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Sorry Had To Post This


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I am really glad that we don't have to play the Stoolers untill after the Bye. Now hopefully we get healthy and stop playing garbage ball. I want to see the Cleveland Browns come out and give them an old fashioned beating. One where they punch them a lot more than the Stools punch back.

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I don't get why you had to apologize, this is a browns board. Steeler fans fans are just going to have to suck it up or go somewhere else


I would never be able to get enough of this clip. If only we had won that game! What a freaking play!


p.s. I don't miss Dereck Anderception. haha

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god is it funny to see just how obsessed with the Steelers you guys are. you would never find this random shit on other teams, in our div or not, unless we were playing them that week in our message boards.




and how stupid Ben looks? how about how stupid your entire franchise looks as one of the worst pro sports teams in the past 15-20yrs.




there's a reason why when analysts talk about the AFCN they talk about the Steelers and the ravens. the browns and bengles are a pathetic afterthought in the minds of the majority of NFL fans.

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god is it funny to see just how obsessed with the Steelers you guys are. you would never find this random shit on other teams, in our div or not, unless we were playing them that week in our message boards.




and how stupid Ben looks? how about how stupid your entire franchise looks as one of the worst pro sports teams in the past 15-20yrs.




there's a reason why when analysts talk about the AFCN they talk about the Steelers and the ravens. the browns and bengles are a pathetic afterthought in the minds of the majority of NFL fans.

HAHAHAA we on the Browns board, as Browns fans, watching the highlight of one of our best players, in what is likely his #1 highlight reel play are the obsessed ones. You are the one on a rival board looking for the faintest of connections to your $h!thole team trying to start a stupid flame war.

Don't like people saying negative things about your team go slurp off your favorite $h!t stain player on a squeelers board, but to sit here and say that a highlight reel for a fantastic play is bashing on your team get over yourself you self important $h!t stick

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HAHAHAA we on the Browns board, as Browns fans, watching the highlight of one of our best players, in what is likely his #1 highlight reel play are the obsessed ones. You are the one on a rival board looking for the faintest of connections to your $h!thole team trying to start a stupid flame war.

Don't like people saying negative things about your team go slurp off your favorite $h!t stain player on a squeelers board, but to sit here and say that a highlight reel for a fantastic play is bashing on your team get over yourself you self important $h!t stick




oh, just a highlight of a good athlete on your team? funny how the original poster staid the best part of the clip was Ben's reaction.





and you couldn't bash my team. no browns fan could. it would be like a corn-filled turd trying to make fun of a sunrise.

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oh, just a highlight of a good athlete on your team? funny how the original poster staid the best part of the clip was Ben's reaction.





and you couldn't bash my team. no browns fan could. it would be like a corn-filled turd trying to make fun of a sunrise.

well at least we all know your only mission is to sit here and troll.

/bleeding xxxx/

oh look an insignificant comment about the stupid look on his face I better hurry up and wind my panties up in a knot and post all indignant that someone from a rival team would dare to find humor in that! oh the humanity!how could they do such a monstrous thing.

/bleeding xxxx/

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You could click the link I posted where they say that Josh Cribbs is the 84th best player in the NFL? I think this thread was started by an amazing #16 clip... not a ben tudburgler fumbling interception machine clip.. ass clown..

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god i can't wait till we humiliate your team dec 8th. gonna be a nationally televised slaughter.




Thursday, Dec. 8 CLEVELAND 8:20 p.m.




"can't wait!"

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god i can't wait till we humiliate your team dec 8th. gonna be a nationally televised slaughter.




Thursday, Dec. 8 CLEVELAND 8:20 p.m.




"can't wait!"

I can't wait till your team puts in a losing season and they put up Missing posters on milk cartons to help find their braggart fanbase. who have all fled from SS. $h!tsburgh to another ship to brag endlessly about and use as a crutch for their worthless self esteem. and I truly hope the browns are the team that puts them away for good.

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oh, just a highlight of a good athlete on your team? funny how the original poster staid the best part of the clip was Ben's reaction.





and you couldn't bash my team. no browns fan could. it would be like a corn-filled turd trying to make fun of a sunrise.

This is pretty funny, kudos. You still love a rapist though.

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god is it funny to see just how obsessed with the Steelers you guys are. you would never find this random shit on other teams, in our div or not, unless we were playing them that week in our message boards.




and how stupid Ben looks? how about how stupid your entire franchise looks as one of the worst pro sports teams in the past 15-20yrs.




there's a reason why when analysts talk about the AFCN they talk about the Steelers and the ravens. the browns and bengles are a pathetic afterthought in the minds of the majority of NFL fans.


Obsession? You are here on the Cleveland Browns Board. That is far more indicative of an obsession than anything that could be said here about the Steelers or anyone else.


And how about this: we will take away the current Steelers, owner, coaches, players, personell, everything and move them all to LA. And there will be no Steelers team play for three years, but then after 3 years we will reactivate the Steelers through the expansion process where you can get a pile of junk off the scrap heap. And we will assign you an owner who kicks the bucket after 2-3 years and leaves the Steelers to his inept kids (maybe we will get the owner of the Pirates to own these new Steelers). I suspect that those Steelers would duplicate just what the Browns have gone through for a 15 year period...and they will also indeed be an afterthought in the NFL.

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god i can't wait till we humiliate your team dec 8th. gonna be a nationally televised slaughter.




Thursday, Dec. 8 CLEVELAND 8:20 p.m.




"can't wait!"



Yep, just like the last time they played a night time game. Let's see, how did that one end again? Oh, yea, the 1-11 Browns won and that loss cost the defending champion Steelers a playoff spot.

C'est La Vie.

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Yep, just like the last time they played a night time game. Let's see, how did that one end again? Oh, yea, the 1-11 Browns won and that loss cost the defending champion Steelers a playoff spot.

C'est La Vie.



That was in Cleveland on one of the absolute coldest nights of the year. The prime time game is in Heinz Field this year! While nothing would please me more than to see the Browns go down there and bitch slap the shit out of those black and yellow freaks, and watch their fans crying in their cry towels, you have to look at how Pittsburgh performs at home on prime time! It's a very tall order to fill!

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That was in Cleveland on one of the absolute coldest nights of the year. The prime time game is in Heinz Field this year! While nothing would please me more than to see the Browns go down there and bitch slap the shit out of those black and yellow freaks, and watch their fans crying in their cry towels, you have to look at how Pittsburgh performs at home on prime time! It's a very tall order to fill!


OK, yea. But it is about time that this team started doing just that, don't you think?

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Yep, just like the last time they played a night time game. Let's see, how did that one end again? Oh, yea, the 1-11 Browns won and that loss cost the defending champion Steelers a playoff spot.

C'est La Vie.




wow, it's indicative of how pathetic your team looks compared to ours that you guys still lord over that like it was a SB victory. pathetic.



well, i'll give you that 1 game. actually i'll give you 3 games..........exactly how many games your team has won against the Steelers since 2000.



i mean we've won 18 of those games to your 3..............hmmmmm, 6 wins to every 1 of yours. wow, just wow. i can see why you guys are so bitter.



Jeff Reed is still a pussy. I keep watching his attempt at a "tackle" over and over.




again with the "holy hanging on to ancient history batman"............you DO know that not only is Reed not a Steeler anymore, he's not even in the NFL.



not to mention that i dont know many kickers who are great tacklers. but hey, when you have as little to be happy about as browns fans do i guess it's the little stuff in life, right? (the REALLY little, insignificant stuff)

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wow, it's indicative of how pathetic your team looks compared to ours that you guys still lord over that like it was a SB victory. pathetic.



well, i'll give you that 1 game. actually i'll give you 3 games..........exactly how many games your team has won against the Steelers since 2000.



i mean we've won 18 of those games to your 3..............hmmmmm, 6 wins to every 1 of yours. wow, just wow. i can see why you guys are so bitter.


Bitter? No. Frustrated over this team having lost so much since its 1999 return? Yes. If the Browns had won 3 and lost 18 to the Steelers in that time but won a couple of Super Bowls no one could care less about that record.

And it is still not the record against the Steelers that we care about. It is the record against the entire National Football League. I don't think the Browns record against the Ravens is any better than that against the Steelers, yet you don't see their fans on here rubbing our noses in it. Quite frankly, I think most Steelers fans are more interested in the fact that they have beaten the Browns so much over the last few years than they are by the fact that they have won 2 SBs and played in another over that time.

That, apparently is where your priorities are.....as they should be. After all, the Steelers are ONLY relevent in respect to their relationship to the Browns.

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I'm kinda surprised galfreets chooses to puff out his chest when his team is last in the TO ratio, struggled against the colts and can't stopcthe run anymore. Its quite here in stool town, cause people are realizing Warren sapphire was right.


So now u have Essex and Foster starting due to more injuries on an OL that was terrible before, u can't run the ball, and Ben is getting his ass beat. The one good team u played destroyed and embarrassed u. U think ur pathetic pass d can stop one of the best passing offenses in the league? Lmao....this game is gonna be xxxxing hilarious.


We may very well lose to the titans, in a competitive game. Just be happy ur playing 1:00 and wont be getting embarrassed in prime time

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