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After 4 Weeks


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After 4 weeks in the NFL season, here are my thoughts


If we do not fix our Offense in the bye week, we might not win another game. This is what I would do.

Hillis needs to carry the bal 15-20 times, now I am a big fan of Hardesty, and think Hardesty will be great in the WCO. This offense is just not there yet. I understand that they are force feeding this offense, but really need to use the tools you have. I aslo think the Browns do not give Hillis a huge contract because of Hardesty, Anyways Hillis 15-20 touches a game. Hardesty 10-15 touches. Colt is not a good QB, I have been saying this since we drafted him. He is just like Wynn,Frye,Quinn, he just is teh 2011 version. Undersized, ok arm, is really not that all accurate as everybody thinks ( ask Watson). People say he is a leader. Really he is leading us to what??? Our run/pass needs to be 60/40. I like what I see in Cribbs and Little, those two are playmakers but Colt has to trust them on making plays..Throw them the ball!!!! (that is what Stafford does with Megatron, I know they are npw where close to his skills)

1 problem is, is that Shurmer knows he is not getting fired anytime, he thinks he getting a free pass. I am fine with that I do not think we should fire anyone, but we have to improve every week, and we are not. You give Moore more money to sit on the bench?? He has the best hands on the team

Fact is that the 4 teams we played, I do not think they are more talented. I think we were just out coached and out hussled. Our coming up schedule with Oak, Hou they have more talent. Cincy, Miami, Tenn. Are not more talented than us. Indy has more talent everywhere, but no QB


Andrew Luck will be the next great QB in the NFL. Some of you have agrued that he could be a Russel,leaf, etc etc. The difference is that he stayed in school for 4 years, is very smart and has a great head on his shoulders. Alot of bust QBs that come from collage are 1 yr wonders..


This Browns team is not very good, yes we won 2 games both of those teams have not won a game yet, and are really not good.


On Offense the only ones who should feel safe our: Thomas, Mack, Cribbs, Little. I really do not think our Coach likes Hillis. I do not think he is safe at all


Defense: Haden, Jackson, Ward, and our front 4 to 5


Thats it 11 to 12 players, I know not everyone is going to be a super star, but have to have a roll to be good at.


Losing Vickers was a really bad move by our front office!!!!!

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I agree with you on certain points about how this team should be distributing its plays. In an average game, an offense usually runs 75 plays. Of those 75 plays the Browns should be doing as follows:


Hillis should be getting 25 carries a game.

Hardesty should be getting 15 carries a game.

McCoy should be making about 30 throws per game (not freeking 60)

That is 70 plays. The other 5 could be things like reverses to a WR. A fullback dive play, or a 3rd string RB play, or maybe a couple or three other throws....but that's it.


I guess being down 21-6 dictated more throwing....but no way should it have been 61 throws.

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The problem is we are still not talented enough top over come mistakes and poor play calling..



I look at a couple plays in this game, that destroyed us. First small play was the dumb reverse to Cribbs down byt the titans end of the field. We lose 7 yards..


The biggest play was the 4 and 1 toss to aldon smith.. This was a killer. Not only did we not score but we let them score to really put the game out of reach..


Throw is some poor tackling and mccoys horrible INT.



This team should not have signed Gocong to an extension.. Fujuti is terrible now, osama young blows..



If my daddy Gruden was here things would be different

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I like Gruden, but I live in Tampa and he just does not know how to devolp a young QB. If he had a team like the Eagles who have a ton a talent, but are underacheiving he couldtake that team to the superbowl.


Other teams he wouldbe a great fit



San Diego


Both New York teams

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After 4 weeks in the NFL season, here are my thoughts


If we do not fix our Offense in the bye week, we might not win another game. This is what I would do.

Hillis needs to carry the bal 15-20 times, now I am a big fan of Hardesty, and think Hardesty will be great in the WCO. This offense is just not there yet. I understand that they are force feeding this offense, but really need to use the tools you have. I aslo think the Browns do not give Hillis a huge contract because of Hardesty, Anyways Hillis 15-20 touches a game. Hardesty 10-15 touches. Colt is not a good QB, I have been saying this since we drafted him. He is just like Wynn,Frye,Quinn, he just is teh 2011 version. Undersized, ok arm, is really not that all accurate as everybody thinks ( ask Watson). People say he is a leader. Really he is leading us to what??? Our run/pass needs to be 60/40. I like what I see in Cribbs and Little, those two are playmakers but Colt has to trust them on making plays..Throw them the ball!!!! (that is what Stafford does with Megatron, I know they are npw where close to his skills)

1 problem is, is that Shurmer knows he is not getting fired anytime, he thinks he getting a free pass. I am fine with that I do not think we should fire anyone, but we have to improve every week, and we are not. You give Moore more money to sit on the bench?? He has the best hands on the team

Fact is that the 4 teams we played, I do not think they are more talented. I think we were just out coached and out hussled. Our coming up schedule with Oak, Hou they have more talent. Cincy, Miami, Tenn. Are not more talented than us. Indy has more talent everywhere, but no QB


Andrew Luck will be the next great QB in the NFL. Some of you have agrued that he could be a Russel,leaf, etc etc. The difference is that he stayed in school for 4 years, is very smart and has a great head on his shoulders. Alot of bust QBs that come from collage are 1 yr wonders..


This Browns team is not very good, yes we won 2 games both of those teams have not won a game yet, and are really not good.


On Offense the only ones who should feel safe our: Thomas, Mack, Cribbs, Little. I really do not think our Coach likes Hillis. I do not think he is safe at all


Defense: Haden, Jackson, Ward, and our front 4 to 5


Thats it 11 to 12 players, I know not everyone is going to be a super star, but have to have a roll to be good at.


Losing Vickers was a really bad move by our front office!!!!!


Matt Leinart stayed in school for 4 years

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