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More Positive News For The Browns


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Time for Tom to backup the Brinks truck to make another withdrawl from the bank...


Remember the claims of broken promises for a new deal for Jackson, back in 2010. He wouldn't sign his restricted tender until the June 15 deadline.


The agent said that they were tired of excuses. That the team made promises of a new deal it has not kept... it got pretty contentious...


I think the disconnect cam from promises made by Kokinis and Dawn Aponte.


Jackson's gonna get his Washington's.

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When healthy he has been pretty good for us. I know some think he relied on "Allen Iverson" like stats (accumulating a ton of stats/tackles while in reality not helping your team much.. aka Allen Iverson), but who else did we have on Defense? Not much. But with players like Haden, Ward, Taylor, and Sheard around him he has seemed to really make more impact plays. Here's to hoping it continues!

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Great for DQ & the Browns!

Prior to this season, I had thought he was done & they should unload him....Just goes to show how little I know, right??

He really has looked great in the middle. Now let's sign HIM too.


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