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And On A Good Note......


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BUT all the ladies out there must feel some pay back the way ben rapelisbereger is getting smacked around this year. he might not last the year from what i've seen so far.


not wishin injury on anyone but i wonder if he now knows how it feels to have no control over a situation? sorta like the girls he 'messed with'.

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BUT all the ladies out there must feel some pay back the way ben rapelisbereger is getting smacked around this year. he might not last the year from what i've seen so far.


not wishin injury on anyone but i wonder if he now knows how it feels to have no control over a situation? sorta like the girls he 'messed with'.


lol. Just how long are you and everyone else going to latch on to the "accusations" because accusations is all that occurred. He wasn't arrested, he wasn't thrown in jail. There was a ton of evidence detrimental to the case and the very reason nothing happened. Sh.it I don't know of any story ANYWHERE, where a woman attempts to put a male in a difficult position to meet some sort of end game, that NEVER HAPPENS. *shakes head* *rolls eyes*


Now as far as the game is concerned our o-line could very well keep us out of the playoffs but with our relatively weak schedule it's looking more and more like a one and done unless something drastic occurs between then and now. I suppose if there is a positive spin on this it's if the Steelers finish poorly they'll be able to draft a much needed first round lineman to compliment Pouncey and the promising Gilbert. The beauty of that scenario is the rest of the team remains intact and Ben stays upright. All of which leads to more silver shiny things. The first line here is also hilarious. People are tried of the Steeler threads here, it's obvious each time one is posted. Your board members want to get back to talking the BROWNS and only discussing the Steelers with major developments OR Steelers/Browns week. If that happens I'll sure as hell do a hell of a lot more reading and a lot less posting.




Thread fail.

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The Steeler threads are lame indeed. But not quite as lame as the Steelers themselves.


Not a knock on their success as an organization, but they really are old and slow and bad right now.


I knew that leaving Ben behind a terrible o-line would never last. Its a miracle and a testament to his strength and ability they got their 2nd SB last decade.


Paying all those players on D, and keeping them starting so long, looks like a mistake.


Steeler fans just cant assume that they will always plug in new studs on D.. Hood looks average...Hampton, Keisel and Smith are all falling fast. I see them every week here.


Trust me, not proping up my Browns, but at least they are young and in good cap shape.


I think the steelers are in for a few average years until they can replenish, which they usually do.


But have to consider LeBeau will be gone soon and no guarantees their LB coach will succeed as well.


Just some objective thoughts...

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yeah i should have named this thread that. next time i'll contact you and WVbrowns fan before i post on the browns board to make sure everything is up to snuff in your eyes.


how about this? you don't tell me what to post on the browns board and i won't tell you how to flip the burgers at hardees?

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how long are you going to maintain that there's no fire where there's smoke?


I said several times Ben was/is a skeez with the ladies BUT you've also never witnessed it first hand. I on the other hand have on a couple occasions. Girls throw themselves at him like fireman throw candy at the labor day parade. It was actually pathetic. I saw a woman engaged and set to be married climbing ALL over him. Now add in the fact that at the time he was what 27? 28, single with a ton of money and obvious fame. Are you seriously telling me that most men in the same position are going to say no? The only thing that's smoking are the jaws of the Steeler hating masses. It's time to shut up about it. Water well over the dam with NOTHING to bottle it up.


Now as far as the Steelers are concerned they'll be fine. We just need another piece on the o-line and maybe a high profile FA pick up and it's back to business as usual next season. Who knows they may find a answer this year. Defense are neutered now with all the new rules, Keisel is hurt, Aaron Smith is still getting back in the swing and they drafted Heyward. Hood was very solid last year. I'm not worried about him or anyone else on defense. Farrior has lost a step and Aaron Smith, despite having a solid game today. There is young depth across the entire defense, besides at safety and defensive tackle.

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yeah i should have named this thread that. next time i'll contact you and WVbrowns fan before i post on the browns board to make sure everything is up to snuff in your eyes.


how about this? you don't tell me what to post on the browns board and i won't tell you how to flip the burgers at hardees?


Nah I'll just flip my college degrees, my two paid off vehicles, my paid off house and all my other sh.it. What a xxxxing dumb ass comment. I said it was a dumb thread and it was and you had to go in and toss the dig. You used to be alright but you're quickly becoming just another mouth breather. People are tired of all the absolutely pointless Steeler threads. Yet a choice few idiots continue to post the mindless bs. Post what you want.

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Yep he's in a boot. Got tackled low by JJ Watt. Stay classy.

That's good for the college women in and around pittspuke. They might have a chance to get away

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i'm not a steeler hater. just want the browns to win and they happen to be in the same division. this is a ben hate thread. not a steelers hate thread. you and another poster try to turn it into that. there's a difference.


let's put it this way i feel as bad about ben getting beat up as seeing the picture of michael jackson dead on a gurney. fxxk 'em both.

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Nah I'll just flip my college degrees, my two paid off vehicles, my paid off house and all my other sh.it. What a xxxxing dumb ass comment. I said it was a dumb thread and it was and you had to go in and toss the dig. You used to be alright but you're quickly becoming just another mouth breather. People are tired of all the absolutely pointless Steeler threads. Yet a choice few idiots continue to post the mindless bs. Post what you want.


Cool story, bro. Not only do you not flip burgers but you're rich too. Who knew.

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actually...from the mouth of hillgrove....watt was blocked into him by your stellar OL, mr. gilbert.


stay intelligent.



I'm not blaming Watt and I said "promising" with Gilbert because he is promising. He looked solid at times blocking today and prior to hurting his shoulder last week he also looked good. He's playing with a bum left shoulder. Never said Gilbert was a stud, he's a rookie. I think it's time to put this thread to sleep. I'm going to go wallow a bit on my Steeler board, maybe you all should do the same here after your recent lambasting. You can always turn to your steeler hate for a pick me up later.

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there's quite a bit of difference between being "tackled" and being blocked into an unfortunate hit.


since you got busted on it, you weren't blaming him. gotcha.


Wait sooooo Watt was now tackled in to Ben? I'm not blaming Watt at all, just like I wasn't blaming Brock in the Indy game. Once you're body is falling in a direction, after exerting yourself to your physical peak it's pretty hard to stop your momentum forward. If Gilbert tackled him, blocked him whatever IT DOESN'T begin to matter. It wasn't anyone's fault. It just happened. I don't see where any of this even begins to matter. Because I called Gilbert promising? Are you serious? Aren't you tried of pulling at straws and trying to be cute? Where did I blame Watt you stupid mongoloid? The "wishing for injury part' was why I said "stay classy". He was tackled low by Watt whether he was pushed, blocked whatever. He was tackled LOW. It's pretty straight forward lol. No blame on Watt at all from me.

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you know what i'd be alot more worried about if i were a clown fan?



peyton hillis being the latest in a long line of Madden Curse victims.

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Wait sooooo Watt was now tackled in to Ben?


sigh...i cant believe you have one, let alone 2 degrees...


Yep he's in a boot. Got tackled low by JJ Watt. Stay classy.


did you forget those are you own words?


tacking someone, by definition, is an conscious attempt to bring the ball acrrier to the ground thru contact.


this is why everyone says you backtrack all the time...cause you do. you say something misguided, possibly by a bad choice of words, possibly by stupidity, possibly both (however, the latter leads to the former). then u have to type up a book as to why your first mistake was actually right, using circular logic or semantics. just own it homo...u implied he was hit low on purpose.


if i were you, id stop flaunting those degrees you say you have cause either 1) youre lying about them, or 2) you cheated your way thru school, or 3) youre not as smart as your degrees say you are.

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you know what i'd be alot more worried about if i were a clown fan?



peyton hillis being the latest in a long line of Madden Curse victims.


no. this is our browns board. we can make fun and hate and worry about who we want, when we want, just like you can do on your steelers board. funny how you never run into me over there isn't it? (now really what can you say about that? i mean answer the question. you won't, because i'll never go to your steelers board and you know it. that's the difference.)

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sigh...i cant believe you have one, let alone 2 degrees...




did you forget those are you own words?


tacking someone, by definition, is an conscious attempt to bring the ball acrrier to the ground thru contact.


this is why everyone says you backtrack all the time...cause you do. you say something misguided, possibly by a bad choice of words, possibly by stupidity, possibly both (however, the latter leads to the former). then u have to type up a book as to why your first mistake was actually right, using circular logic or semantics. just own it homo...u implied he was hit low on purpose.


if i were you, id stop flaunting those degrees you say you have cause either 1) youre lying about them, or 2) you cheated your way thru school, or 3) youre not as smart as your degrees say you are.


Can you read? I said JJ Watt tackled Ben low but he was falling forward and "tackled" his knee/leg. I don't blame JJ Watt because it's hard to stop your forward momentum. I'm still trying to figure out where your beef lies. JJ Watt TACKLED BEN LOW, I don't blame Watt. It happens and I don't think it was meant to hurt Ben. Where is the problem again? Where did I get my words crossed? Are you SURE you can read? There was no back tracking. I said what I said and I'm standing by it. JJ Watt (ONE MORE TIME) tackled/hit Ben low. End of story. He's in a walking boot. Once again where is the problem? You're the f...uckin idiot.

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no...you elaborated...backtracked if u will, after i pointed out even your resident stooler announcer said it wasn't his fault. i quoted your entire post....


Yep he's in a boot. Got tackled low by JJ Watt. Stay classy.


youre first diatribe said nothing of Watt. exactly where does it say in there it was an accident? do you under-xxxxing-stand what im saying to you? only after i mentioned it was an accident do you try to correct yourself.


your brain activity is akin to a glacier moving.

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you know what i'd be alot more worried about if i were a clown fan?


peyton hillis being the latest in a long line of Madden Curse victims.


I'm more worried that Shurmer kept Hardesty in the game, when the Browns were in a "must pass" three scores down mode, and Hardesty did his very best Braylon Edwards imitation dropping four passes that hit him in the hands.


And I don't have any happiness that Ben is hurt- but I am happy the Steeler Morons who thought the gravy train of wins was never going to end just might be. Like that clown that said "all we need to do to get back to the Super Bowl is beat Baltimore". Guess what? you have 14 other games on your schedule.

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note: i posted this before i knew about ben being injured. this was not about him getting hurt or a steeler haye thread. it was about him, his actions off the field in the past and karma.


i'll never feel sorry for the guy unless maybe he did a public apology 'to all women' blah blah blah and actuall meant it.

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no...you elaborated...backtracked if u will, after i pointed out even your resident stooler announcer said it wasn't his fault. i quoted your entire post....




youre first diatribe said nothing of Watt. exactly where does it say in there it was an accident? do you under-xxxxing-stand what im saying to you? only after i mentioned it was an accident do you try to correct yourself.


your brain activity is akin to a glacier moving.


Unbelievable. First my "stay classy" was directed at Mik for his comment on Ben and wishing injury. He's since clarified his comment. As far as Watt is concerned he still TACKLED Ben low whether he was pushed in to Ben or not. I at no point said "Man that JJ Watt is dirty" or made the situation in to something it isn't. You took it the way you wanted to take it and tried to make it in to something it wasn't. You're the one that looks like a f...ucking moron yet you're in here talking about my intelligence. Priceless. I've got ocean front property in Iowa I want to sell you.

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