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Fujita And Gocong?


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I like what I see out of dqell jackson this year. He looks like he will thrive in the 4 3, but fujita and gocong are non existant.


Fujita can't seem to get off blocks and is slow and so is gocong.


Anyone else notice this?


Also carlton mitchel coming back hopefully sends robo to waivers.

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fug did a decent job against clark, but gocong was pretty average. nothing really much to speak of....


DQ has the same problem getting off blocks, so its not just him. gets swallowed up in traffic.


we'll get some LB upgrades later on, but these guys certainly are not the worst LB unit we've fielded recently. appears to be the weakest link of the D tho....funny how youth is already playing better than our aged... B)

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Choco is right in the sense that DQJ runs head first into blockers and gets himself swallowed up but i think it has more to do with the blockers realizing DQJ is the only legit LB on the field so they target him while easily blocking out gocong and fujita only on an as needed basis..


DQJ when free is all over the place trying to offer up support while both gocong and fujita are way to slow, taken out early and are somewhat stationary..

None of the 3 athletically shed or evade blocks well enough..

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I like what I see out of dqell jackson this year. He looks like he will thrive in the 4 3, but fujita and gocong are non existant.


Fujita can't seem to get off blocks and is slow and so is gocong.


Anyone else notice this?


Also carlton mitchel coming back hopefully sends robo to waivers.


You notice my post in another thread? The Browns WILL draft a LB in the first round next year. It wasn't exactly rocket science to know the Browns current crop of linebackers aren't up to NFL standards- that was said from many points before the season even started.

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Gocong is useless. Fujita I haven't noticed bad play ... but I also havent noticed good play.


Djax has looked good though especially the first game.


Remember both Gocong and Fujita had no offseason really with the lock out and their injuries in camp. but I do agree, this is the weakest part of our defense and hope we get a stud next year who can really help to set the tone and be teh face of this defense (besides Haden of course ;) )

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I like what I see out of dqell jackson this year. He looks like he will thrive in the 4 3, but fujita and gocong are non existant.


Fujita can't seem to get off blocks and is slow and so is gocong.


Anyone else notice this?


Also carlton mitchel coming back hopefully sends robo to waivers.

fujita is a strongside backer. his job is to take on blockers and clog the hole. in pass defense he will likely cover the fullback or tight end


neither are very glorified roles but both are of huge importance to the success of the 4-3


take notice that the saints lost fujita after 09 and they still havent found one guy that can do everything fujita could do all by himself. be happy with his play because you wont be happy when hes gone

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I like what I see out of dqell jackson this year. He looks like he will thrive in the 4 3, but fujita and gocong are non existant.


Fujita can't seem to get off blocks and is slow and so is gocong.


Anyone else notice this?


Also carlton mitchel coming back hopefully sends robo to waivers.


i like the spirit that Dqwell is showing. The problem is that Rebel is right on the money. None of these three guys would likely start for any team in our conference. That's a shame.

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Wali Rainer is available.




Wali Rainer....Wali Rainer....now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time....a long long time.

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