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This team isn't getting better, they are getting worst! And I think some of the players are getting disgusted with McCoy and his lack of accuracy and hi inability to make accurate reads. Yeah, the o-line isn't very good, but there were times he had time to throw and was wY off the mark. I'm sure this kid works hard and wants to win, but he is undersized and just doesn't have the arm to be a good QB. He so much reminds me of Quinn.

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This team isn't getting better, they are getting worst! And I think some of the players are getting disgusted with McCoy and his lack of accuracy and hi inability to make accurate reads. Yeah, the o-line isn't very good, but there were times he had time to throw and was wY off the mark. I'm sure this kid works hard and wants to win, but he is undersized and just doesn't have the arm to be a good QB. He so much reminds me of Quinn.



No way dude, Brady Quinn is way hotter than colt.. Not even compariable..



Growing up brady?

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it's not even viewable: the product the browns put on the field.


sitting through ten minutes of sportscenter should show everyone that. who is it......fading back with minutes to throw or move in the pocket and rifle it down the field to a wide open receiver???? i don't know either but i do know it's not THIS team.


REGRESSING is an understatement.

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This organization is regressing from the top down..


Lerner keeps hiring people that with no urgent oversight from the owner that see no need to win now and that also fail on their claims to win tomorrow, we have the fox guarding the henhouse while the farmer sleeps which is 24 hours a day with randy lerner, it seems we are back to being a farm club instead of a competitive pro club, its a repetitive cycle that never ends...

Next up kiss hillis goodbye..


The only fix for this team is a new owner..


And the only way to do that is to boycott and not spend a penny on browns anything, and to do that especially in these hard times would screw a lot of clevelanders that depend on the browns out of some much needed revenue and isnt going to happen..

So strap on your chin guard and face the fact that unless lerner dies or gets bored with ruining the browns marketability nationally and browns fans lives and sells out, we are never going to have a consistently good team again..

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