos - T - Browns Browns RT Tony Pashos (ankle) will not play in Week 2.


Immobile Oniel Cousins will get the nod at right tackle, meaning he'll square off with ultra-athletic Colts LE Robert Mathis. It's a severe mismatch. The Browns' offense may make the Indy defense look passable this week, but don't buy the results long term. The Browns would be smart to attack the Colts with heavy doses of Peyton Hillis, as opposed to 40 more pass attempts.

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Tony Pashos - T - Browns Browns RT Tony Pashos (ankle) will not play in Week 2.


Immobile Oniel Cousins will get the nod at right tackle, meaning he'll square off with ultra-athletic Colts LE Robert Mathis. It's a severe mismatch. The Browns' offense may make the Indy defense look passable this week, but don't buy the results long term. The Browns would be smart to attack the Colts with heavy doses of Peyton Hillis, as opposed to 40 more pass attempts.


That's a legit assessment. The Colts' D seems to vanish against the run. It would be wise to give them not only Hillis but a lil Hardesty and Smith as well. Colt should throw the ball about 15 times at the most. I'm sure we can all agree that throwing the ball 40 times is about 20 times too many with a running game. If Shurmur can just settle down and use his offense to do what it's designed to do...good things will happen. And guys I'm telling you not to expect a whole lot of flash because of not having an off season. These guys barely had the playbook a week before hitting the field for the pre season. It's going to be vanilla for a lil bit. The key is to execute vanilla by being fundamentally sound. In regards to last week at least they showed some bravado being down 13 to zip. Last year that was 30-3 route. Without the mistakes 17 points would've been enough to beat the Bengals.

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Tony Pashos - T - Browns Browns RT Tony Pashos (ankle) will not play in Week 2.


Immobile Oniel Cousins will get the nod at right tackle, meaning he'll square off with ultra-athletic Colts LE Robert Mathis. It's a severe mismatch. The Browns' offense may make the Indy defense look passable this week, but don't buy the results long term. The Browns would be smart to attack the Colts with heavy doses of Peyton Hillis, as opposed to 40 more pass attempts.


That's a legit assessment. The Colts' D seems to vanish against the run. It would be wise to give them not only Hillis but a lil Hardesty and Smith as well. Colt should throw the ball about 15 times at the most. I'm sure we can all agree that throwing the ball 40 times is about 20 times too many with a running game. If Shurmur can just settle down and use his offense to do what it's designed to do...good things will happen. And guys I'm telling you not to expect a whole lot of flash because of not having an off season. These guys barely had the playbook a week before hitting the field for the pre season. It's going to be vanilla for a lil bit. The key is to execute vanilla by being fundamentally sound. In regards to last week at least they showed some bravado being down 13 to zip. Last year that was 30-3 route. Without the mistakes 17 points would've been enough to beat the Bengals.

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what are you guys talking about?? Isn't this the "west coast" offense? I put it in quotes because it resembles nothing like it...

but in this supposed offense, shouldn't we be pass-heavy anyway, and use the pass to set up the run..not the other way around?

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what are you guys talking about?? Isn't this the "west coast" offense? I put it in quotes because it resembles nothing like it...

but in this supposed offense, shouldn't we be pass-heavy anyway, and use the pass to set up the run..not the other way around?


The overall theory of the WCO is to set the run up using short precise passes. With that said it's still supposed to be somewhat balanced. Throwing the ball 40 times a bit much even for the WCO. If it's pass-heavy why even bother running the ball? At the end of the day with short passes and running the ball is supposed to buy those 5 attempts to go down field for something big. If you want to split hairs and say they pass more than they run and call it "pass heavy" be my guest. I'm sure that we can all agree WCO or not throwing 40 times was far too many times. With sound special teams play and good defense 17 points is more than sufficient to win ball games. If you use week one as an indicator...many of these guys say this group isn't capable of that. I say it remains to be seen. The coaching staff however must use this offense as it's designed to be used. Throwing the ball 40 times not really how this thing is supposed to work.

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Still glad we didnt sign any F/A RT, DE, WR or LB... We're FINE with what we've got right? LMAO!


One thing to remember is that a lot of power is in the hands of the players when in free agency. How many do you think would be chomping at the bit to play in Cleveland? The media market is small and not much a guarantee of instant success...which let's be honest...that's the reason a lot of "top tier" talent as I've heard them referred to as...choose teams that are ready to win now and or a large media market. For them to come here just for love of the game is a novel idea but it's not as easy as it sounds friends. Not only would convincing a player on that level be difficult...but best believe it will break the bank. Some guys ask astronomical amounts from contending teams it scares me think about what they would charge to play here.

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True enough Marcus, doesn't mean we should lay up and rely on rookies and UDFA's and a rookie head coach.


Results may not be too appealing.


Isn't it possible that attempts have been made and it's just that we've been shot down? I know relying on unproven players sounds and even looks bad at times. But let's face it...unless we get some guys in FA that loves what history is in this town and want to really dedicate themselves to bringing this team back to greatness...it's not going to happen. For those guys it's about exposure, winning now, and of course the money. I hate to watch this team lose just as much as the next guy but our options are a lot more limited by comparison of say the Colts, Saints, Patriots, or Jets. It would take a random act of kindness on part of some of the guys you all want to see brought in actually come here. I say that because players in FA especially big names...will tell you to your face...I want to be on a contending team...For my talent I should be paid x-amount of dollars...I want to go to a large media market where I will be watched every Sunday across the country.

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True enough Marcus, doesn't mean we should lay up and rely on rookies and UDFA's and a rookie head coach.


Results may not be too appealing.


Isn't it possible that attempts have been made and it's just that we've been shot down? I know relying on unproven players sounds and even looks bad at times. But let's face it...unless we get some guys in FA that loves what history is in this town and want to really dedicate themselves to bringing this team back to greatness...it's not going to happen. For those guys it's about exposure, winning now, and of course the money. I hate to watch this team lose just as much as the next guy but our options are a lot more limited by comparison of say the Colts, Saints, Patriots, or Jets. It would take a random act of kindness on part of some of the guys you all want to see brought in actually come here. I say that because players in FA especially big names...will tell you to your face...I want to be on a contending team...For my talent I should be paid x-amount of dollars...I want to go to a large media market where I will be watched every Sunday across the country.

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And I think this is where Little steps up - he has the quick feet and instinctive elusive moves off the line to


get open...quickly. That's my prediction - we'll hear his name more this game.

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Yeah, that all makes sense. Guess we'll just continue sucking and hoping Heckert lands some draft picks so we can be relevant in 5 or 10 years.


I know man it's a hard pill to swallow but our choices are really limited. Now with the right mixture of players....a winning team is viable be it through the draft or through FA. To really come out of the cellar it takes about those 5 - 10 years to be come a consistent competitor. Our problem for so long is...we lack continuity. Aw the coach sucks....disposed of (don't get me wrong we got rid of some shitbirds) but that comes at a price. Aw this GM sucks...either they were fired or resigned (shitbirds still)....Aw this quarterback sucks...even though we've been under new management twice and have provided him with 2 different offensive coordinators and head coaches (even though they were as equally useless). Bottom line we may not like the new management and coaching but it sounds like they have a plan. Will it work right away and we start winning first thing Sunday and never look back...I hope so...but it's not likely. We as fans, they as a franchise have fallen into love with the reset button a little bit too much...know what I mean?

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