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What The Hell

why cant we win

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No shit, put your best man on the field. Hillis should be getting at least 80% of the carries if not more, right now I think he has 40%! and what the hell was that not running him on 4th and 1. How xxxxing stupid are you that you don't give the ball to your 250 running back and you give it to your untested undersized rookie who played at a xxxxing community college. God damn idiot! I'm not going to be surprised when Hillis walks during the off season, I wouldn't want to stay in a place where a new coach absolutely doesn't know how to use him.

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Montario has been productive-ish so far, so from that perspective I get it. In short yardage situations though (like the 4 and inches), there is no excuse for Hillis to not have the ball.


I'm much more frustrated with the passing game right now though. I know we have to play within our system and all that jazz, but it's pretty clear that the Titans are going "bend don't break" on us right now and succeeding.


Get Hillis more involved and let Colt get outside the pocket. At least give us a chance.

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Hardesty hasn't done anything this game that Hillis hasn't done, I assume they are keeping him out because of this whole contract bullshit. For as much as this coach doesn't like the waldcat, he still seems to like to run a bunch of bullshit trick plays that never work.


Let me spell this for you. Hillis is still better than Hardesty and he should be getting most of the carries, the fact that is running good this game and still having to sit on the sidelines and watch Hardesty is bullshit.

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not hating on hillis because i like both our backs BUT i don't know how you can say hillis is better when all we've seen of hardesty is a game and a half so far and only a year of hillis. they are two different styles and i think our team can benefit from both that is if our coaching staff can figure out how to use them both.


putting him on 3 and 1.....don't you think the D will be keying on him? remember half of those yards last year are du to the fact he had vickers blowing up holes for him.

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The other big thing, as mentioned, has gotta be the weight loss. I don't buy any of this contract talk. He lost 10 pounds - give him a week to get back into things.


And clearly, this was a lost week anyway. If we something similar to this after the bye, that's when there is a real issue.

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Horrible throw by mccoy on that INT just before, there was no where near.


time for mccoy to step his game up, and I'm not talking about this game, but more so the next games, wasn't sold on him last year and I'm definitely not sold on him right now.

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not hating on hillis because i like both our backs BUT i don't know how you can say hillis is better when all we've seen of hardesty is a game and a half so far and only a year of hillis. they are two different styles and i think our team can benefit from both that is if our coaching staff can figure out how to use them both.


putting him on 3 and 1.....don't you think the D will be keying on him? remember half of those yards last year are du to the fact he had vickers blowing up holes for him.


Did you even watch the play. They had Hillis lined up at FB and the hole he would have ran through with the ball would have netted him at least the one yard needed.

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no i didn't see the play, sorry. like i said i'm not knocking hillis. i think there is a combination of things going on here.


1.the RBs miss vickers.


2.shurmur wanted to see what hardesty could do while hillis was under the weather.


3.shurmur doesn't know how to utilize a RB like hillis. on most teams hillis would be listed as a FB correct? has shurmur ever been a FB friendly coach? (don't know, just asking).


everyone knows i think shurmur was a dumb hire BUT i'm willing to give him a pass for now because i think he's doing a lot of learning on the job.


BUT i will say i was more excited watching the browns last year than this.


where's daboll when you need him? :lol:

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BUT i will say i was more excited watching the browns last year than this.



Are you drunk?? You liked losing 5 of the first 6 last year better than a 2-2 team??


1 and 5 to start last year is better than 2-2?


I realize it was a crappy game today but jesus...2-2 is a lot better than 1-5.

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Are you drunk?? You liked losing 5 of the first 6 last year better than a 2-2 team??


1 and 5 to start last year is better than 2-2?


I realize it was a crappy game today but jesus...2-2 is a lot better than 1-5.

and that was with a brutal schedule last year...


this is a cupcake schedule by comparison and we are barely competitive....we look downright aweful on offense, and the D and ST have a case of jekyl and hyde.


this year is way, way worse. chalk it up to holmgrens genius.

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Are you drunk?? You liked losing 5 of the first 6 last year better than a 2-2 team??


1 and 5 to start last year is better than 2-2?


I realize it was a crappy game today but jesus...2-2 is a lot better than 1-5.


yeah the record is all that counts. if you can't see the difference in EVERYTHING from this year to last from discipline to competitiveness to the fire when stepping on the field you're either smoking crack or your ego won't let you admit it.


i'm guessing it's the latter.


they look as though they've lost the game even before stepping on the field. ask mccoy and hillis how they like this new scheme, asshole.

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and that was with a brutal schedule last year...


this is a cupcake schedule by comparison and we are barely competitive....we look downright aweful on offense, and the D and ST have a case of jekyl and hyde.


this year is way, way worse. chalk it up to holmgrens genius.


Total regression from last season. We were always competitive with teams. This team, from what I heard, gave up.

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Total regression from last season. We were always competitive with teams. This team, from what I heard, gave up.


Always competitive?? Did you not watch the end of the season last year when we lost 5 in a row including 41-0 to the Steelers to end the season.

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to the team that lost in the superbowl.


did you not see how we beat the hell out of the saints and pats?


see, i can cite an exception to the argument as well.


you see to be missing the point completely mark. the product on the field last year, regardless of wins and losses, offensive stats, etc., looked much better than is pathetic display put on the by the shumur browns.....and thats a direct result of shurmur being a rookie coach given a shot at a HC job by a friend of his uncle. shurmur has no business being a HC right now, and its showing.


everyone clamored for an offensive coach....we now got one and our offense sucks as bad or worse than it did last year. hillis was killing people last year....now he can barely get on the field. if nothing else, mangini's teams came out and played their hearts out...win, lose, or draw. these guys look like they'd rather be crocheting on the coach with a case of wine coolers.


no, id rather not have mangini back as he had his own problems. but i'd sooner agree with rebel and accept gruden long before see a shurmur destroy these players due to his incompetence.

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Always competitive?? Did you not watch the end of the season last year when we lost 5 in a row including 41-0 to the Steelers to end the season.


No. We lost 4 in a row to end the season last year. The only blowout in that stretch of games was the last one to the steelers. It was 41-9. We weren't very good, but don't make it sound worse than what it was. His point was we were competitive last year despite losing almost all our close games.

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