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Obamao Tries To Get Total Fed Control Of All States' Rights


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This is real, folks.


It's going where they don't want us to know they are headed us.



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Sorry, but apparently you refuse to comment on the frekin TEXT that was QUOTED out of the jobs bill.


READ IT, and give us YOUR spin on it.


I think it says exactly what I said it meant.


so there.

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MIchael Moo-er is saying that the rich had better give up their money, before violence starts in the future,


because the rich can't build gates high enough.


The mentally deranged "Congresswoman" from California says Republicans eat Obamao's food,


drink his beer, and try to kill him....


Hoffa threatens all Republicans and Tea Partiers with extermination,


The SEIU is calling for revolutionary violence in every city....


Some are calling for Obamao to be a dictator,

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well, their high taxes paid for the freakin roads, Obamaoroadie, why not?


I have a nice recipe for "dope cake" I can post if anybody's interested.


I have renamed it though - it's new name is "Kosar for Pres Cake". @@

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So what will happen after they double the tax burden on businesses and they refuse to pay?


Will we have a total government takeover of the businesses?


They will be deemed to big to fail and will be in debt to the fed, then we will have a total marxist takeover.

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So what will happen after they double the tax burden on businesses and they refuse to pay?


Will we have a total government takeover of the businesses?


They will be deemed to big to fail and will be in debt to the fed, then we will have a total marxist takeover.


We are using business as an absolute. Obviously small companies should not be paying more taxes. But the large businesses recording record profits should have the loopholes closed and pay equally.


Now for people who think that reducing taxes keeps corporations in the county. Let me compose a small list of companies who left the country or open new offices abroad under reduced Republican tax rates. This is the tax shelter loophole that needs closed. BIG businesses.


Halliburton: Houston-based Halliburton, which offers a broad array of oil-field technologies and services to upstream oil and gas customers worldwide, announced the opening of a corporate headquarters in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai on March 12, 2007. The company, which was once led by U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, said that its relocation was part of a strategy that it announced in mid-2006 to concentrate its efforts in the Middle East in order to attract business.


This one is too funny, I am sure even Cal see the humor in this one.


Foster Wheeler Ltd.: The engineering firm Foster Wheeler moved its corporate headquarters to Bermuda in 2001, when the company was headed toward bankruptcy. Nearly 70 percent of Foster Wheeler's business comes from its international operations, and the move to Bermuda enabled the company to avoid paying taxes on income that it earned outside of the U.S. Most of the company's main offices remain in New Jersey.


Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd.: This New Jersey-based company, which manufactures Thermo King refrigerated trucks, also moved to Bermuda in 2001. In 2007, the company faced an IRS (Internal Revenue Service) audit over the way it classified some debt in its reincorporation in Bermuda in 2002.


GM: We all know the story on this.


There is literally a list of hundreds of companies who left when they had low tax rates.


This is not a tax argument. These companies do not leave because of tax rates, they leave because of workers wages.


Oh, and the tax has virtually been the same from 1993 on, Democrats and Republican, with a 3% variance. Now tell me why are companies leaving? Thought so.

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And trying to take more money from those companies... helps them want


to stay in the U.S..... HOW ?


(unless you want Obamao to issue a decree that no company shalt ever do what he doesn't want them to do....)

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And trying to take more money from those companies... helps them want


to stay in the U.S..... HOW ?


(unless you want Obamao to issue a decree that no company shalt ever do what he doesn't want them to do....)


You are missing the point Cal. During this time these companies left the United State with some of the lowest taxes in history. Look it up. The point is no matter how less money they are taxed they are going to leave for cheaper labor. I want to close the loop holes for the companies pretending to operate out-side the United States, when the governement knows damn well they have "satilite" offices here in the US. This has been happening since Regan, even with his low tax rates. This is a different ball game. This is not a simple as lowering or raising taxes or cutting bullshit programs (which I do agree with). We need creative solutions. And the way the babies in Congress are acting, this isn't going to happen.


I just don't see your allegience to these companies after they left the country even while making record profits. It's quite baffling.


What do you propose, no taxes at all? During Regan GM left with a %25 tax rate.


I think we need to take a look at the GE's and fix the bullshit loopholes. Those are the businesses that need to pay more, not the 100 - 1000 people companies. There needs to be a standard. We need to look at profits not total revenue.


What do you think? Why can't there be a compremise?

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Cal and others of the extreme right wing.....


The Wealthy and Major Companies will CONTINUE to do business and stay in the U.S. because: http://www.globalization-group.com/edge/2010/03/top-languages-by-gdp/


We are still clearly the biggest consumer economy by a factor of 3+


There is NO trading index like the Dow and Nasdaq so investment will continue because stagnant money is not making money.


There is NO where else you are as secure in investments than in the U.S.


These are Facts... Koch Brothers.... massive billionaires who have made more in the last 10 years and laid off more workers... just like most of the major fortune 100 companies. So more tax breaks to them will not stimulate job growth from them, just more profits to the top tier and wall st.


Manufacturing is NOT going to come back so there are only major places you can stimulate jobs growth easily, government funding for large projects and loans to create mom and pop small businesses and home loans for refinancing/purchasing (meaning Fannie and Freddie insurance).


Kosar, it useless to go over facts when all Cal and company see is Socialism/Communism in anything Obama does. Corporate profits have massively risen and the wealthy have gotten more enriched.... none of this trickle down BULLSHIT since Reagon has ever worked.


Tech(my current field) is booming but that is only for a specific demo graphic mainly VC and now Wall street.... The Valley/NYC/Austin are doing well but that is not enough. The extreme right wants and have publicly stated they would rather crash the economy/government than help Obama and that is exactly what they are trying to do.


Exxon/Halliburton/GE need tax breaks? they barely pay ANY tax... we PAY THEM.. are you F*)*ing kidding me! IF you have a net worth of more than a Million I GAURANTEE regardless of your tax rate you are investing/using your money in the market to make more.... nothing is going to stop that.....


I cant stand the extreme right as much as I cant stand the extreme left...... too bad both of those groups now control Hollywood Politics Washington for sound bites/Spin and PR....

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#1. The SUBJECT of my thread is ObaMao having language in a "bill" that tries to legistlate fed control over the States' loss of rights.


It isn't about roads, K.


There ARE some companies that move production overseas - to avoid taxes, like you claimed, then you turned around


and changed the subject from Obamao again by talking about "cheaper labor" being overseas.


And you know what, K?


You are contradicting yourself, and still being correct. But WHY is labor so cheap overseas?

Unions, a lot of the time. Our quality of life is far past the point of working for 30 cents a day or whatever.

China? big different story. When the company I was with for ten years built a company in Britain, = it could compete internationally with

it's product. The employees that went over there for a year to start the plant out, were forbidden to let it be known what our wage scale was.

Because theirs was so very much lower. Really lower.


It is my opinion, that if other countries want to compete with us on our own shores for sales and services, they must compete on an even playing field.


This is where the stuff hits the fan, and why a lot of those unemployed... are unemployed.''


But you really need to stop hijacking subjects to defend your precious. You are acting like Gollum in the Hobbit movie.

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Cal and others of the extreme right wing.....

The Wealthy and Major Companies will CONTINUE to do business and stay in the U.S. because: http://www.globaliza...nguages-by-gdp/

We are still clearly the biggest consumer economy by a factor of 3+

There is NO trading index like the Dow and Nasdaq so investment will continue because stagnant money is not making money.

There is NO where else you are as secure in investments than in the U.S.


Sev, you have one foot in the extreme radical left wing yourself.



These are Facts... Koch Brothers.... massive billionaires who have made more in the last 10 years and laid off more workers... just like most of the major fortune 100 companies. So more tax breaks to them will not stimulate job growth from them, just more profits to the top tier and wall st.


We aren't only talking about one company, Sev. we are talking about business as a general category. Goodyear never created all those many plants around the world because

"There is NO where else you are as secure in investments. "


I mean, really.



Manufacturing is NOT going to come back so there are only major places you can stimulate jobs growth easily, government funding for large projects and loans to create mom and pop small businesses and home loans for refinancing/purchasing (meaning Fannie and Freddie insurance).


Maybe not - how do you see us going to pitiance for wages like in the old coad mine days before unions? Or how do you see the rest of the world having outstanding medical plans,

40 dollars an hour? Immense no matter what you do job security? It all goes back to not even able, or diligent enough, to make the playing field somewhat fair?


Kosar, it useless to go over facts when all Cal and company see is Socialism/Communism in anything Obama does. Corporate profits have massively risen and the wealthy have gotten more enriched.... none of this trickle down BULLSHIT since Reagon has ever worked.


Sev, it's useless to cherry pick one freakin company as proof of your disagreement. And yes, there is radical purpose being Obamao entire dang regime, and everything he does.

Reagan inherited a far, far worse disaster of an economy from Carter than Obamao did from Bush.


But that won't be admitted, because it that would be intellectually honest. Progressives like yourself only buy into leftist political expediency. The rich have money,

and they invest it, and they make money.


What the hell do you expect, SEV? We should support Obamao the loser, because the rich should give their entire fortunes to illegal immigrants so they will donate all that money

to marxists like OBAMAO is?


Sev - have you ever read your own posts to yourself? You should try it. Most of us are middle America. This childish college debate technique to "claim" middle ground is completely bogus.


Tech(my current field) is booming but that is only for a specific demo graphic mainly VC and now Wall street.... The Valley/NYC/Austin are doing well but that is not enough. The extreme right wants and have publicly stated they would rather crash the economy/government than help Obama and that is exactly what they are trying to do.


Sev, that is stupid bs. It's quite the opposite. Obamao and your leftist idols in Congress are trying to shut the gov down as a political ploy. They gained politically on it once,

so the Reps worked hard to avoid it. Now, Reid and Obamao and the rest working to FORCE that shutdown. Bet me. I can post a link easily to that FACT.

I believe you just support this marxist jackwagon because you want a company bailout from "the rich".;


Exxon/Halliburton/GE need tax breaks? they barely pay ANY tax... we PAY THEM.. are you F*)*ing kidding me! IF you have a net worth of more than a Million I GAURANTEE regardless of your tax rate you are investing/using your money in the market to make more.... nothing is going to stop that.....


I couldn't care less about Exxon or Halliburton. Your examples are not fact for all companies. I'd think you'd know better.

GE ??? ROF,L ! Sev, you stepped in it on that one. Guess what marxist president (the only one) who favors GE like an only child? OBAMAO. LOL.

Goodness. GE? LOL. You should hate Obamao then.


I cant stand the extreme right as much as I cant stand the extreme left...... too bad both of those groups now control Hollywood Politics Washington for sound bites/Spin and PR....


Sev, you ARE extreme left for the majority of your posts. You are way, far away from midstread. You are just shy of Shep, mosquitozits, Heck, and Michael Moo-er.




When are you going to see, and think critically, instead of anguish emotionally ?

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It is my opinion, that if other countries want to compete with us on our own shores for sales and services, they must compete on an even playing field.


Yep. You're right. Seriously.


The US may need to become a little protectionist.


We still are the largest manufacturers. We have the technology to make anything, even if it's not currently being made here. Put some tariffs up and watch manufacturing start to come back.

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