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2-1 Baby, Browns Dream Season !


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I just read a few articles about the game at the PD and I can't understand all the negative comments made by so called Browns fans...


If I hadn't watched the game I would have thought we had lost...WOW


We're a young team so expect a few more games like this this season...


We won for cripes sake, enjoy the thrill of victory & save those negative nellie comments for when we lose...


The Browns are 2 & 1 and atop the standings in our division.. I love it, I like it, I want some more of it....





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sure we won...but does not fore-go how piss poor this team looked....again. specifically the offense. im enjoying the W, but i can also express my concern for getting our ass handed to us all day besides one drive in the final 2min.


i expected to struggle this year, and we are. it doesn't mean im being negative, im being observant and realistic. good news is playing this poorly simply means we have room to improve....but unless shit comes togther, we're not winning alot of games. thats reality.....the reality to which really doesn't concern me. im not worried about wins and losses this year, i want the core young guys to learn and show improvement...which seems to be going well. my concern is i seem the same poor play calling and rigidity from shurmur as i did from daboll, and our offense is still anemic. jauron has really surprised me tho....

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That was a Kardiac Kids moment.


That is what real Browns fans have been waiting for - a class team that defies the odds, and


never gives up to make it happen. That attitude is priceless, and you only get it with having the right guys


in the locker room with the right coaches. And, that is with rotating RT, season loss of Steibach, Cribbs with


a slight? groin pull, Hillis out for the game...


Love it !

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sure we won...but does not fore-go how piss poor this team looked....again. specifically the offense. im enjoying the W, but i can also express my concern for getting our ass handed to us all day besides one drive in the final 2min.


i expected to struggle this year, and we are. it doesn't mean im being negative, im being observant and realistic. good news is playing this poorly simply means we have room to improve....but unless shit comes togther, we're not winning alot of games. thats reality.....the reality to which really doesn't concern me. im not worried about wins and losses this year, i want the core young guys to learn and show improvement...which seems to be going well. my concern is i seem the same poor play calling and rigidity from shurmur as i did from daboll, and our offense is still anemic. jauron has really surprised me tho....


If the Browns were in a position to win in the final two minutes then you can hardly say they got their ass handed to them all day prior to that. Usually such terminology is saved for losses by two touchdowns or more.

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Hey zomdick, diid you watch the game?? Miami basically owned us the whole game(except the last 3 minutes). Miami basically gave us the game!


Last time I looked, there is no "Pretty wins" category, just wins. Our D held up when it counted, and our offense made the plays when it counted, and unlike many previous Browns QB's and teams, when things start to go bad, it seems Colt always pulls a drive out of his ass. Where before when things started to go bad, they got worse, then WAY worse. No way some negative nancy is going to ruin this for me, the Browns are 2-1, and tied for the lead. thats all that matters.

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T Dawg, I am going to assume from the caliber of your writing and perception that you are somewhere in the 18 - 25 year old range?


I read the PD and saw nothing negative in any of the stories.


Is it your contention that accurately pointing out that the Browns are not doing many things well, that this is negativity? It isn't negativity. The Browns won, yes, but this is not a performance that demonstrates a team beginning to hit on all cylinders.


THe Browns didn't impress anyone today. They are not playing at a level in which it appears they can compete with the decent teams.


Great day for the team, but it isn't a very good team.


Remember, we did after all play a winless team.


Here you go Ghoolie: I am not sure there are that many "decent teams" going on here. Of the so called "elite" teams of the AFC, the Pats lose a 21 point lead to the Bills, the Jets get hammered by the Raiders, the Steelers have to win on a last second FG against an 0-3 team, Though the Ravens won big yesterday, they got handled the week before.

In the NFC, the Falcons are now 1-2, as are the Eagles, the Saints have to win a shootout.

There may be an elite team: named The Packers....or, hell, maybe its The Lions!

Some of those teams we think are "elite" may be drafting in the upper portion of the draft.

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Last time I looked, there is no "Pretty wins" category, just wins. Our D held up when it counted, and our offense made the plays when it counted, and unlike many previous Browns QB's and teams, when things start to go bad, it seems Colt always pulls a drive out of his ass. Where before when things started to go bad, they got worse, then WAY worse. No way some negative nancy is going to ruin this for me, the Browns are 2-1, and tied for the lead. thats all that matters.


We have to go no further back than the opener against the Bengals to see an example where both the Browns offense and defense turned bad in the 4th quarter. This game seemed such a stark contrast to that one.

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I am in agreement with you Gipster. In fact, I said early on that there are really only about 5 teams that have a real chance at the SB.


As I see it there are 4-5 good teams, 10 competent teams, and the rest, total shit, with the Browns being one of the bottom dwellers in the shit group.


All I was conveying is that while I see improvement, the Browns are really a lackluster team.


I agree that the NFL is also lackluster right now.



Most people would not consider a last minute comeback win like the Browns had as "lackluster". Most would think that is pretty exciting.

If that was lackluster then the entire Kardiac Kids season was lackluster.


Or do you think that anything short of 1960sish Green Bay Packer dominance to constitute "lackluster" then perhaps you are right.

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