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Occupy Wall Street... Screw That! Lets Occupy The Net!

Mr. T

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I'd gladly support them. The system we have now is broken. 25 years ago, the top 1% owned 33% of the nation's wealth, now they own 42%. This is a trend that is showing no signs of stopping... See the chart below.



Source: http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=2908


And you guys are going to sit here and bash these people because they're hippies? Firstly, xxxx you. Secondly, they're directing their protests at Wall Street, who in my humble opinion, needs some xxxxing accountability. I mean, who took the fall for the whole housing debacle? Bankers and real estate brokers knew what was going to happen, yet millions of people got screwed because they trusted them. What punishments did the bankers and such get? A bailout? WTF.


And here's the xxxxing disconnect, a quote from Peter King (R-NY)


“We have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy,” he said, adding “I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen."


Don't let the people affect policy! That'd be un-American! What a hypocrite. It's too xxxxing typical of the right-wing to call anything they don't like "un-American." Well, sorry folks, Americans are upset about it. We had to deal with your Tea Party, now you have to deal with this, and in both situations, the "if you don't like it, leave it" attitude has got to go. The Tea Party started out with a message in the right direction, then the Koch brothers changed it into a corporate cocksucking machine and now no one likes it. These people protesting are doing things the right way. I just hope the media doesn't spin this into a re-elect Obama campaign, but my hopes for that are not very high.

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Oh please.

I've yet to hear a coherent objective from any of these dickheads.

So corporations control the world.... Wow.

Always did and always will.

So you're mad about the bailouts? Gee so's the tea party.

And who cares?

You guys oughta spit out Obama's cock long enough to see who he favors and whose money made him king shit.

And who he has as huis economic team.


So you're mad. OK.

What specifically would you change to make it all better?Seriously, just answer that.

And how much of a rats ass do you think the real guys in charge give?


And yep the gap has widened since the 70s when the unions and government regulations and taxes started killing US manufacturing.



But you want more free shit, I get it.

I'm sure if you dipshits brak a few more windows and shit in the street the mean old brokers will make your lives better.


And the "people" don't set economic policy for good rreason.

That's why this isn't and never was a democracy.


And how embarrassing is it to have that Egyptian buttplug squealing about how this is like the overthrow of Mubarik.

Those in US "poverty" would be among the richest in any real poor country.

This is a lark and nothing more.


And calling for the end of capitalism is as close to anti american as anything I've heard.

That's always the chant when one side is crying about the other side.

And so what anyway?

We were born out of revolution and treason.

Live with it.


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I've yet to hear a coherent objective from any of these dickheads.


Bullshit. This is how these things start. Hell, this is how the Tea Party started. You get a bunch of pissed off people who are angry at the right things, then of course the media's going to key in on the hippies (as if someone with dreadlocks is useless, and a fatass woman wearing a three-pointed hat with teabags hanging off of it is more patriotic) to marginalize the message. Why would the media do this? Because if the message that these people are trying to send comes together into something coherent, and the corporate media has so much to lose.


Like I said, it's in its infancy, but these hippies have made enough of a presence to get more people involved. This weekend, middle-aged, blue and white collar workers came out to support the protests. It's not just hippies anymore.


That being said, some of the issues are becoming clear. We want unlimited campaign spending to go. Eliminate corporate non-commercial spending. Limit union and non-prof spending. Secondly, corporations and the common people both xxxxed up in the housing bubble collapse. Who got punished? Only the peons. Meanwhile, the banks all got bailouts. xxxx that. They need to be punished too. You shouldn't be allowed to xxxx everyone over and then get a big fat bonus for it.

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But you want more free shit, I get it.


Not wanting my tax dollars going to bailout banks = Free Shit? LOL. Why should the Freddie's and Fannies fook the American people, YOU included, put us 8 trillion dollars further in debt, while the systems YOU and I paid into is going to be no longer.


I just can't wrap my head around the fact that because people say they don't want their tax dollars spent on bailing out corporations, who egregious promoted bad businesses practices, means those dirty hippies and niggers want free shit. Because they DON'T want the US government bailing out banks with our money, which is the SAME FOOKING MESSAGE AS THE TEA BAGGERS, LESS GOVERNMENT, that means they are free loading hippies? We get it, you and Cal are out of touch and have obvious bias against something that made you mad as a child. We understand that.


This is nothing about "FREE SHIT", I've worked harder than you on a fooking bad day, 65 hours last week. I've paid into the system, I sure as shit want my money back if it's not going to be there when I am 65.

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Those in US "poverty" would be among the richest in any real poor country.


This is the dumbest argument I have heard yet. I don't want to get into economics because 1) you would look like an EVEN MORE of an ass when I am done with you and 2) I just don't have the time.

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I've yet to hear a coherent objective from any of these dickheads.


Bullshit. This is how these things start. Hell, this is how the Tea Party started.

Who cares? When did pimp those clowns?


You get a bunch of pissed off people who are angry at the right things, then of course the media's going to key in on the hippies (as if someone with dreadlocks is useless, and a fatass woman wearing a three-pointed hat with teabags hanging off of it is more patriotic) to marginalize the message. Why would the media do this? Because if the message that these people are trying to send comes together into something coherent, and the corporate media has so much to lose.


LOL Dream on. The corporate mdiacontols itself. And Obama too.


Like I said, it's in its infancy, but these hippies have made enough of a presence to get more people involved. This weekend, middle-aged, blue and white collar workers came out to support the protests. It's not just hippies anymore.


Who are you bitching to?

Did you read what I said, or pissed at somebody else?


That being said, some of the issues are becoming clear. We want unlimited campaign spending to go. Eliminate corporate non-commercial spending. Limit union and non-prof spending. Secondly, corporations and the common people both xxxxed up in the housing bubble collapse. Who got punished? Only the peons. Meanwhile, the banks all got bailouts. xxxx that. They need to be punished too. You shouldn't be allowed to xxxx everyone over and then get a big fat bonus for it.


That's not what "they" want at all.

Not since the unions jumped on board.



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Because they DON'T want the US government bailing out banks with our money, which is the SAME FOOKING MESSAGE AS THE TEA BAGGERS, LESS GOVERNMENT,


So you and VT and Cal are all tea partiers?


Hey call me when you get smaller government.

While you're at it think of the outrage if McCain had us deeper in Afghanistan and murdered foreign leaders.

BTW I say xxxx the terrorists BUT if a republican had done that you lefties would be crying for a war tribunal.


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I've yet to hear a coherent objective from any of these dickheads.


Bullshit. This is how these things start. Hell, this is how the Tea Party started.


Seams funny how the media wants to compare the Occupy Wall St. hipsters to the Tea Party. If anyone has listened to the message of some of these cooks you would think they had taken a page out of the movie "Reds". They want social and economical justice? And they want the government to intervene and "use force" to get what they want.


Take the "Tea Party" and what their message is, "Leave us alone".


Now that is a sharp contrast on opinion.


The only American flag present by the Occupy Wall St. crowd and it has been desecrated.



IMO the Occupy Wall St. crowd feels like they have been sold out by Obama and their rent is due.


Look in the background of the picture. It says "end the fed" on a sign. That is one good idea, but I will not hold my breath on that happening anytime soon.

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Steve is right here. Those wall st protesters don't want smaller gov, they want the gov to take over the rich, and divvie it out to all of them.


"Them banks got too much money" ???


Do you know (ever?) who got the banks in trouble?


Democrats. They forced the banks to make loans to the poor who ended up


not being able to pay them back. Besides that, somebody who works hard for years, and buys 800 acres in Montana, and becomes rich


after taking all that risk, doing all that work, all those hours a day, all those years.....


and these VT/K dipsheets are angry because that rancher "stole" riches from them, and it isn't "FAIR" for him to have so much money?


Screw those organized, fringe losers of hateful orgs. Arrest em all, and ship em to Siberia. Now, THAT I wouldn't mind paying a bit higher tax for.... @@


Those attacking wall st? They are breaking the law... they are communist/socialist/pervs/freak revolutionaries in one fashion or another,


and they just flat out HATE America, and anyone who is successful in America, out of a sick, twisted spite to the degree of mental




It's stupid for VT and K equate the Tea Party with the sixty-ish hippies who want free handouts in a socialist society.


They want free cars, homes, cell phones, careers and wealth. And somewhere along the way, they learned to thrive via


slapping the face of all opportunity - and demand success handed to them because they have been told by marxists that they are "special".


There is NO comparison to the Tea Party, come on, that's really, really stupid. We showed up and became Tea Partiers out of patriotism and rebellion


to higher taxes and the serious concern over spending by Obamao (and Bush, too, but Obamao has compounded it for Coward/Piven and entitlement reasons)

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I've yet to hear a coherent objective from any of these dickheads.


That's because you're not listening. You just see people with dreadlocks and think, "Oh, a stoner, what a loser."


LOL Dream on. The corporate mdiacontols itself. And Obama too.




Who are you bitching to?

Did you read what I said, or pissed at somebody else?


I'm mostly pissed at the government/corporations, but as for you pissing me off, it was this comment


"But you want more free shit, I get it.

I'm sure if you dipshits brak a few more windows and shit in the street the mean old brokers will make your lives better."


Remember when the media said that black people at tea party rallies were being called niggers? This is more or less the same, there is probably some truth to it, but you don't equate the entire movement to a few sour apples. I don't want free shit, asshole. My parents are fine, my family is fine, I'm fine. I work 80 god damn hours a week, 60 of them, mind you, conducting biomed research to make life better for all of us. I don't need handouts. I also don't need a bunch of plutocrats being allowed to screw over tens of millions of dumb Americans and getting rewarded for it.

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but this is how democrats have been getting elected since the 60's. how do you think obama gete his money


Ha. It's how they ALL get elected. And every four years, you're stuck with the choice of voting for the lesser of the two evils or throwing your vote away to a third candidate. The whole damn system needs to be changed. Hell, I'm even gonna go a little bit Christian on you...



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Vapor is a member of the flea baggers, commonly now known as the flea party.


They need to take showers, quit trying to mooch marxist style, and stop being a flea brain.B)

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This is the dumbest argument I have heard yet. I don't want to get into economics because 1) you would look like an EVEN MORE of an ass when I am done with you and 2) I just don't have the time.


Not to be insulting Kos but I've yet to read anything of yours that might lead me to think you had much knowledge of economics.

The "poor" here are a hell of a lot better off than the poor in actually poor countries.

No I don't have a great deal of pity for someone with cable TV a car and subsidised food medicine and shelter.



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I'm mostly pissed at the government/corporations, but as for you pissing me off, it was this comment


"But you want more free shit, I get it.

I'm sure if you dipshits brak a few more windows and shit in the street the mean old brokers will make your lives better."


Remember when the media said that black people at tea party rallies were being called niggers? This is more or less the same, there is probably some truth to it, but you don't equate the entire movement to a few sour apples. I don't want free shit, asshole. My parents are fine, my family is fine, I'm fine. I work 80 god damn hours a week, 60 of them, mind you, conducting biomed research to make life better for all of us. I don't need handouts. I also don't need a bunch of plutocrats being allowed to screw over tens of millions of dumb Americans and getting rewarded for it.


You don't want more free shit?

You (if you represent the occupy WS gang) don't wand higher taxes on corporations and the "rich" ?

You don't want them to pay an even higher percentage of the money it takes to provide the services the government provides?

You want the tab for higher education paid from the taxes?

Weren't you discussing the benefits a college student might take advantage of?


And you oppose Obama and his team bailing out the banks right?


And I don't recall you wishing you were allowed to pay more for any of that, right?


PS it's Mayor Bloomberg moaning about the vandalism, not Sean Hannity.



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Not to be insulting Kos but I've yet to read anything of yours that might lead me to think you had much knowledge of economics.

The "poor" here are a hell of a lot better off than the poor in actually poor countries.

No I don't have a great deal of pity for someone with cable TV a car and subsidised food medicine and shelter.




Your comparing the US with other non-industrialized nations? LOL.


The US has the highest poverty rate for children then ANY other industrialized nation. Look it up numb nuts.

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So when you think of poverty what do you envision? Perhaps the pictures that you see on the sally struthers commercials? Children bloated bellies starving in the streets covered with flies?

Because if you do then you might have a point about poverty rates in the United states compared to the rest of the world.

But, as you know, that's not the case.


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I think you're equating US poverty levels with the third world.

Hence you draw a ridiculous conclusion.

But if you seriously think its better in Haiti (or cuba or...) well, you know.



No, as I said in my last post, INDUSTRIALIZED NATIONS, dude are you ok?

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Oh, Steve. One look in here reminds me why I haven't bothered.


How's your health, man? Doing better?


Doing well, Heck, thanks. Lost some weight and eliminated most simple carbohydrates.

Unfortunately I've pissed off my cat Rusty who regularly shared my frequent bag of late night cheeseburgers...

C'est la vie.


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Welfare is a safety net for those of us who have it the worse (ie, not anyone on this forum). There is no such thing for the 14 million people in the middle class who got xxxxed. Are they freeloaders too?



VT we get a lot of "free shit" that isn't welfare.

Hey you want an army roads FBI Medicare edudcation subsidies federal prisons and parks and all the bureaucrats among the other "free shit" the government provides.

Somebody has to pay for all that.


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So what Kos?

Define "poverty" any way you like.


In what way will the occupy wall street loons make a difference in that?





ps I'm doing well.


I guess you could make that argument about Vietnam protesters. To be honest everyone here, I am too exhausted debating mute points. Everyone seems to be stuck in their ways. If you have noticed my views are based on the current events and do change, which is the beauty of being American. Things change and keeping an open mind about society and my fellow Americans seems to be working well for me.


On that point this will be my last post in the Political Forum for a while. I am just to busy to keep up with the close minded nonsense. It's weird though don't you think, the people who are supposed to be free loading liberals here on the board are generally too busy working to check in to Drudge. I guess I now see their point. Later all.

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