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Brandon Lloyd?


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Yea. There is a 0% chance we will pick this guy up. I'm sure the Ravens and/or Jets will pick him up since they seem to pick up every player that is available. I see us drafting a top WR in the draft next year instead of wasting something on this 30 year old receiver with a few years left.

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What does everyone think about Brandon LLoyd. He is a pretty good WR, better than any we have and i dont see him costing us much being he is the final year of his contract..


I know we wont, but this guy has some of the funniest quotes ever!!


Cripe, the guy has one decent year? Lloyd #s Some of those years look like Robiski numbers. Pass, thank you very much.


So why is Denver, who is about as devoid of WRs as the Browns so anxious to unload him? Hmmm?

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Cripe, the guy has one decent year? Lloyd #s Some of those years look like Robiski numbers. Pass, thank you very much.


So why is Denver, who is about as devoid of WRs as the Browns so anxious to unload him? Hmmm?


Lloyd finally got a real shot and he took advantage of it. He is a good WR. The reasons Denver would want to trade him is that he is in the final year of his contract, they have three younger guys, two of which look good, one as good as Lloyd, and Lloyd has a little T.O. in him sometimes. If the Browns could get him to agree to an extension he would definately be worth the pick. The only WR we have left with any real upside it seems is Little. And would we be likely to find somebody better than Lloyd to help this team in the fourth round? I predict Orten will be offered up again soon also.

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Cripe, the guy has one decent year? Lloyd #s Some of those years look like Robiski numbers. Pass, thank you very much.


So why is Denver, who is about as devoid of WRs as the Browns so anxious to unload him? Hmmm?



they want to unload him because he is in the final year of his contract and they have young WRs.


Your comparing Brian Robiske to Brandon Lloyd.. Really?? Wow do you watch football??

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Cripe, the guy has one decent year? Lloyd #s Some of those years look like Robiski numbers. Pass, thank you very much.


So why is Denver, who is about as devoid of WRs as the Browns so anxious to unload him? Hmmm?



Brandon lloys career stats


2011 Denver Broncos

4 19 283 14.9 70.8 44 0 5 1 15 1


2010 Denver Broncos

16 77 1,448 18.8 90.5 71 11 23 9 72 0


2009 Denver Broncos

2 8 117 14.6 58.5 44 0 2 1 5 0


2008 Chicago Bears

11 26 364 14.0 33.1 32 2 7 0 17 0


2007 Washington Redskins

8 2 14 7.0 1.8 9 0 0 0 0 0


2006 Washington Redskins

15 23 365 15.9 24.3 52 0 4 3 15 1


2005 San Francisco 49ers

16 48 733 15.3 45.8 89T 5 9 3 34 1


2004 San Francisco 49ers

13 43 565 13.1 43.5 52 6 6 1 26 0


2003 San Francisco 49ers

16 14 212 15.1 13.2 44 2 5 1 9 0





2011 Cleveland Browns

4 3 25 8.3 6.2 14 0 0 0 2 0


2010 Cleveland Browns

14 29 310 10.7 22.1 46T 3 4 1 12 0


2009 Cleveland Browns

11 7 106 15.1 9.6 43 0 2 1 6 0


TOTAL 29 39 441 11.3 15.2 46 3 6 2 20 0

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I would say not just because we all know that this is not the direction our FO is trying to take this team. They are not going to spend a draft pick on a 30 year old WR. The Bronco's are trading him not only because they have younger guys, but because they are starting to go the direction of the Browns, they want to blow up their roster and go young. Since that mean they won't even try to resign Lloyd next year they are just trying to get something out of him since they have basically given up on their season already.


I do think Lloyd came out of his shell last season, and I think he would come in and instantly be the #1 guy here and end the season with 1000+ yards total, but I just don't see us going after him.

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What does everyone think about Brandon LLoyd. He is a pretty good WR, better than any we have and i dont see him costing us much being he is the final year of his contract..


I know we wont, but this guy has some of the funniest quotes ever!!





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I dont see him, or any WR, getting to 1,000 yards on this team this season.

I don't either. I don't see our FO picking up old guys either like has been said here. But he has talent. And I think a 4th rounder is a steal for a guy who can come in and produce. 3-5 Rounders are usually a gamble. He has shown he can play.

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they want to unload him because he is in the final year of his contract and they have young WRs.


Your comparing Brian Robiske to Brandon Lloyd.. Really?? Wow do you watch football??


Last year for Lloyd was an aberration for him, much like Braylon's 2007 year. He's never had a year close to those successes before that and I doubt he would have come close to those numbers this year Though he's still on pace to reach 1000+ yards receiving. He doesn't even have 1 TD catch yet this season compared to 11 last year.



Do you look at stats? Of the nine years (old) he's been in the league, he's been healthy for three. Not good. He had ONE good season last year- and he's cashing in on it. So how did bringing in Stallworth work out for us? Yeah doofus I call 23 receptions for 365 yards Robiski numbers. Class dismissed.

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How will we know for sure if we should take a QB with one of our first round picks or package them and go after Andrew Luck if we can't fully evaluated McCoy first? And how can we fully evaluated McCoy when he has doesn't have one above average reciever to throw to. Lloyd can be that above average player that we need, and we don't have to worry about anybody who may improve missing time. Little and Lloyd are your starting two immediately and Cribbs and Massoquoi play in three and four WR sets.


Here is how I see our receivers and TE's


Little - average (and improving)

Watson - average

Moore - average

Massoquoi - below average

Robiske - Below, below average

Cribbs - below average as a receiver, but much improved


Lloyd has the potential to lead the NFL in receiving. Even though it was his best year we know he has that kind of talent.

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How will we know for sure if we should take a QB with one of our first round picks or package them and go after Andrew Luck if we can't fully evaluated McCoy first? And how can we fully evaluated McCoy when he has doesn't have one above average reciever to throw to. Lloyd can be that above average player that we need, and we don't have to worry about anybody who may improve missing time. Little and Lloyd are your starting two immediately and Cribbs and Massoquoi play in three and four WR sets.


Here is how I see our receivers and TE's


Little - average (and improving)

Watson - average

Moore - average

Massoquoi - below average

Robiske - Below, below average

Cribbs - below average as a receiver, but much improved


Lloyd has the potential to lead the NFL in receiving. Even though it was his best year we know he has that kind of talent.



Here is how I see our receivers and TE's


Little - average (and improving)

Watson - above average (led team in receptions last year)

Moore - above average (hasn't got a full time start yet)

Massoquoi - average

Robiske - disgustingly bad

Cribbs - average as a receiver, but much improved

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How will we know for sure if we should take a QB with one of our first round picks or package them and go after Andrew Luck if we can't fully evaluated McCoy first?

because the people that do this for a living dont necessarily need a YAC receiver to make their evaluation? because they look at several other aspects of the game...like footwork, decision making, accuracy, timing, pocket awareness, etc. because somehow, people incorrectly link a QB's evaluation process to his receivers since the only tool they know how to use is stats.


funny how that works....eh?

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This board is obsessed with veteran wide receivers. Browns management is comitted to building through the draft and developing the young receivers we have. Hence, the meaningless threads keep coming.




You seem to think we have young talented wide receivers. After the past two years you still aren't willing to admit that there is nothing to develop except Little? Mitchell last year's drafted receiver hasn't sniffed the field this year. Our other receivers have proven they do not contain the talent to be a number two receiver on many NFL teams. But because many Browns fans are so beaten down by substandard play many like you seem to want to hope and pray and inflate the value of who we have on our roster. I love the Browns but the reality is the wide receivers we have are not that good.


And this thread is menaingless why? Because it isn't your thread? Because you don't agree? Because the Browns won't go after Lloyd? I am guessing you were referring to the last one. If that is the case than most of the threads on this board should be classified the same way because we post to debate not because we think the Browns will actually do what we think they should.

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because the people that do this for a living dont necessarily need a YAC receiver to make their evaluation? because they look at several other aspects of the game...like footwork, decision making, accuracy, timing, pocket awareness, etc. because somehow, people incorrectly link a QB's evaluation process to his receivers since the only tool they know how to use is stats.


funny how that works....eh?


You think you are so smart. Nobody said anything about a YAC receiver. A receiver who could get open and create a target though sure helps. Right now McCoy's footwork is terrible, his decision making is poor, timing is bad but I am sure that you must be right and that has nothing to do with pass protection and receivers that can't get open, can't stretch the field etc.....Everything occurs in a vaccuum and football isn't a team sport.

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You seem to think we have young talented wide receivers. After the past two years you still aren't willing to admit that there is nothing to develop except Little? Mitchell last year's drafted receiver hasn't sniffed the field this year. Our other receivers have proven they do not contain the talent to be a number two receiver on many NFL teams. But because many Browns fans are so beaten down by substandard play many like you seem to want to hope and pray and inflate the value of who we have on our roster. I love the Browns but the reality is the wide receivers we have are not that good.


And this thread is menaingless why? Because it isn't your thread? Because you don't agree? Because the Browns won't go after Lloyd? I am guessing you were referring to the last one. If that is the case than most of the threads on this board should be classified the same way because we post to debate not because we think the Browns will actually do what we think they should.



It's funny because some of the expert talent evaluators that post here have written off Massaquoi after two seasons, Little after four games, and now they want to bring in a guy from Denver who essentially stunk for seven years, and now he's THE BOMB.


Personally, I think Little has a ton of potential, Massaquoi is nowhere near as bad as people are making him out to be, and Cribbs would be a decent slot receiver on plenty of teams besides the Browns. Do we probably need a legit #1 wr? Sure- but that's a job for the 2012 draft.

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I for one dont know why people are so keen on only drafting WR's and not getting free agents. And why is it that if any player is 30 or approaching 30 we start calling him old and start stereotyping him as washed up or soon to be washed up ? Was JJ not a valuable asset in 2007 ? He was 30+. NAte Burleson of the Lions is 30+ and is still doing fine.


If your knock on any player is that he is not skilled enough, it is one thing but if it is the age that is bothering you, then I think that argument is shallow.

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Well, we can draft another receiver next year with the new rookie salary cap to compliment Little and Massaquoi or we can sign a 31 year old Brandon Lloyd to a big dollar mult-year contract and hope the rest of his career is like his one good year and not his 8 mediocre ones.


You do the math.




Let us see what the his demands are. Like I said, It makes more sense if people are going to point to his 7 years of silence as a reason to not sign him instead of his 1 year of brilliance. I for sure would be disappointed if it did not take much to get his signature and he does turn out to be an asset.


My comment was more aligned towards a trend that I'm seeing in people like - Hey he is going to be 30 soon which means he will probably be washed up so we should not sign him. I see a lot of 30+ players out there so it is not an absolute argument.

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Just saw on PFT he's going to St Louis.


Guess those of you on this board who say only teams on the verge of superbowls should sign "old" vet WRs obviously differ with the head honchos at St. Louis.


We should have picked him up if it was cheap enough.

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Man, I agree. Yes great teams draft well, but they also know when to pull the trigger on trades and FA.................. Our WR's couldn't start for USC.

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I can't believe this is actually an argument.


If it weren't for 2010, nobody would give a shit about Brandon Lloyd. He was a fourth round draft pick journeyman WR known for having a bad attitude and poor work ethic.You'd think if he was worth a damn, the Broncos would have kept him. But they realized his fluke season would drive his value way up, and the best option for them would be to trade him while people still remembered his name.


If a receiver is valued more as trade bait than as an on-the-field threat, he's not worth taking.

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We would have won yesterday if Colt was throwing behind Brandon Lloyd.




No saying that, why not start amassing talent? In order to get talented players you have to bring them in. He may have only had one good year but it's better than any of our current WRs.

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