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Pat Modell Passes Away


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You are a xxxxing loser.




I agree.



That's lame.



Anybody who even hints this is a good thing is a big time loser in my book.



I pray for Pat's soul and Art's heart.

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Dude, don't be a complete jackoff. Art MOdell will make it the first time his name comes up.


The guy was the sole orchestrator of bringing major advertizing and beer to the NFL. If it wasn't for him, half teh teams in teh NFL wouldn't even exist today. The guy was a pioneer and was always respected as one of the patriarchs of the owners association.


He gave us exciting football for many years.


It was no more his failure than it was the city of Cleveland that the real Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore.


He is the only NFL owner to win world championships with two different franchises.


His accomplishments are countless.


If it wasn't for him Bernie Kosar would have never worn a Browns uniform.


He remains one of the best franchise owners in the history of the NFL.


Randy and Al Lerner don't amount to a bead of sweat on Art Modell's Ass. Art Modell is a lock for the HOF.


Can you name any other owner who has contributed as much to the NFL? No, you can't.


Anyone who could cheer the death of his wife is a complete asshole.


LOL, hes been in consideration for years and hasn't gotten in. hopefully if he gets in he wont be alive to see it. irsay either. its not like they owned the marlins, these owners had loving fanbases.


i cant believe anyone would support a guy who not only brought 1 championship (on Paul Browns back) to Cleveland in 35 years and then moves the team.

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Dude, don't be a complete jackoff. 1) Art MOdell will make it the first time his name comes up.


The guy was the sole orchestrator of bringing major advertizing and beer to the NFL. If it wasn't for him, half the teams in the NFL wouldn't even exist today. The guy was a pioneer and was always respected as one of the patriarchs of the owners association.


2) He gave us exciting football for many years.


3) It was no more his failure than it was the city of Cleveland that the real Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore.


He is the only NFL owner to win world championships with two different franchises.


4)His accomplishments are countless.


5) If it wasn't for him Bernie Kosar would have never worn a Browns uniform.


He remains one of the best franchise owners in the history of the NFL.


Randy and Al Lerner don't amount to a bead of sweat on Art Modell's Ass. Art Modell is a lock for the HOF.


6) Can you name any other owner who has contributed as much to the NFL? No, you can't.

Anyone who could cheer the death of his wife is a complete asshole.


1) :lol: :lol: :lol: Hey, jackoff, his name's been on the ballot as has been previously mentioned, for YEARS. He might get in as a sympathy vote- after he croaks, which hopefully will be soon.


2) So what? How many Super Bowls did he win in Cleveland? Anyone younger than 50 probably doesn't remember the last time the Browns won it all.


3) Hey Mr. businessman, you know what over leveraged means? Art wrote the book on it. Go look it up if you don't.


4) His "accomplishment" that would be singular- is getting the NFL a few television contracts. Doesn't make up for stabbing the most loyal fans in the NFL in the back.


5) Give it a rest. If I had $10 for every time you've ragged on Kosar, I'd be retired by now.


6) Easy. Art Rooney, and even more so the recently deceased owner of the Oakland Raiders. Davis not only coached them, he was the Commissioner of the AFL and helped negotiate the merger, and won more Super Bowls than Art.


Beyond your usual level of ignorance.

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Dude, don't be a complete jackoff. Art MOdell will make it the first time his name comes up.


Dumbass. His name has already been up like 10 times....and he hasn't made it and he shouldn't make it.

WTF did he really accomplish that a few dozen ex-NFL owners didn't do?


The guy was the sole orchestrator of bringing major advertizing and beer to the NFL. If it wasn't for him, half teh teams in teh NFL wouldn't even exist today. The guy was a pioneer and was always respected as one of the patriarchs of the owners association.


UH, lets see. You have football on TV, and you have commercials...Lets see....how about calling on beer companies to advertize on your football program!! Yea, it took a real frikking genius to figure that one out. A Mongoloid could have come up with that idea. OH, and yea, he was so well respected by his fellow owners that they kicked him out of football.


He gave us exciting football for many years.


Blanton Collier and Ernie Accorsi and Marty Schottenheimer gave us exciting football. They'd have probably been better if he would have butted out.


It was no more his failure than it was the city of Cleveland that the real Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore.


He is the only NFL owner to win world championships with two different franchises.


Steven Biscotti was the de facto owner of the Ravens when they won their title.


His accomplishments are countless.


Yes, they are countless....because they are ZERO -0- (I suppose he did a few things, but like I said...no more than countless other NFL owners.


If it wasn't for him Bernie Kosar would have never worn a Browns uniform.


He remains one of the best franchise owners in the history of the NFL.


I wish we had the championship hardware to support that assertion. We don't.


Randy and Al Lerner don't amount to a bead of sweat on Art Modell's Ass. Art Modell is a lock for the HOF.


In your logic do two wrongs make a right? Do two shitty owners make a good owner. Sorry. Two shitty owners is simply a double dose of shit.


Can you name any other owner who has contributed as much to the NFL? No, you can't.

Like I said, I can name about 2 dozen:

Robert Kraft

Leon Hess

Tim Mara

Lawrence Tish

Ralph Wilson

Art and Dan Rooney

William Clay Ford

Bud Adams

Joe Robbie

Paul Allen

Eddie DeBartolo

Al Davis

Carrol Rosembloom

Malcom Glazer

Ranking Smith

Arthur Blank

Mike McCaskey

George Halas

Lamar Hunt

Jerry Jones

Bob McNair

Pat Bowlen

The City of Green Bay

Bud Shaw

Jim Irsay

(no...Modell belongs in the lexicon of crappiest ever owners along with Bob Irsay, Bill Bidwill, Georgia Frontiere, etc.


Anyone who could cheer the death of his wife is a complete asshole.


OK, I agree with you here.

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hey i can be the biggest asshole 24/7 but most of you seriously take the cake on this subject. anyone hinting at a death as being warranted outside of very evil people are fxxking morons.


hate what modell did by leaving but he was the best owner this team ever had.


got lerner?

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hey i can be the biggest asshole 24/7 but most of you seriously take the cake on this subject. anyone hinting at a death as being warranted outside of very evil people are fxxking morons.


hate what modell did by leaving but he was the best owner this team ever had.


got lerner?



Mickey McBride and Paul Brown were the best owners the browns ever had.

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hey i can be the biggest asshole 24/7 but most of you seriously take the cake on this subject. anyone hinting at a death as being warranted outside of very evil people are fxxking morons.


hate what modell did by leaving but he was the best owner this team ever had.


got lerner?


Actually Toxie- you're too young to remember (actually I am too) but Modell as an owner of the Browns pales in comparison to the ORIGINAL OWNER'S.....Mickey McBride's ...... accomplishments.

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Modell also drafted Eric Hieden, and that's pretty impressive.



OK, you have referred to "Eric Heiden" on several occasions, but I am sure you are not talking about the 5 time Olympic Gold Medal Speedskater, so just who the hell are you talking about?

Former Browns TE Steve Heiden? He is the only "Heiden" to ever play in the NFL. Modell didn't draft him. He was drafted by the Chargers in 1999 but spent like 8 of his 11 year career with the Browns.

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Actually Toxie- you're too young to remember (actually I am too) but Modell as an owner of the Browns pales in comparison to the ORIGINAL OWNER'S.....Mickey McBride's ...... accomplishments.



Thumbs up Hoorta!

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While i understand the angst Cleveland fans feel towards Mr. Modell, hell, I curse the name Bob Irsay everytime I see that horseshoe in Indianoplace. Mrs. Modell deserves to rest in peace. She was a gracious lady who was very generous with her time and money after the move to Baltimore. I understand the hard feelings towards Mr. Modell, but can we please mourn the loss of Mrs. Modell without all the venom?

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