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If You Became The Gm Today What Would You Do


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With all the bitching and moaning about our front office and coach and everything. What would you do if you becme the GM today. With the Draft upcoming FA..anything else remember you are not the Coach!!!! Everybody is tired of changing coaches evey year, so Shurmer is your coach and we are running a 4-3


This is what I would do.


With all the defensive players we have drafted over the past couple years. I keep it coming and draft the following players


first round

LB Vontaze Burfict (Arizona State)

- The next Ray Lewis this guy is Nasty if I knew how to you tube him on here I would, he will lead our Defense for the next 10 years!!!


First Round Second pick

Alfonzo Dennard, CB, Nebraska

- Adding another solid corner with Haden would be nasty!!!


Our Defense would become top 5 Defense in the NFL inside of 2 years!!!!


Haden and Dennard starting CBs


Our D-line is solid, we would have to add a little more here, but that will be coming soon

Then having Jackson at LB and then the monster that is Burfict...


Second Round

Lamar Miller, RB, Miami

- Here is our playmaker...SPEED KILLS...4.31 FORTY...Avg 7.4 yrds a carry!!! He brings a little Nasty to the running game!!!


Third Round

Levy Adcock, OT, Oklahoma State

- Sure up the O-line solid pick easy started for 2012



Free agents

Carl Nicks G, New Orleans

Paul Soliai DT Miami


Then I would make a big splash and nail a young Wide-out...Dwayne Bowe only 27 or Steve Johnson 26


Would add other that are under the radar that or fillers on roster


The big Quistion what would I do with Hillis, I would offer him a 3 yr contract..2-3 mill a yr, with a 4 mill signing bonus. If we does not take he walks


At this point we have aded ALOT of talent on our roster, we would go into the season with Colt as QB, but with Bowe or Johnson on board


Our offense would look like this\


QB Colt

WR Bowe or Johnson

WR Litle

WR MoMass

WR Cribbs

RB Hardesty

RB MIller

TE Moore/Watson


Our D would carry us, and I think our Offense could score more points..


One offseason as TampaDawgs as GM...

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I would fire the entire coaching staff and I would get rid of every player on the team.


Fire everyone? Who would you replace them with? You want it to be 1999 again? That sure worked out well..


I would search for a young, first time NFL coach who shared the same values I did. Hating Losing, having a big, strong RB, a dirty, mean, intimidating defense, a guy who believed in pass first, a guy who knew not to waste my money and high draft choices on fatass offensive linemen.


The funny thing here is you are describing Shurmur perfectly. Except the coach is never fully in charge of draft picks.


I would hire the coach who vomited at the thought of losing and would tell me in his interview what pieces of shit, worthless bastards Holmgren, Shurmur and Heckert were.


No one likes to lose so this comment is just stupid.


I would try to get Ozzie, Cowher, Jimmie Johnson, people with spirit and drive.


Or you can just become a Steelers or Ravens fan and solve this problem..


Holmgren is a queer, he probably beats off to pictures of Perez Hilton in his office.


Holmgren - doubtful. WRREBEL - most definitely.

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First thing any of us would likely do as the browns new GM is discover first hand just how dirty randy lerners hands are when it comes to being an "hands off" owner..


This franchise has had a stench about it since randy took over that says the owner has his hands on the club dna behind the scenes and his intentional design of the team is weak at management level..


There can be no "high emotion" at any level when the owner does not allow it, i suspect randy thinks you can and should "for safeties sake" have a championship team without all the emotions and shoots for just that..


So the next step as GM under lerner is to realize you dont have the power you should to make things better with the owner telling you through his office minions to tone it down and silence your coaches enthusiasm..


Lerner seems to like a calm order of things, to calm and if you look into it enough its not hard to see so it would not matter if the GM is you, me or ghoulie as long as the owner is randy lerner..


The owner is the one that has to bring fire to the team via himself and or through whom he hires and it all starts with the owners design on the team..

Our owner does not have any fire and he does not want any on this team..


Does anyone really believe this extremely wealthy, well educated and intelligent man does not know exactly what the hell he is doing or whats going on or how to fix it if and when he wants?


Now seriously at this point it is just a matter of drafting very good and yeah i would like to have a frickin "positive" firey coach with a truly viable offensive plan for once this dink dunk and die crap is getting old, and yeah i hate to lose as much as anyone here does and maybe more but until Ctown browns fans decide to riot to try and force the nfl to pressure lerner to sell what can ya do?

And we know that aint happenin..

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And after one bad off season camp everyone will declare him a bust, question why we mortgaged the franchise for the bum and call for everybody's head who is/was/ or ever has been associated with the team. Can't win as GM.

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I disagree with some, first off you see that over the past 2 years we have drafted Defensive players. Goolie you want Nasty players, they do not get much more nasty than SHeard and Talyor look up there Bio..These guys are not the good ol boy EM players..


If the Colts have the first pick NO WAY do they trade it, why would they..They would have another QB for the next 10 yrs....


PLease llok at the link I put on here, I believe its the third post..And watch the baddest LB in the game..Thats what we need!!!!

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I disagree with some, first off you see that over the past 2 years we have drafted Defensive players. Goolie you want Nasty players, they do not get much more nasty than SHeard and Talyor look up there Bio..These guys are not the good ol boy EM players..


If the Colts have the first pick NO WAY do they trade it, why would they..They would have another QB for the next 10 yrs....


PLease llok at the link I put on here, I believe its the third post..And watch the baddest LB in the game..Thats what we need!!!!


We need to make it a priority to draft quality, mean-ass, difference making LBers. I have been preaching that for years.


I like Sheard & Taylor, it's a start. But we simply can't cover TEs or RBs out of the backfield.

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If the Colts have the first pick NO WAY do they trade it, why would they..They would have another QB for the next 10 yrs....


I agree, you'd have to make the trade right now, hoping they ended up with the first pick. If you wait until they already have the 1st pick, no way Hillis and a 1 gets that trade done

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if i was the GM of this team i would hope the owner would see what a douche he hired as pres. of the org. and fire him and everyone sucking his dick.


i would continue to draft impact players on both sides of the ball mostly leaning towards the defense first knowing that we gotta connect on a dynamic pro bowl WR somewhere.


i would put my two cents in on who i believe could bring this team to the next level above being losers in a head coach. i think we fxxked up terribly not trying to get jim harbaugh but you know the fat pig we now have as president for the browns would never have considered him since he probably beat his teams when they played against each other. that's an unforgiveable sin in fat boy's eyes. he's a big egotistical pompous ass who should get his ass kicked on 'bully beatdowns'.


who's the next 'hot' coach prospect from the ncaa:


greg schiano out of rutgers? the guy from navy?


any coordinators or such from the nfl?

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Its to long to type on how id change the managment,i really didnt think Shurmur was a great fit but ill let the progress and see where it goes,if you look up all posts i was all for going after Jim Harabaugh...


So ill just focus on the draft


1st round pick a-Justin Blackmon WR OSU

1st round pick b-Vontaze Burfict or Luke Kuchekly

2nd round pick-Chase Minnifield CB

3rd Round pick-Best RT available



Also id sign Hillis and look for any upgrades to that we can be made in F/A as well.

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