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Why Did The Browns Feel Compelled To Call It Wco?


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Ok - I haven't started a thread in a while, but the Browns lack of production on offence really has me steamed, because we saw what Colt could do when he was confident, understood the play calling, and handed off to Hillis enough times / stretched the field enough times to keep the D's guessing.


I'm a business strategest and not an NFL coach, so those of you that disagree with me will probably tell me that the rules don't apply. But if the ssame rules of strategy apply on the battlefield and in business, I don't know why they wouldn't apply on the football field.


1. Play to your strengths.


True, Colt is an accurate short passer, so he should be abe to do well in the WCO. But Hillis is our most effective weapon and our recievers are slow, so we don't have all the pieces for a WCO. Therefore, we need a new system that balances the run with the pass and establishes the pass through short crossing routes and screen plays.


2. Implement change slowly.


If H&H want a WCO, they can get one in due time. But the change was too quick here (and with the strike, suicidal). We needed to keep what was working: A) Our fullback - halfback combination; B) much of our playbook that Colt was familiar with; C)Add WCO plays on a weekly basis and during the off-season, as you add more WCO talent.


3. Keep your enemies guessing.


Why would H&H tell everyone about the WCO. Shut the F-up. Let people call it what they want. Tell the other teams that the game plan and game calling will depend on the opponent (or obviously the weather). Never, ever tell your competition what to prepare for.


I just don't understand why the FO has made it such a challenge and I fear that their ego's are getting in the way of common sense. I wish there was someone in the FO that could tell H&H, it doesn't happen because you say it will happen. It happens because you work hard/smart, keep your mouth/ego in check and keep our eye on the prize.

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I had said it in another thread but I will say it again in this one. The WCO is typically used in the sense that the "pass sets up the run". I contended that it should be the opposite for us (the Browns) as our obvious strength is our RB tandem of Hillis and Hardesty. Use the run to set up the pass, by then it should be 2nd or 3rd and short. Short yardage passing takes advantage of Colt's accuracy and lets our WRs use their natural skills, ie Little and his physicality and Cribbs' agility.


I do like the idea of slowly introducing the WCO into the offense but it is too late for that now so the offense is just going to have to do the best that they can.

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No NFL has ever tip toed into a new system, no team has ever kept what their system is a secret. The WCO doesn't need fast WR's, just good route runners and pass catchers which is what our WR's don't have. Your right, play to your strengths, but since Shurmers RB Jackson had 1300 yards on average the last two seasons, I think we will be playing to Hillis' strengths the rest of the season.

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there's only one ego we have to worry about in the FO. it's from a guy who looks like he's sitting on the end of a dock clappin his paws for a fish.


last year this team had waaay more confidence, an underdog swagger and a sense of discipline. it's amazing what spark we saw last year has dissipated like a fart in the win since letting holmgren have it his way.


lerner is just dumb. heckert is a good GM. add holmgren and the whole thing has turned to shit.

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there's only one ego we have to worry about in the FO. it's from a guy who looks like he's sitting on the end of a dock clappin his paws for a fish.


last year this team had waaay more confidence, an underdog swagger and a sense of discipline. it's amazing what spark we saw last year has dissipated like a fart in the win since letting holmgren have it his way.


lerner is just dumb. heckert is a good GM. add holmgren and the whole thing has turned to shit.


So thankful that I'm not the only fan that sees this loss of confidence. I'm telling you it'a all due to the changes coming too quickly and not using our strengths. As for Holmgren, I just think he under-estimated this (and a lot of other things) and has taken momentum and progress away to prove some absurd concept that he knows more than anyone else. Instead he should have just built on what was working and not work on what was building.

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The loss of confidence and the frustration of this team is easy to see, When 2 of your best playmakers are constantly on the sideline instead of in the huddle and the playcalling is one dimensional and weak you expect that..


Shurmur has no fire and is starting to resemble the infamous romeo crennel/mangini lump on the log syndrome already so i believe there may be 2 colliding or collaborating ego's upstairs that are at work here, either way..


We may have already been here before in a sense..

And all we can do is watch and hope changes are implemented and things get better, its really way to early to determine anything just yet, our second matchups vs the bungles, stoolers and ratbirds will tell everything we need to know..

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there's only one ego we have to worry about in the FO. it's from a guy who looks like he's sitting on the end of a dock clappin his paws for a fish.


last year this team had waaay more confidence, an underdog swagger and a sense of discipline. it's amazing what spark we saw last year has dissipated like a fart in the win since letting holmgren have it his way.


lerner is just dumb. heckert is a good GM. add holmgren and the whole thing has turned to shit.


couldn't agree more and Shurmur is drowning fast..

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I think Shurmur deserves a fair shake here folks. Simply because this is his first season. Like all coaches,they evolve over time. If he makes the same mistakes next year as he makes this year,then I'll start to worry. so lets see what another draft and FA crop yields before throwing him under the bus. He deserves a chance to right the ship with a full cupboard.

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You can see all that after week 5, really. They were 1-3 after 4 games last year. 2-2 this year and should be 3-1 except for a horrible defensive lapse. You can't believe that EM was better for this team. He has a proven five year record as a HC and 3 of those years are loosing seasons. Shurmur has 5 games as a HC and your writing him off.


I'm beginning to think that even if the Browns went 15-1 some of you guys would still bitch and complain.


"fart in the win"? try proof-reading Nell.

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You can see all that after week 5, really. They were 1-3 after 4 games last year. 2-2 this year and should be 3-1 except for a horrible defensive lapse. You can't believe that EM was better for this team. He has a proven five year record as a HC and 3 of those years are loosing seasons. Shurmur has 5 games as a HC and your writing him off.


I'm beginning to think that even if the Browns went 15-1 some of you guys would still bitch and complain.


"fart in the win"? try proof-reading Nell.

I strongly disagree about we shod be 3-1. But that's the NFL. One play can make or break a game. No shoulda coulda or woulda.

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last year this team had waaay more confidence, an underdog swagger and a sense of discipline. it's amazing what spark we saw last year has dissipated like a fart in the win since letting holmgren have it his way.

Holmgren has made only 2 terrible decisions.

1. Getting Jake Delhomme.

2. Letting Mangini and Ryan go.


But I thought that I would give Holmgren the benefit of the doubt.

Go ahead Holmgren, take a team that was fun to watch and improving in virtually every category, fire the leaders, then hire a head coach who has never accomplished anything in his fuсking life.


But hey! It's still too early to jump to conclusions right?

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Holmgren has made only 2 terrible decisions.

1. Getting Jake Delhomme.

2. Letting Mangini and Ryan go.


But I thought that I would give Holmgren the benefit of the doubt.

Go ahead Holmgren, take a team that was fun to watch and improving in virtually every category, fire the leaders, then hire a head coach who has never accomplished anything in his fuсking life.


But hey! It's still too early to jump to conclusions right?


He ran a WCO!!!

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Holmgren has made only 2 terrible decisions.

1. Getting Jake Delhomme.

2. Letting Mangini and Ryan go.


But I thought that I would give Holmgren the benefit of the doubt.1 (800) 438-6423

Go ahead Holmgren, take a team that was fun to watch and improving in virtually every category, fire the leaders, then hire a head coach who has never accomplished anything in his fuсking life.


Mangini sucked!! Let it go!


But hey! It's still too early to jump to conclusions right?

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while i do think the walrus is an idiot.............aren't you guys 2-2?


if the season ended today that would be your 2nd best winning % in the past 2 decades or so wouldn't it?


just sayin, you shouldnt be complaining too much yet............specially when i think you will have plenty to complain about later this year.

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while i do think the walrus is an idiot.............aren't you guys 2-2?


if the season ended today that would be your 2nd best winning % in the past 2 decades or so wouldn't it?


just sayin, you shouldnt be complaining too much yet............specially when i think you will have plenty to complain about later this year.


Does the season ever end with 4 games ? ever ?


The toughest is yet to come, and we have not seen anything that separates this regime from the previous one. While it is too early to judge the coaching staff and the management - The improvements have been so marginal that it almost feels like we have regressed.

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