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The Naked, Ugly Obamao Tree Being Deserted


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How about them lib Obamao worhippers? I wonder if Shep has seen the light yet. Probably, that's why he left the board.


Who CAN defend this trashheap of a president of our country?


And a special prosecutor MUST be appointed (by Republicans in Congress?) to investigate Holder, and Obamao himself,

in the "fast and furious" political leftwing corruption.


Holder already has been found out to have lied. What did Obamao know, and when did he know it?


But, read on, folks, Obamaogate gets worse !


This rotten pres is being deserted by... both sides, and those in the middle:






Looks like disaster to me - what ever happend to the wonderful, brilliant, problem solving, elogquent bringer together of all of us....


oh yeah, that was Shep, Heck and mosquitozits dreaming after several sixpacks of imaginary juice...




These links are over on Drudge:


100+ 'Fast and Furious' guns found in Mexico cartel home...


Issa: Subpoenas issued soon...


This corrupt pres and his little corrupt bigot of an "attorney general" are both on the hot seat.


And, finally, for this week?... even the AP is blasting Obamao for being a flat out liar:



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Kosar translation:


"sniff"...."I can't keep the truth about the Obamao admin being corrupt from getting attention, it's like sticking my finger in a 40 tall leaking dam" ...

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Kosar translation:


"sniff"...."I can't keep the truth about the Obamao admin being corrupt from getting attention, it's like sticking my finger in a 40 tall leaking dam" ...


And again, not an Obama fan. See Cal, I can have objective views about both parties without being a sheep like the other Alex Jones listeners.

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Ah... you think your post of Beetlejuice is objective...


got it.


Alex Jones? I don't listen to him for nothin. I don't have to.


I see what's happening everywhere right now. Obamao is being found out for


being exactly what I said he was, before I ever even heard of Alex Jones.


But I think Vapor's mind is controlled by Michael Moo-er.

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Iraq pullout almost complete,

Osama Dead in Pakistan

Libya handled correctly

Iran/North Korea/Russia all rhetoric massively died down

Israel slapped like they needed to be

No major attacks here domestically


pretty good on the foreign policy/War front


Wall Street trading well above 10k

Banks are not closing down left and right

The auto industry was saved and now back to being competitive

YOUR 401k's and corporate profits massively rebounded


Pretty damn good on the macro economic front


Health care was at least pushed toward a correct direction

Consumer Protections are actually being pushed


Those are pretty big accomplishments


All in the face of obstructionists who pushed our credit rating down thanks to politicizing a normal congressional act.....



The only thing he needs to do is promote domestic job growth and start fixing the unfair tax treatments....



He is doing pretty freaking good in the face of the mess Bush/neoCons policies left him.


You cant turn an aircraft carrier on a dime and its going to take time to fix the extreme rights mess.

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Iraq pullout almost complete, Followed Bush's plan, after lies to the contrary while running for pres


Osama Dead in Pakistan Followed Bush's direction exactly, benefitted by anti-terrorism structures Bush built.

Libya handled correctly If Bush had gone into LIbya, you would be enraged. Hell, you were enraged about Iraq with Bush, right?


Iran/North Korea/Russia all rhetoric massively died down WOW... you are kidding, right? LOL. Seriously?


Israel slapped like they needed to be Israel needs our support, Obamao is setting them up to be attacked again. But noooo, Hamas doesn't need to be slapped, right?

The "palestinians who want to blow up Jewish children don't need to be slapped either, eh?


No major attacks here domestically. After 9/11, there were no attacks during the rest of Bush's eight years. Again, Obamao continued Bush's plans for success.


pretty good on the foreign policy/War front. Baloney. Now you love Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan? Flip much for YOUR guy much? Like, 180 flippies?


Wall Street trading well above 10k Ah. That wasn't a good thing for Bush, though, eh? But good for Obamao, ... got it.


Banks are not closing down left and right Banks didn't close under Bush... they are tanking under Obamao. Come on, get serious here.



The auto industry was saved and now back to being competitive. BS. Ford was FINE with no bailouts.


YOUR 401k's and corporate profits massively rebounded. Boosheet. It went down dramatically you goofball. Just got it in the mail today. Knucklehead.


Pretty damn good on the macro economic front Yeah, top economists are warning, hell, even SOROS is saying we are headed for serious problems.


Health care was at least pushed toward a correct direction. No... a dumbass bill was passed with tons of stupid crap in it that even the Democrats don't like,

and it's before the Supreme Court now. When THEY say it's no good, you go ahead and credit Obamao with the massive failure.


Consumer Protections are actually being pushed. Blah blah blah. I want to keep the old lightbulbs. You know, the ones that don't have FREAKIN MERCURY IN THEM.




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