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Sign Peyton Hillis Today


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What do you think the guy deserves after one DECENT year?


One DECENT year.


Apparently Hillis' Agent thinks one decent year is worth about $13 million guaranteed. Seems the Browns disagree.

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If we arent going to pay the man we better start lookin to trade him..

H&H is a year late and a dollar short as usual, this deal should have been done already..

So due to incompetence and slow motion thinking upstairs the browns will pay big or trade big so hecktard can trade down and then yo yo back up and down squandering it all on draft day..


After the unbelievable 17m extension made to no-kong a mediocre talent i have pretty much lost any faith in this regimes ability to accurately assess or evaluate player value, barter good deals for the club or make timely decisions on key issues..


What kind of owner approves of the team president and GM staying almost as invisible as himself?

It kind of defeats the point..


Trying to stay optimistic and patient but its getting hard already..

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What do you think the guy deserves after one DECENT year?


One DECENT year.


he had the best ypc in the AFC north with 4.4 ypc last year. Ray Rice had 3.97, Mendenhall had 3.9, Benson had 3.5. Ray Rice doesn't have to face the Ravens twice, and Mendenhall doesn't have to face the Steelers twice. Benson does and you see how he produced. They played almost the same exact schedule, except Ray Rice got to play the Broncos who had a weak run defense, 1 of his 2 100 yard games last year (yes he only had 2). The other was against New Orleans where Hillis didn't see many carries. Mendenhall had his best performance against Tampa, a game that Hillis wasn't the starter and only got several carries. Hills performed the best out of all of them with 3 different quarterbacks, a washed up Delhomme and a rookie, not to mention receivers that can't get separation. The last few games he played with a broken rib.


He also had 5 games in Denver averaging 5 ypc with 5 tds. 25 games as a starter 2500 yards from scrimmage and 22 tds.

If thats "decent" Id like to know what above average is. I can't think of many backs that would have excelled in the role Hillis had last year. The only back I can think of is Steven Jackson who had to play many years on a bad team as the main weapon.

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