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The Difference Between Tea Party And Occupy Wall Street


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The more I think about it, the more I really don't see much of difference. The Tea Party, in its infancy, before it got hijacked by the Koch brothers and turned into a liberal vs. conservative issue. It isn't liberal vs. conservative. It's rich vs. poor. We are all thinking the same thing: We don't have a say due to government corruption and we think that's bullshit. I have a good job (two of them, actually), and within 10 years, I'll be in the top 1%, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to stand out there in solidarity with all these people who got screwed by a bullshit system.


I hear Obama just embraced OWS, just as Palin embraced TP. If his election campaign hijacks the movement, I really have no hope for this country.

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T, please. I could go to youtube and find a video of Tea Partiers that don't have a clue what they're talking about. Whatever. Ignore the fact that we're liberals and want the same change that you do. The problem is how we think that change should be enacted.


Wake the hell up. The right blames the government, the left blames the corporations. Every 8 years, the cycle repeats and we put the other guys in charge. Where has it gotten us? How much debt did we get into from Bush's wars? How much debt did we get into from Obama's bailouts? More and more? Who got rich during both of these administrations? The fat cats in the military industry and the fat cats on wall street. This country is xxxxed up.

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Go ahead, Vapor. Find a video of Tea Party people wanting the end of our country, our Constitution, and who want


to engage in filth and drugs and extremely hating American IDEALS.


The idea that we aren't perfect, so lets destroy it and wave Shep's magic twanger and make


everybody happy....


is just plain ridiculous. People don't work like that, life doesn't work like that, and history proves it.


The Tea Partiers are Americans who want to be left the hell alone - hands off our SUV's, our guns, our kids,

our families, and our money, and our CONSTITUTION, leave our freakin lightbulbs and thermostats alone,

leave our freedom alone, leave our health care we love alone.


The stinkin flea baggers hate. They hate us, they hate our guns, SUV's, us teaching kids, our money, our CONSTITUTION,

our lightbulbs and thermotats, ....


They are demanding a piece of the pie that other people earned via working in freedom in their lives.


But they are losers, they want what others worked for for years.


It's the old story about the ant and the grasshopper. Or was it the hen that worked and worked, and when winter came, the other animals

said it wasn't fair for them to have nothing and they were cold.


They never worked to have anything - they were flea baggers.


Meanwhile, Hank Williams JR. has a new free song available for download - it's about his song being kicked off ESPN's Monday Night Football.


I play it all the time !

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How many Tea Baggers have worked hard for their INHERITED personal fortunes? I suppose it's really difficult to get a blue Mercedes for your birthday instead of the red one you wanted.


What about those that shape governmental policy to increase their fortunes and screw the average citizen? WE ALL KNOW IT happens. Otherwise their would not be tax loopholes for corporations to move jobs overseas for cheaper labor. The rich want to stay rich and will use their influence to do so. I completely subscribe to the conflict theorist's view of sociology.


So the real question is: How many Tea Baggers are rallying to support policies which are going to hurt them? Nearly all of them. All because they're paranoid about CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS.

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completely wrong. I am a Tea Partier, and your assumptions are wrong. I take it you've never been to one.


But the flea bagger stench speaks for itself. Look at THEIR SIGNS.... which Vapor ever so conveniently all of a sudden ignores.


That's liberal/marxist/progressives/democrats - if Bush is pres, they wail about the tragedy of soldiers getting killed... Obamao... they don't say a word.


the debt was terrifying under Bush, but now it's a good thing.


if Bush had authorized the killing of an American born terrorist, they would freak out and scream and riot and plague this board with constant posts to the same....

but Obamao does it, which he just did? They are silent, and they don't freakin care.


This whole marxist spring revolution flea bag scum thing... is a diversion from the complete and dangerous failure Obamao is. I imagine it's funded by Soros, and the SEIU,

etc etc etc etc.


liberals/marxists/progressives/democrats love to be played, to be dependent, to be fed and housed and cell phoned, why... "it's only right".


That's why they hate the Tea Party and Republcans and Independents and the Constitution, and God. Because they are completely irresponsible, and

refuse to be held accountable for their own garbage.

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Come on, PE.


If you worked twenty years to build a small fortune in a business, and you still owned on capital investment loans...


wouldn't YOU want it to go to your children? Or would you want it taken away from their inheritance, and divided up and


doled out to flea bitten scum who are wanting handouts by Obamao who wants to use it to buy marxist votes?.


Come ON, man !

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T, please. I could go to youtube and find a video of Tea Partiers that don't have a clue what they're talking about. Whatever. Ignore the fact that we're liberals and want the same change that you do. The problem is how we think that change should be enacted.


Wake the hell up. The right blames the government, the left blames the corporations. Every 8 years, the cycle repeats and we put the other guys in charge. Where has it gotten us? How much debt did we get into from Bush's wars? How much debt did we get into from Obama's bailouts? More and more? Who got rich during both of these administrations? The fat cats in the military industry and the fat cats on wall street. This country is xxxxed up.


Here you go Vap, as you can see the difference between those who represent the Tea party and the other group who doesn't know jack crap about what they are protesting about. It's actually comical how the OWS people act.


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That's pretty on the money, T.


There are plenty of other videos... one of them at the end of this one, is an excellent


bar stool interview with Juan Williams.


He talks about the serious HATE and DISHONESTY of the left - at NPR, etc.


And he explains why Fox News is so popular.


I'll have to watch more of the Tea party and occupy wall street stuff later....

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Come on, PE.


If you worked twenty years to build a small fortune in a business, and you still owned on capital investment loans...


wouldn't YOU want it to go to your children? Or would you want it taken away from their inheritance, and divided up and


doled out to flea bitten scum who are wanting handouts by Obamao who wants to use it to buy marxist votes?.


Come ON, man !


Stop being paranoid. No one is advocating the taking away and division of someone's fortune. These people aren't looking for handouts. They want good jobs, and they're tired of being screwed over by corporations who are basically setting governmental in their favor policy through their influence.


Why did the banks get a bailout? It was supposed to be so they could help keep the economy going by continuing to loan money out. Instead, they took it, paid for their executives and company picnics, all the while holding the rest. They stopped loaning money which lead to an economic collapse of sorts.


But yeah, those lying, cheating, greedy executives and their companies with their board member who looked the other way should be rewarded with lower tax rates :rolleyes:

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It's the lying cheating politicians who have set up the system that is so corrupt.


The occupy this or that hippies need to go to DC and protest their Messiah Obama and the rest of his cronnies, they are the ones who are responsible for the mess that we are in right now. The whole argument being made by OWS is hypocritical.

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