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Problem Is Not Receivers It's Mccoy


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It wouldn't have mattered if Hardesty didn't have arms, COLT THROWS THE BALL STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE/ACROSS LOS EVERY TIME. Screen/Cross/Slant - because McCoy has no confidence in receivers? No, because McCoy doesn't have confidence in himself and only feels comfortable with safe throws. Will probably get better with time but the announcers have it wrong.

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It's the system, not McCoy.


The WCO might not be the answer, which is a serious issue as it's what they are building the team around now.


How is the xxxxing system the problem. I agree, it's not the WR at this point, it's McCoy feeling that he needs to get the ball off in 2 seconds every play. McCoy can't look down field at his first one or two reads and just looks for the drop off guys almost every single time.

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It wouldn't have mattered if Hardesty didn't have arms, COLT THROWS THE BALL STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE/ACROSS LOS EVERY TIME. Screen/Cross/Slant - because McCoy has no confidence in receivers? No, because McCoy doesn't have confidence in himself and only feels comfortable with safe throws. Will probably get better with time but the announcers have it wrong.


Amen, you watch good QB's there not throwing to wide open receivers. There putting the ball were there "covered" receiver has a chance to make a play. Colt has to learn that

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blah blah blah.




It's quite ironic that those good qb's have solid offensive lines and wr's who do get open, even just a bit, while the qb has nobody


slamming into him.


Colt is no noodle arm. He was just under serious pressure all day.


Some get angry and still can see what is going on, others just plain go berserk and starting pointing at the qb.


Sure, it's Colt's fault that Brown is an easy target. I say bench Robieski, make Little fulltime starter, and play Buster in Brown's place.


It was a dismal outing for sure, but ignoring the lack of blocking and Brown's poor coverage? It makes no sense.

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Not many teams have a better O-line than the Browns, Colt's noodle arm is the reason he's pressured so much. No threat throwing outside the hashes. If thats all you can do, your gonna get hounded all day until you can prove you can stretch the field, and he hasn't yet.


Did you read what you just wrote? Colt's arm is why he is pressured so much? That is ludicrous and laughable. If he is getting pressured it is because his line is not protecting. It doesn't matter how strong an arm he has.


The problem with this offense is not Colt McCoy. He is not perfect, but he is not the major problem.

Having a Browns QB throw 61 times in a game is the problem. That should never happen. Even in the NWCO the QB should only be throwing at most 30-35 times a game.

Colts problems are totally correctable. 1. He sometimes seems to throw late 2. He sometime throws too much into traffic. The latter problem may be because no one can get open.

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Did you read what you just wrote? Colt's arm is why he is pressured so much? That is ludicrous and laughable. If he is getting pressured it is because his line is not protecting. It doesn't matter how strong an arm he has.


The problem with this offense is not Colt McCoy. He is not perfect, but he is not the major problem.

Having a Browns QB throw 61 times in a game is the problem. That should never happen. Even in the NWCO the QB should only be throwing at most 30-35 times a game.

Colts problems are totally correctable. 1. He sometimes seems to throw late 2. He sometime throws too much into traffic. The latter problem may be because no one can get open.


Once again when were down 20+ points in the middle of the 3rd in a pass oriented offense, we are going to be throwing the ball. Now if we stuck with them the whole game and Colt threw 60 passes then I would be upset too, but what else was Shurmer supposed to call when we were that far behind.

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Honestly, I feel as of right now it's split between the system, McCoy, and the WR's. I know the game dictated we throw the ball more, but IMO there's no excuse Hillis doesn't see near 20 carries every game. He and Cribbs are the best offensive weapons on this team and must see the ball period. There's no excuse for Hillis seeing 10 carries. I do agree with you guys that Colt has to take more chances and not just pass to the first guy who is open. But is that a result of WR not getting open? I do think so to some extent.


But guys, it's 4 games into the season and we're only one game out as of today. Frankly, if we were going to get creamed I'm glad it was going into a bye. We are going to see coming after the bye if Shurmer has the gusto to be an NFL coach. I mean look around the NFL right now: the dream team eagles are 1-3, the playoff chiefs are 1-3, the "look what the browns aren't doing right" rams are 0-4. If you don't think this NFL lockout had a gigantic impact on young teams like us and those above, you're just plain stupid.

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It wouldn't have mattered if Hardesty didn't have arms, COLT THROWS THE BALL STRAIGHT UP THE MIDDLE/ACROSS LOS EVERY TIME. Screen/Cross/Slant - because McCoy has no confidence in receivers? No, because McCoy doesn't have confidence in himself and only feels comfortable with safe throws. Will probably get better with time but the announcers have it wrong.



Colt McCoy = Brady Quinn

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95% of Wide outs are covered in the NFL. The QB has to lead trust his WR to make plays. Where are the back should throws, our the screen passes or the deep route. Colt Mccoy is not the anwser!! I been on this board forever, and its the samething. we had Frye people thought he was the nevt great thing, Quinn samething, Wynn samething..THERE ALL THE SAME PLAYER...You now DA was a horrable QB, but at least he was not afraid to throw the ball.

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Everyone remain calm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Only the 4th game and what 12th for Colt as a starter. It's not Colt or the system. The run-pass balance was off yesterday like the Cincy game that is a problem but that should be fixed. The WR's are not getting open within the amount of time the O-line is giving Colt to make a pass.

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95% of Wide outs are covered in the NFL. The QB has to lead trust his WR to make plays. Where are the back should throws, our the screen passes or the deep route. Colt Mccoy is not the anwser!! I been on this board forever, and its the samething. we had Frye people thought he was the nevt great thing, Quinn samething, Wynn samething..THERE ALL THE SAME PLAYER...You now DA was a horrable QB, but at least he was not afraid to throw the ball.

Thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard.....stop posting

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Everyone remain calm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Only the 4th game and what 12th for Colt as a starter. It's not Colt or the system. The run-pass balance was off yesterday like the Cincy game that is a problem but that should be fixed. The WR's are not getting open within the amount of time the O-line is giving Colt to make a pass.

Exactly.....Two fundamental problems with the browns the O-line can't hold and importantly the WR's cant get open.....even if they did block long enough our poor "little" recievers would still be getting owned

We just have to accept it guys.......nothings going to chance over a week....again we will be 6-10 or something around that, and you cant get mad cuz what do you expect with the talent we have out there on the field?

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OHH your one of those guys..I am a Idiot really...So you watch ESPN see all the highlights of WRs open you think they are always open. What you dont see on ESPN is that 8 yard out route with the CB all over the WR but the QB makes a great throw....Calvin Johnsons two Tds yesterday he was covered, he just made the play.


you are morethan likely the saem guy who said Frye is our future, oh its Quinn, no not its DA, wait I know Colt is going to lead us. Colt can not make the throws to be a great NFL QB.can he be a decent QB sure he can.



The NFL is a QB/superstar league, its not like the OLD days where you might not need a stud QB, but those are few and far between....


Look at all the great QBS in NFL history, Marino, ARodgers, Manning, Brady, Kelly, just to name a few...All bigger QBs with a great arm that can read a defense.



Colt Mccoy- Not a great Arm, small, yes hes smart-smart to know he cant make that throw to the open WR on the 25 yrd out. PLease do not give me this well Breez is undersized...Great in the History of the NFL there have been about 6 undersized NFL QBS that have had success. I think I do not like those odds....

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Everyone remain calm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Only the 4th game and what 12th for Colt as a starter. It's not Colt or the system. The run-pass balance was off yesterday like the Cincy game that is a problem but that should be fixed. The WR's are not getting open within the amount of time the O-line is giving Colt to make a pass.


Pretty accurate description of what occurred, colt often doesnt get time to set up and let things develop due to slow WRs but i would add that colt seems to be skipping progressions and going straight to the intended target without ever looking back..

I saw many WR and TE alike wide open or getting enough separation but colt never even gave them a glance he is trying to play to safe..


I am a mccoy fan but man he needs to start stepping up and proving he can throw an accurate pass up top to these no hands slugs this regime calls WRs..

Playing to safe we are gaining very little for it is not the way to go, colt needs to just let it rip and pray the slugs can actually be aware the ball is coming and catch it..

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95% of Wide outs are covered in the NFL. The QB has to lead trust his WR to make plays. Where are the back should throws, our the screen passes or the deep route. Colt Mccoy is not the anwser!! I been on this board forever, and its the samething. we had Frye people thought he was the nevt great thing, Quinn samething, Wynn samething..THERE ALL THE SAME PLAYER...You now DA was a horrable QB, but at least he was not afraid to throw the ball.

your spelling hurts my head more than contemplating the browns' inadequacies.

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your spelling hurts my head more than contemplating the browns' inadequacies.


LOL you know what I love


I love when people bitch about other peoples spelling, who cares!!! I am not a spelling teacher, I run a million dollar company, so I have people send shit for me. Keep it coming,all day long!!!!!


FYI back to the Browns Colt Frye, I mean Brady Mccoy Sucks!!!!

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LOL you know what I love


I love when people bitch about other peoples spelling, who cares!!! I am not a spelling teacher, I run a million dollar company, so I have people send shit for me. Keep it coming,all day long!!!!!


FYI back to the Browns Colt Frye, I mean Brady Mccoy Sucks!!!!


To quote the Hunt Brothers: "A million dollars ain't what it used to be eh?"


Or to quote Everett Dirksen: "a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money.


Running a million dollare company don't mean you know anything about football. Ask Randy Lerner!!

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He was talking about my spelling...


Plus never once have I ever complained about our front office. I just think Colt is not a Playoff QB. I understand everybody wants him to do great. Just watching him, you can see this about all we will get from him.


Just cause a run a million (sorry millions and millions) dollar company, does not mean I have any of that money. Cause I dont trust me I wish I did.


But I do have people that send my e-mails and letters out, just have to sign my name..

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This was a funny thread blaming everything on all the players.........................




but forgetting the main ingredient of Offense .......................playmakers at skill positions




who are they for the Browns ....................and dont say Hillis



and again.........................our massive paid stud oline .....................was er well ordinary




someday the smart people will get it

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He was talking about my spelling...


Plus never once have I ever complained about our front office. I just think Colt is not a Playoff QB. I understand everybody wants him to do great. Just watching him, you can see this about all we will get from him.


Just cause a run a million (sorry millions and millions) dollar company, does not mean I have any of that money. Cause I dont trust me I wish I did.


But I do have people that send my e-mails and letters out, just have to sign my name..


Well, the way I see it, Colt, as is completed 66% of the passes he threw. And if it weren't for Roberto Duran Hands of Stone receivers that pct. would have been well above 70%. And that is about perfect for the NWCO. The NWCO is supposed to be all about the short passes and the YAC after them. A few downhill shots sure, but not that many. You rarely saw Joe Montana pretending he was The Mad Bomber Daryl Lamonica. Short tight timing patterns is what he threw, and that is what Colt is throwing. But, as someone said, with those they are supposed to be to a guy like Jerry Rice who can take the ball and scoot, not just take the ball and fall.


And, funny how a lot from this video looks familiar....but what the Browns don't have is a #80:



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Yes our wrs are subpar, no one is saying they aren't. But lets go back to week 1, I think it was McCoy's longest completion of the year. Our inept, slow Momass literally had no one within 20 yards of him standing by the goal line. McCoy jump passes the ball with everything he has and delivers a duck that Momass has to stand and wait for. Luckily it got there before the defender, but Momass was instantly tackled on a play you should easily score on. Even McCoy's good plays aren't good enough. The guy throws 10 yard knuckleballs for christ sake. I guarantee you that if there is anyway we can within reason nab Luck its a done deal. If we did get Luck this team still would not be good, but it would instantly look better.


I think a few more weeks of this and I'm going to write a book too. I'm gonna call it "growing tired of colt."

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The farthest he actually THREW the ball in any of those clips was maybe 50 yards and it was a duck to momass. If he could throw say 60 yards that's a TD.


Did he jump when he threw the ball? Check


Was it a floating duck? Check


Was momass coming back for the ball? Check


If you didn't see those 3 things then you need to open the trailer door and let some of the Meth fumes out.

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The farthest he actually THREW the ball in any of those clips was maybe 50 yards and it was a duck to momass. If he could throw say 60 yards that's a TD.


Did he jump when he threw the ball? Check


Was it a floating duck? Check


Was momass coming back for the ball? Check


If you didn't see those 3 things then you need to open the trailer door and let some of the Meth fumes out.


Running for his life, check. You cannot throw a ball without coming to almost a complete stop without jumping (see shortstop in baseball). Momass had to slow down, not come back.


Why are you creating this bitch ass drama 4 games in. Go fooking watch a soap if want drama. Are you a girl?

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