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Draft 2012 (Optional)



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  1. 1. Should the Browns go WR or LB?

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If we landed in a spot to take the best WR or LB in the draft, what should the browns draft.


IMO personally i would take a stud WR, and sign a name in FA, let go of robo, Momass and Cribbs can show me what they can contribute the rest of this year before i give a spot up there.


But in reality i feel Heckert would pick up the Linebacker first, now the reason i don't have a problem with this is if you are grabbing a Harrison, Lewis, Urlacher, Matthews etc. type of linebacker i'll happily enjoy my beer and cheers at the draft party, but like i said we need a WR more then a LB currently, what do you guys think?

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You forgetting the fact that we also have TWO first round picks and desperately need another CB and RT as well. Right now I think our first pick will either be a WR or a LB, will depend though who is availible and how our season turns out, If Greg Little shows he is our #1 and MoMass and Cribbs do well then I don't see us taking a WR, if Fujita gets put on IR again this year I think we will go LB #1 overall. I think our second 1st round pick will most likely be a CB and our 2nd round pick will be a RT.

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The Browns needs are, in order: OLB, RT, WR, CB, S, OLB. This order hinges on the development of Skrine, Little, Pinkston, and the effectiveness of Sheldon this year.



I'm fine with giving brown next year also before i would need to address CB, and your right Buster Skrine could be taking that roll if he pans out.

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The Browns will likely be drafting in the middle of the pack since I believe we'll go .500 this year. When you're drafting middle or late in the first round, I think it's good to just focus on getting the best available player regardless of position (other than a qb or a rb since we have franchise players in McCoy and Hillis).


This way you don't reach for a position and get a guy who is a bust. I'd be happy to draft a can't miss corner or free safety as our first pick if I knew he would be a solid NFL player. Even though we need a LB more than we need a db, I dont want to draft a LB who isn't any better than some veteran we can sign off the street. The key is getting difference makers. Pro-bowl caliber players, not just guys good enough to start to fill a vacant roster spot. That;s what FA is for.


Free Agency is a huge factor. If the Browns are planning to make a playoff move, they can spend their cash on any vacant positions they missed in the draft.


If we draft 17 or 18 we may have a good chance to get the 2nd best offensive lineman available. These guys drop a lot since losing teams want to draft high profile college stars to appease their fan base. We could get a superstar o lineman at this spot.


There will always be quality, proven receivers to pick up in free agency. This isn't as true for o-lineman. We should look to draft o-line unless there is still a potential dominating lb on the board.

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I'm fine with giving brown next year also before i would need to address CB, and your right Buster Skrine could be taking that roll if he pans out.


Ya I wouldn't be upset if sheldon brown was still our starting cb next year. He hasn't been great but he has looked like a pro bowler compared to eric wright last year.

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As bad as i wanted to instinctively click on LB i went with WR, we seriously needs some threatening speed with good hands out there, its the one thing that really sticks out and reveals itself like a busted thumb when reviewing game footage..


With gocong getting an extension and fujita being a veteran leader heckert will ignore the fact that 2 of our 3 starting LBs are mediocre(serviceable) all you have to do is look at the eagles and you can see reids failure to connect on the importance of both LBs and FSs and heckert is unfortunately following a similar flawed pattern..


And this defense is going to feel the sting of having only serviceable OLBs especially in the AFCN but particularly against the stoolers and ratbirds as the only way to the playoffs is to defensively manhandle both of these teams running and short passing games..

Not to mention the ratbirds also have true deep threat speed capability across the board..

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They really need a TRUE #1 WR. Someone that commands a double team. If they don't draft one they better sign one next year

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First and foremost, here's to hoping that Atlanta tanks this year and we get a top ten pick from them. They are 1-2 right now though I do see them finishing with somewhere around .500 record which means a 12-20 overall pick from them.


With our DL playing so good it is going to make it easier for our LBs to make plays so I think we can hold off on drafting one. Another thread mentions that Aaron Curry is avaliable from Seattle, why not give him a go for a low round pick (6th or 7th round). He will add youth and speed.


I think we need to draft a WR and a CB. For WRs I like Floyd out of Notre Dame and Blackmon from Ok State. For CBs, Kirkpatrick from 'Bama.


Good OL can be drafted in the 2nd round.

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