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Grading The Browns Thus Far


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Since all talk is about Hillis I thought id start a thread where we grade the aspects of the team thus far.


Coaching - C-

Little time to implement a whole new offense really hurt us but Shurmur isn't using the little talent we have well.

Hillis needs to be more involved especially in the passing game.

Good job moving Little to the starting WR.

Colt is up and down. Mostly down. He's had some decent throws but the majority isn't good.


Offense - D

Offensive line is terrible.

Colt is inconsistent. He needs to play like he did in the last drive against Miami and we could have an average offense.

Moore, Little, and Hillis need to be used more.


Defense - B-

I'm being generous here because they have to play so often due to a stinky offense.

We have some real players in Haden, Ward, and Taylor.

Our passing d is pretty good. Not sure if it's because teams run all over us instead.

Run d is still in the bottom of the league. We need a good LB in the next draft.


Special teams - B

Josh Cribbs has been a momentum shifter and has done well so far.

Overall they're not bad.


Anyone care to offer their grades and critisms?

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i think you are pretty dead on with your assessment. the only thing i would change is your grade of the defense. yes the offense puts them in a hole prett much from the time of the opening kickoff but i would grade them at a C-. haden is a future pro bowler i believe t.j. can be too but has faltered this year up to this point and our linebackers look like shit, the whole lot of them. i am, however impressed with our rookie draft picks on the line in taylor and sheard.


i know we need so much help on the offense when it comes to next years draft but i think a couple of key additions to the defensive unit and it can be pretty much complete and really be top ten next season.


just my .02 cents.


now the offense.....UUGGGGHHH. don't have that much time.

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The fact that we let Cincy win the game against us (a game which we should have won if we had some common sense) means that the Defense will only get a C- from me.


I understand where you are coming from here. But don't you think that would be more of a coaching problem? A timeout would have stopped that play from happening. What were the coaches doing? We have a defense full of young guys who are likely to make mistakes. That play is all on the coaching staff..

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