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Survey Monday 10/3

The Gipper

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Here is this week's survey, give your opinions:


1. Baseball playoffs have started. Tell who you WANT to win, and tell who you think WILL win.

(FYI the candidates in case you don't know are the Yankees, Tigers, Phillies, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Brewers, Rays, Rangers)



2. So, there have been some complaints about Randy Lerner's aloof style of ownership of the Browns. If you had your druthers, who would you druther own the Browns?



3. So, the US killed two operatives of Al-Qaeda who also happened to be originally US Citizens. Some say that this was illegal and that the US denied these "gentlemen" their due process of law. What are your thoughts?



4. I'm reading this book about an alien invasion of Earth. A good and interesting portion of the book is from the aliens point of view and about the tactics they would employ to make their invasion successful. If you were the leader of an alien invasion force, what would be the initial several tactics YOU would employ against Earth to make your invasion a success?



5. The Browns are on their Bye week. What should they do on their week off to improve?

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Here is this week's survey, give your opinions:


1. Baseball playoffs have started. Tell who you WANT to win, and tell who you think WILL win.

(FYI the candidates in case you don't know are the Yankees, Tigers, Phillies, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Brewers, Rays, Rangers)


I don't care who wins as long as it isn't the Yankees or the Phillies. I think it will be Detroit over the Phillies in 6 games.


2. So, there have been some complaints about Randy Lerner's aloof style of ownership of the Browns. If you had your druthers, who would you druther own the Browns?




3. So, the US killed two operatives of Al-Qaeda who also happened to be originally US Citizens. Some say that this was illegal and that the US denied these "gentlemen" their due process of law. What are your thoughts?


We did the right thing. Those complaining aren't true Americans.


4. I'm reading this book about an alien invasion of Earth. A good and interesting portion of the book is from the aliens point of view and about the tactics they would employ to make their invasion successful. If you were the leader of an alien invasion force, what would be the initial several tactics YOU would employ against Earth to make your invasion a success?


Weird question, but I would find a way to turn every country against one another (send false information that is believable). If the world doesn't unite against the aliens, the aliens would win.


5. The Browns are on their Bye week. What should they do on their week off to improve?


1. Hardesty practices catching the ball until his hands bleed. 2. Put Norwood or Mitchell in for Robiskie. 3. Give McCoy more time with the offense. 4. Change the defensive gameplan to never have Fujita man on man over the middle and find a way to get Bernard on the field more often. 5. Work on tackling (if that's even doable in practice?) 6. Give Haden some healing potion

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1. Brewers vs. Tigers. Ultimately, anyone other than the Yankees and Phillies.



2. Mark Cuban


3. We absolutely did the right thing.


4. No idea.


5. Practice..like a lot. Robiske needs to be dropped on the depth chart. Start MoMass and Little with Cribbs in the slot. Get Evan Moore on the field more often.

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Here is this week's survey, give your opinions:


My own views:


1. Baseball playoffs have started. Tell who you WANT to win, and tell who you think WILL win.

(FYI the candidates in case you don't know are the Yankees, Tigers, Phillies, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Brewers, Rays, Rangers)


My own preferred order of who I would like to see win: Brewers, Rangers, Rays, Tigers, D-backs, Cards, Phillies, Yankees.

Who do I think will win?: The Phillies should be in the best position pitching wise to be the favorites, though the Cardinals seem to be on a roll. D-backs seem like they are already out of it, so they go last.


2. So, there have been some complaints about Randy Lerner's aloof style of ownership of the Browns. If you had your druthers, who would you druther own the Browns?


I have given it some thought and I believe that unless you bring out an outside "interloper" like, say, a Mark Cuban, who may have a passion for sports but not necessarily for the Cleveland Browns, the Lerners are probably the very best possible people to own this team. They are by far the wealthiest family in Ohio when you combine the wealth of the mother, daughter and son Randy. Behind them are Leslie Wexner of Columbus, Carl Lindner of Cinci, Clayton Mathile of Dayton and Richard Farmer of Cinci (maybe one of them should buy the Bengals).

With his money actually, it wouldn't be out of the realm to ask the Lerner's to buy the Indians.

The only other possibility would be Dan Gilbert, a non-Ohioan....but a couple things stand in his way....though one issue I think I have resolved. The NFL disallows cross ownership of another sports franchise in another NFL city.

E.g. The owner of the Avalanche or Denver Nuggets could not own an NFL team in St. Louis....but he could own the NFL team in Denver. Gilbert could own the Cleveland NFL team and also own the Cleveland NBA team, if he wanted.

But what kills Gilbert is the fact that he now has interests in the gambling casinos.....and that is a big no-no for NFL owners. Some of the Rooney family members had to give up their interest in the Steelers because of their interest in horse tracks and casinos in FLA. I don't know why the NBA allows it, but they do. (Perhaps because they are more corrupt?....or perhaps as long as the casino has no sports book?)




3. So, the US killed two operatives of Al-Qaeda who also happened to be originally US Citizens. Some say that this was illegal and that the US denied these "gentlemen" their due process of law. What are your thoughts?


My thoughts are that if these guys renounced their citizenship, which I believe they did, and in essence declared war on America, which I understand they did publicly, and took some action to commit or encourage terrorist acts against the US, which they did; then, they are declared enemy combatants, not entitled to the protection awarde US citizens.

They are no more entitled to due process than Yamamoto (the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor) was. We were entitled to seek and destroy him as an enemy combatant (and by the way, we did seek and destroy him), and we are entitled to seek and destroy these guys as well. The fact that they were once US citizens is irrelevent in my mind.



4. I'm reading this book about an alien invasion of Earth. A good and interesting portion of the book is from the aliens point of view and about the tactics they would employ to make their invasion successful. If you were the leader of an alien invasion force, what would be the initial several tactics YOU would employ against Earth to make your invasion a success?


First, I would wipe out all the satellites that circle the earth, thus disrupting world wide communications and detection capability...but only after having surreptitiously compromising them and learning all I could about the capability of the planet I was to attack including the indentification of the leaders and military commanders.

Second, You would have to wipe out the control and command centers of the major nations, like the US, Russia, China, India. Example, in the US you would have to destroy the Pentagon and the White House..and probably the Capitol. In Russia, the Kremlin.

Third, you would have to destroy the military infrastructure that you had previously identified....thus obviously neutralizing the planets defense capability.

Next, you would have to identify certain persons in charge of certain areas that you could compromise and turn into quislings.

Next, you would have to destroy some portion or the planets industrial capability....but only so much that supports the continued ability to wage a military campaign (because you would probably want that industrial capacity to be turned to suit your colonization needs).

Only then could you begin a campaign of pacification of the populace and redeployment of the planet's work force to serve your interests.



5. The Browns are on their Bye week. What should they do on their week off to improve?

See the above steps re invading a foreign planet and apply all of them.

Seriously: the first thing I would do is to bring out a pile of tackling dummies and get them to work on it. Then I would say that anyone that misses a tackle during a game is going to BECOME the tackling dummy for the next week of practice. See how soon these assholes learn to wrap up then!

Next, I would go to Usain Bolt and ask if he wants to be a WR for the Browns. Assuming he turns them down, then I would begin to want them to try to figure out how this WCO system that I MUST run fits in with the personell I do have on hand, especially since Bolt and no other fast WR is going to be on this team.

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1. Phils


2. Zombo-at least he loves the team and would have the most fantastical expectations one could even conceive.


3. Due Process ended with the Patriot Act so it doesn't even matter.


4. Speed should be enough since they must travel faster than the speed of light to get here before they ran out of supplies.


5. Teach Shurmur how to (fill in the blank with just about anything).

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Here is this week's survey, give your opinions:


1. Baseball playoffs have started. Tell who you WANT to win, and tell who you think WILL win.

(FYI the candidates in case you don't know are the Yankees, Tigers, Phillies, Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Brewers, Rays, Rangers)

Anyone but NY


2. So, there have been some complaints about Randy Lerner's aloof style of ownership of the Browns. If you had your druthers, who would you druther own the Browns? Anyone but Randy Lerner


3. So, the US killed two operatives of Al-Qaeda who also happened to be originally US Citizens. Some say that this was illegal and that the US denied these "gentlemen" their due process of law. What are your thoughts?

Hank williams Jr. needs to watch his back


4. I'm reading this book about an alien invasion of Earth. A good and interesting portion of the book is from the aliens point of view and about the tactics they would employ to make their invasion successful. If you were the leader of an alien invasion force, what would be the initial several tactics YOU would employ against Earth to make your invasion a success? take me to your leader


5. The Browns are on their Bye week. What should they do on their week off to improve? go to a strip club

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2. So, there have been some complaints about Randy Lerner's aloof style of ownership of the Browns. If you had your druthers, who would you druther own the Browns?





Lets start a bake sale and buy the Browns, we will let you run it. :)

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By the way, I finished that book last night about the alien invasion. WARNING: PLOT DISCLOSURE.


Anyway, the aliens were having it all their way...and this was a twist that I absolutely didn't see coming: until they invaded the Wallachia district of Romania and were going to kidnap a bunch of Romanian women and children.

Well, that pissed off a certain native of that area such that he felt that he had had enough and was pissed that people that he thought were under his protection were going to be fodder for alien experimentation. Thus, this guy, whose name was Radu Dragomir felt that he had to reveal his true self after being dormant for over a hundred years.

Yes, it was the original bad boy himself, the former Count Dracula. He decided that he now had to "turn" a few of his followers into what he was....which they did not know what he was until he revealed it to them. They all volunteered to be turned, and thus in that manner they were able to slake their thirst for blood not on humans..whom they sought to protect, but on the alien invaders and defeat them.


Personally, I thought it would make a perfect sequel to Cowboys and Aliens: Vampires and Aliens.


(and I mean it, I really did not see that plot twist coming until about 30 pages left in the book)

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