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T.o In Cleveland Week 6?


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At this stage in his career, TO is not going to put it all on the line. He just wants a paycheck.


However, We are way under the cap and can afford to take a risk. No reason not to make a play on him.

Had an interesting interview with Stephen A Smith...check it out

The man is 38 years old just coming off 2 knee surgeries, not so much looking for a paycheck, but to solidify himself as a first ballot hall of famer. Last stop would give him a chance to go out respectfully perhaps.

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Had an interesting interview with Stephen A Smith...check it out

The man is 38 years old just coming off 2 knee surgeries, not so much looking for a paycheck, but to solidify himself as a first ballot hall of famer. Last stop would give him a chance to go out respectfully perhaps.



May not be looking for a paycheck per se, but the dude is an attention whore....and he still wants to get his fix.


...though, the man does know how to operate in the NWCO...so who knows.

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Had an interesting interview with Stephen A Smith...check it out

The man is 38 years old just coming off 2 knee surgeries, not so much looking for a paycheck, but to solidify himself as a first ballot hall of famer. Last stop would give him a chance to go out respectfully perhaps.



Well from what I have seen thus far, if he can come in here and make this offense look professional he will be a first ballot HOFer!!

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Texas or Raiders.



only bad thing is we have a first year coach and a young QB, i'm not sure if our front office expectations are high enough to make a play on him, but i would sign him right now for the right price no problem.

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If we could motaivate Moss id take him over Owens, but i just dont see how it will work even though we could use someone with a higher caliber of talent then what we currently have..Are coaches and H&H have made it very clear they are not going to bring someone in and that they do "believe in are Receviers"<Bullshit....

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I certainly would not be against bringing a guy like TO in but i also assume that it just is not going to happen..

We will ride the season out with what we have for better or worse as the regime does not seem interested in big name free agency or trading even if the price is fairly small..

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Texas or Raiders.


Good choices. And it depends on what TOs asking price is. If he wants more than vet minimum, there won't be many takers- the guy is coming off an ACL, and it took the All-Time-Great Jerry Rice a full season to get his speed back at the same age.


All Owens would do on the Browns is take away snaps from Greg Little. Based on what we saw in the Titans game RE: Hardesty, the Browns are already in full evaluation mode, and ain't no way they are going to bring in a one season and done vet to take away snaps from the young 'uns.

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TO would certainly help improve the offense but management isn't going to waste their time, it would be pointless to bring a guy in who would help one or two years max when the team isn't going to be ready to consistently win until next year--and won't be a serious SB contender until year 3.


The only people who really think the Browns are talented enough to win now are the pussies you see posting around the board, queefing about QB play and coaching.

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Our front office isn't in a "win now" mode. Their building for the future and are trying to evaluate what they have in the young players, so they know what to address in next years draft. We've had the cap room to sign plenty of free agents, but they didn't in the offseason so I wonder why they would want to now?

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Because that diva can put points on the scoreboard? I win kthxbye.


Correct that- a guy who used to be able to put points on the scoreboard. You have a guy who's 38 years old coming off an ACL. I have $20 Robiski can beat him in a 40 right now. :)

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The only people who really think the Browns are talented enough to win now are the pussies you see posting around the board, queefing about QB play and coaching.

and the people that i see defending and making excuses for mistakes and poor play are the pussified apologists that continually keep their head in the sand and accept a shitty team because "its a building year". we've only been building for 12 years you stupid xxxx.


i believe i was the one spearheading the idiots saying to spend big in FA, so find anywhere i said we are oozing with talent. i've said consistently to build thru the draft, yet you wanna throw stones cause your too xxxxing stupid to remember what you've been reading?


sorry your golden boy captain checkdown 2.0 has been looking like shit....sorry this rookie coach appears to be in way over his head....sorry you think fatass can do no wrong. and im really sorry youre sucking it up like a good little apologist pussy. i hope for all our sakes this ship gets righted, but im very hesitant based on the product thats on the field.

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Correct that- a guy who used to be able to put points on the scoreboard. You have a guy who's 38 years old coming off an ACL. I have $20 Robiski can beat him in a 40 right now. :)


I've got $100 that says he can get open more than Robiskie can no matter who is faster. I am not saying we sign TO but your argument for not signing TO is Retarded. Robiskie isnt 100th the WR that TO is.

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I've got $100 that says he can get open more than Robiskie can no matter who is faster. I am not saying we sign TO but your argument for not signing TO is Retarded. Robiskie isnt 100th the WR that TO is.


That wasn't my point-TO will take snaps away from Little not Robiski who IMHO should be cut, or demoted. Get it through your heads, TO is worth zero, nada to the Browns this year coming off the knee injury. And we don't need Mr. Clubhouse cancer wrecking team chemistry. LOL how are the Bills and Bengals playing minus TO? Better, you say? Enough about this stupid hypothetical.

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That wasn't my point-TO will take snaps away from Little not Robiski who IMHO should be cut, or demoted. Get it through your heads, TO is worth zero, nada to the Browns this year coming off the knee injury. And we don't need Mr. Clubhouse cancer wrecking team chemistry. LOL how are the Bills and Bengals playing minus TO? Better, you say? Enough about this stupid hypothetical.



Worst argument i ever heard? Bills and the Bengals like every team is different each year, yes some can be consistent with the talent they keep and the schemes they run, but to suggest Terrel Owens Single handly dismantaled entire organizations on offense and defense, destroyed front offices, and brought some kind of magical media disease (That does not exist in reality) and made teams worse then they were is maybe the dumbest shit i heard in awhile.


Last i looked T.O had 9 touchdowns in 14 games last year injured.... Now shut the xxxx up with that weak ass shit.

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Worst argument i ever heard? Bills and the Bengals like every team is different each year, yes some can be consistent with the talent they keep and the schemes they run, but to suggest Terrel Owens Single handly dismantaled entire organizations on offense and defense, destroyed front offices, and brought some kind of magical media disease (That does not exist in reality) and made teams worse then they were is maybe the dumbest shit i heard in awhile.


Last i looked T.O had 9 touchdowns in 14 games last year injured.... Now shut the xxxx up with that weak ass shit.


Weak, how many teams has the guy played on? Could he help the Browns this year coming off an ACL? Doubtful. And last time I looked, wasn't a team in the NFL that was interested in TO.

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we've only been building for 12 years you stupid xxxx.



Oh I'm sorry, did you expect the Browns to be good this year? I've got some swamp land here in FL you might be interested in.


Whats it xxxxing matter how long the team has been rebuilding relative to the current regime? 12 years has nothing to do with the current regime, who's only two years into the job. Complaining about them now, especially when a team with inferior talent is actually sitting at .500, doesn't make sense.


But whatever. You're expecting Flander's all-beef patties to come off the grill and be just as good as Filet Mignon.


After all, Colt's started what, 10 games now? He obviously should be as good as Joe Montana was in his heydey.

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Weak, how many teams has the guy played on? Could he help the Browns this year coming off an ACL? Doubtful. And last time I looked, wasn't a team in the NFL that was interested in TO.


I think he could give us an element to our offense we don't even have at the moment, you sign him and teams have to account where he is at all times, and that can open up the field for us, so yes i think he could help more than we think in simple stats.

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Free Agency depends most on if a player WANTS to play for a given team. Most base their decision on three factors 1. Is the team a contender right now and do they fit any type of role to make that team better? 2. How much do I stand to get paid? 3. Which effects number 2....How many people will see me play nation wide and how often. So given those three factors let's examine if T.O. would even want to play for the Browns.


1. Is the team a contender? Do I fit any kind of role to make the team better?

-Not a contender -I could make them better but not turn them into a contender.


2. How much do I stand to get paid?


-I would think quite a bit given all the cap room


3. How many people will see me play nation wide and how often?


-This team in its current state gets maybe one nationally televised game and even that's a stretch. After all I love me some me!!!!


Guys, T.O. won't play here. He tried to play in smaller media markets wasn't comfortable with it I can promise you. Produced for two sub par teams but didn't make them contenders by any stretch of the imagination. Made decent amounts of money but not what he was making in San Fran, Philly, or Dallas. He did the charity thing and it didn't work out the last two seasons I doubt three times a charm in this case.

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