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Rams Get Brandon Lloyd


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The 0-5 horrible rams traded for Brandon lloyd and all they gave up was a 6th rd pick..


Really, we couldnt do that?? We would rather have slobiske take up a roster spot..





Rams are at least trying!!



When I heard that's all they wanted I thought maybe the browns would pick him up. That is a steal.

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When I heard that's all they wanted I thought maybe the browns would pick him up. That is a steal.


I just dont get it.. Show me your trying....



I can already see what will happen NEXT YEAR. We will say we have to develop our WRS again and say we couldnt be fair to judge Mccoy because of the young untalented WRS..



Heckert is a f,,,, oven dodger!!

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I just dont get it.. Show me your trying....



I can already see what will happen NEXT YEAR. We will say we have to develop our WRS again and say we couldnt be fair to judge Mccoy because of the young untalented WRS..



Heckert is a f,,,, oven dodger!!


It's only a good deal if the Rams can resign him at the end of the year. His contract runs out and he will be asking for a lot. Is Lloyd worth a 6th round pick for 3/4 of a year on an 0-5 team? Absolutely not. But if the Rams can resign him then it is well worth it. Time will tell..

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it is worth it regardless if they resign him..


Ok here is the thing, lets say he is a total bust with the rams.. Big deal they lose a 6th rd pick. Last time i checked our 5TH, 6TH RD picks, clifton geathers, carlton mitchel and larry asante arent on our team..


Mitchel is on our team just in active every week, same thing really


They take the risk of seeing if him and bradford have the chemistry. If they do, great you resign him. if not u lose a pick that most likley doesnt make your roster.



it would have given the Browns a chance to evaluate Colt. BUT NO..



We would rather go with untalented un proven players...

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How do you let a team that hasn't won yet this year have Lloyd for a 6th round pick, (maybe 5th) when you are in desperate need of a receiver and sitting at 2-3. This is almost like seeing a hundred dollar bill on the ground and being affraid to pick it up and put it in your pocket. The risk is minimal, and the reward could be great! You send a message to your whole team if you make this deal. Pathetic!

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AGAIN, really you guys crack me up..You want to sign every single player that comes up. So let me guess you now want to get Sims-Walker..Lloyd had 1 good year, and do you know why the Rams took him..Guess who there OC is?? The same guy who was his head coach in Denver..


Shit we should have signed B.Edwards he had one good year too, and sign Hillis to the largest contract ever cause he had 13 good games......





Please tell me someone on this board has a brain about football

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I can't believe this is actually an argument.


If it weren't for 2010, nobody would give a shit about Brandon Lloyd. He was a fourth round draft pick journeyman WR known for having a bad attitude and poor work ethic.You'd think if he was worth a damn, the Broncos would have kept him. But they realized his fluke season would drive his value way up, and the best option for them would be to trade him while people still remembered his name.


If a receiver is valued more as trade bait than as an on-the-field threat, he's not worth taking.

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