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The Naked Ugly Obamao Tree Is Losing Ground With


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ObaMao is sludge. He is by far the most phoney, lying, hypocritical and dishonest somebeech


in our entire American history.


But his marxist arrogance and complete disregard for our military, our Constitution, and


our economic system and our states....... makes him dangerous.


He is the most destructive mental case that could have taken our WH.


No freakin wonder he's losing ground, and losing credibility across the board.



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Meanwhile, I have lost all respect for Perry as a candidate - he's toast.


I still don't care for Romney...


Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida - I really like Herman Cain.


If I had my way, Cain would pick Bachmann as his vp, or visa versa,


assuming Rubio really won't accept....


Ron Paul is still a dumb goof at times, Perry should drop out of the race now.


Obamao is now playing the race card more dramatically, and frantically,


than even the black voters will be able to follow.

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Meanwhile, I have lost all respect for Perry as a candidate - he's toast.


I still don't care for Romney...


Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida - I really like Herman Cain.


If I had my way, Cain would pick Bachmann as his vp, or visa versa,


assuming Rubio really won't accept....


Ron Paul is still a dumb goof at times, Perry should drop out of the race now.


Obamao is now playing the race card more dramatically, and frantically,


than even the black voters will be able to follow.


What about Palin Cal, lol?

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Palin isn't running, K.


Don't you EVER pay attention to what's going on? "doi"


Perry, and hopefully, Romney, quit.


I'm thinkin Perry is toast. He's far more a knucklehead than Ron Paul is.




Obamao told the Black Caucus to "stop whining and complaining" and get out of their

slippers, and put their marchin shoes on...


and he said it's WRONG for Warren Buffet's secretary to pay LESS tax than Buffet. Yes he did.


AND....... he also said that the rich should not pay less than a Jew.....


he's losing it alright. The fraud is crackin up, smokefully speaking.


The lies and mirage of Obamao is completely over.


But, don't worry. The quivering mass of lying libs will come back to the forum


when a Republcian president gets elected. It would be par for the course.


And, you watch - from day one of that new pres's presidency, every single freakin thing


will be the new presidents' fault. You betcha !

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Palin isn't running, K.


Don't you EVER pay attention to what's going on? "doi"


Perry, and hopefully, Romney, quit.


I'm thinkin Perry is toast. He's far more a knucklehead than Ron Paul is.




Obamao told the Black Caucus to "stop whining and complaining" and get out of their

slippers, and put their marchin shoes on...


and he said it's WRONG for Warren Buffet's secretary to pay LESS tax than Buffet. Yes he did.


AND....... he also said that the rich should not pay less than a Jew.....


he's losing it alright. The fraud is crackin up, smokefully speaking.


The lies and mirage of Obamao is completely over.


But, don't worry. The quivering mass of lying libs will come back to the forum


when a Republcian president gets elected. It would be par for the course.


And, you watch - from day one of that new pres's presidency, every single freakin thing


will be the new presidents' fault. You betcha !


I know f*cktard, which make your nomination the last couple months funny as shit. Besides birthing a that hot piece of ass daughter, she's worthless.

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Nomination? what nomination? She isn't running. She wasn't nominated nothin? What?


Here is the TRUTH about Obamao:


He has divided up this country badly, creating racial hysteria, and anger, and violence, on the heels of his constant


taking the marxist "helter-skelter" way of "organizing" to a new level. The presidential level.


Read this, and be very afraid. This scum president probably won't say a thing about it. To him, the attackers are "his people"...


like the Black Panthers being condoned for voter intimidation, like taking the side of a black professor or a white policeman...


like saying he'd always take the side of Muslims....


like wanting a "civilian security force"...


like calling for the CBC to stop whining and complaining and take to the streets...


we are in big, big trouble. Read this: (btw, remember the 500 union workers who took over a port in California? Obamao said nothin, right?



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Nomination? what nomination? She isn't running. She wasn't nominated nothin? What?


Here is the TRUTH about Obamao:


He has divided up this country badly, creating racial hysteria, and anger, and violence, on the heels of his constant


taking the marxist "helter-skelter" way of "organizing" to a new level. The presidential level.


Read this, and be very afraid. This scum president probably won't say a thing about it. To him, the attackers are "his people"...


like the Black Panthers being condoned for voter intimidation, like taking the side of a black professor or a white policeman...


like saying he'd always take the side of Muslims....


like wanting a "civilian security force"...


like calling for the CBC to stop whining and complaining and take to the streets...


we are in big, big trouble. Read this: (btw, remember the 500 union workers who took over a port in California? Obamao said nothin, right?




I am not going to go back and find the post. You wanted her as your president.

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No, I said I LIKED Sarah Palin. I think she'd make a fine pres, but she had no chance to win, the left would tear her apart, if not


physically stalk and "take her out" like Hoffa spoke of..... and she wasn't going to run.


I like Bachman, and Cain. I didn't think Cain had a chance, but now....


Cain might be the guy. I think he's terrific.


Obamao is driving our country right into the brownshirt dirt.


He won't win re-election.


The jerk has now po'd even the CBC. I mean, THAT is bad.

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