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I Dont Want To Say I Told You So


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To those who didnt want play makers.. To those who didnt want to sign free agents.


I told you how we would look!



I want you guys to chime in now...


Heckert does not know what he is doing...



Holmgren has a better chance at winning in dancing with the stars than turning the Browns into a winner..

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I am so over talking about Holgram and Heckert, they have been on the job a year and half!!!!! They have had two drafts and both have been very solid, shit you could agrue that Haden was the best pick in the draft..Give me a break.


Everytime I ask this nobody gives me answer, all they want to do is bitch and moan..Who would you be the GM and President...Its not like you can just call up the Ravens and take Ozzie away from them. NO GM WILL MAKE A SIDEWAY MOVE TO COME TO CLEVELAND (or anywhere for that fact)


Its a joke Heckert has done fine, and Holgram is fine, remember they are not coaching this team Shurmer is. Let me guess you would not have hired Shurmer, well I somewhat agree with you on that. The fact is, is last year was about getting Magini out of Cleveland. Holgram could not just come in and fire EM right off the bat, he wanted to give the man a chance and see if his stlye works..well we went 5-11 IT DIDNT WORK. If it was not for Hillis last year, we would have got killed in a lot of games. Hillis ran the clock down and shorten the game, thats why we were close in many games.



Again who would be the GM and Pres.

For all you that want a big name coach, well last year we were not getting a big name coach, not with the lock out...


It does not happen overnight, it didnt happen over night with the Bill, Lions, 49ers, Pats, Colts..Anybody it never happens overnight!!!! Shit P.Manning I think won 2 games his first year...


What was Kosars record first year


Matter a fact what was any coaches in the NFL first year record, I would bet about 90% had a losing record..Some fell into perfect spots AKA Indy, Pitt with there new coaches(not New anymore)


So Holgram pulled the trigger on one player in the third round. Colt, everybody on this board was like hey great third round pick, because if it works out then be got our QB, if it dosnt so what it was a third round pick, well guess what it didnt work...


they have been here for a year and a half..GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!!!!!

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I am so over talking about Holgram and Heckert, they have been on the job a year and half!!!!! They have had two drafts and both have been very solid, shit you could agrue that Haden was the best pick in the draft..Give me a break.


Everytime I ask this nobody gives me answer, all they want to do is bitch and moan..Who would you be the GM and President...Its not like you can just call up the Ravens and take Ozzie away from them. NO GM WILL MAKE A SIDEWAY MOVE TO COME TO CLEVELAND (or anywhere for that fact)


Its a joke Heckert has done fine, and Holgram is fine, remember they are not coaching this team Shurmer is. Let me guess you would not have hired Shurmer, well I somewhat agree with you on that. The fact is, is last year was about getting Magini out of Cleveland. Holgram could not just come in and fire EM right off the bat, he wanted to give the man a chance and see if his stlye works..well we went 5-11 IT DIDNT WORK. If it was not for Hillis last year, we would have got killed in a lot of games. Hillis ran the clock down and shorten the game, thats why we were close in many games.



Again who would be the GM and Pres.

For all you that want a big name coach, well last year we were not getting a big name coach, not with the lock out...


It does not happen overnight, it didnt happen over night with the Bill, Lions, 49ers, Pats, Colts..Anybody it never happens overnight!!!! Shit P.Manning I think won 2 games his first year...


What was Kosars record first year


Matter a fact what was any coaches in the NFL first year record, I would bet about 90% had a losing record..Some fell into perfect spots AKA Indy, Pitt with there new coaches(not New anymore)


So Holgram pulled the trigger on one player in the third round. Colt, everybody on this board was like hey great third round pick, because if it works out then be got our QB, if it dosnt so what it was a third round pick, well guess what it didnt work...


they have been here for a year and a half..GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!!!!!



I don't know what you are talking about arguing Haden vs Suh that's not even close...

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I can agrue Haden vs Sue all day long



11 games started

20 games played

77 tackles

2 sacks

6 INTs

1 Force Fumble

26 P. Deflections



22 games started

22 games played

84 tackles

12 sacks


1 Force Fumble

3 P. Deflections



All day you can agrue either way, both impact the game in there area, teams are now not throwing to his side anymore!!! People still run right at SUH..How did Frank Gore do last week..I forgot

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The biggest problem i have with this regime is they have been slow from the beginning to do anything that elevates this teams status..

They seem to have no urgency to win now and reflect the owners lack of involvement or concern with getting this club up to par with competitive nfl teams..


The jury is still out as far as i am concerned as i really didnt expect much this year but i did expect to see progress instead of regression but its not to late for that evolution to begin to take root..


Things i knew coming into this season..

Our WRs would suck..

Our OLBs would suck..

We wouldnt have a stable, servicable RT..

Our FS would suck..

Hardesty would eventually begin to emerge..

We would lack overall speed..

Our defensive line would take some time to develop..


Things i had hoped would develop quickly and or have a positive impact but have instead been disappointing or downright non existing thusfar..

Colt McCoy..

Peyton Hillis..

Pat Shurmur is just another gutless, emotionless, uninspiring knot on the log HC/OC with an offensive philosophy that is offensive only to football fans to call it such..


Boneheaded, off mark and slow regime decision making and poor inaccurate player evaluation at both the GM and presidential level..


Just like every other regime this club has had this one has no answers and unlike the others before it doesnt seem to have any pressure or urgency to win..

They obviously have no feel for this clubs suffering fans or they enjoy the slow roasting torture as much as randy lerner does....

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I don't think that they made a big play this year because of the fact that the new coach really doesn't know what he has in this team. He still may not. I think the plan was to work through the draft last year and only use FA to fill the holes we have. Next year once the coach gets a feel for what we can do and can't, he'll have a better idea of which way to spend the big buck in FA. I think that you'll see us be very active in the LB area and in the Offensive line department next year in FA.

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no. last year was holmgrens' and heckertts' evaluation year. for people to say this is another evaluation year (even though it's IS an ongoing process) is laughable.


this year we were supposed to be that much better and just bring in shumur as a puppet coach for holmgren.

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no. last year was holmgrens' and heckertts' evaluation year. for people to say this is another evaluation year (even though it's IS an ongoing process) is laughable.


this year we were supposed to be that much better and just bring in shumur as a puppet coach for holmgren.



per Shurmur, "I can see your confusion, yeah no, that's not at all what was going on." :o


They sank the ship when they let go of Mangini, Shurmur's picking through the scrap wreckage to use toward the construction of his new vessel this year, any salvageable pieces from Mangini's tenure will be kept and what don't fit will be cast away.

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then thats on fatass cause he should have let eric go last year. either way, the walrus isn't loloking like the genius he was made out to be.


who do you think was bringing in the talent in erics last year? was the coach making all the draft pciks and trades....leaving H&H as mere puppets? please dude....

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Let me ask the OP this ...


Which "playmakers" would you have liked to bring in via free agency???


All the playmakers people mentioned that they wanted were/are overrated bums and have proved that this year ... Sims-Walker got cut already from the Rams, Breston has done crap, Sidney Rice had a couple decent games when healthy (but got paid pretty good money), Santonio has been mediocore but is being compensated as if he was a pro bowler ... the list goes on I am sure. Hell maybe we could have made a play to bring Braylon back :rolleyes:


On the defensive side of the ball ... Nhamdi would have been nice. To bad he wouldn't come here because he wanted to be on a contender. Same goes for Jonathan Joseph who was obviously sick of being on a losing team in Ohio. Obviously it is clearly H&H fault those guys wanted to go elsewhere and contend. Maybe Ray Edwards ... everyone was in love with him and wanted us to break the bank....obviously his 12 tackles and 2 sacks through 6 games is worth that we should have inked him and made him the highest paid D-end in the league. (by the way Jayme Mitchell in comparison to Edwards has 15 tackles and 1.5 sacks in one less game and Sheard has 14 tackles and 2 sacks)


So I ask what other playmaker would you have liked to see us bring in and piss away money to??


The front office is BUILDING through the draft and they are building the team inside out. Heckert has gotten quality starters in the first couple rounds the past 2 years which is what good teams do. He has also added guys who will be quality depth guys/role players in the later rounds which is also what good teams do.


For the people who don;t like our drafts ask yourself how many teams had better drafts then us the past 2 years.


The only thing I hate so far about what H&H have done is bringing in Shurmer, but I am willing to give him an entire season and not just 5 games.

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^pretty much spot on...this FA class has been terrible insofar as getting the play wrt the money paid. for my money, ill take mitchell over ray edwards to this point anyday.


while ive been pretty negative about this year thus far, the only aspect i am really disappointed in is the effort the team has put forth. win or lose, this team looks pretty bad...disorganized, undisciplined, sloppy fundamentals. to me, this is a direct result of shurmur being a rookie HC and being overwhelmed....which is realy an indictment of holmgrens inability to create a good environment for success...


he talks a big game, but its obvious he really wasn't thinking this thru when he allowed shurmur to pull double duty. this has a myriad of effects that trickle down. now, shumur may be an adequate OC, could possibly be an adequate HC....but to have to do both really hamstrings his usage of time to learn the latter. this i fear will stunt his growth as a HC. now with shurmur overwhelmed, there are many things that he has not been able to adequately address....an effective gameplan, personnel usage, play calling, etc. he's muddied the waters of his roles and appears to be doing none of them well. this is why things like discipline and organization are suffering.....penalties are way up, heck....even JT is having his worse year to date. he just has too much to focus on, tho i give him props for trying. ill give him more props if/when he asks for help.


this in turn, is frustrating the players...clearly from some of the quotes we've been seeing and reading. they see that shurmur is overloaded, and they likely feel they are not getting the attention they need to install this system effectively. this could be why we're seeing missed blocking assignments, wrong routes, and a lack of understanding from a young QB. it would behoove shurmur to install the system in smaller steps until we can do something well, cause right now everyone is on a different page.


simply put, this is not a good learning environment for our young coach or young players. i firmly believe the browns have failed their draft picks due to ineffective and lousy coaching, making a good number of them a bust. one example could be Kam....disregarding those who had injury problems....ie, courtney brown. so unless holmgren gets some help in here and lessens the burden on shurmur, these players will simply get ruined again and we'll be starting the cycle all over again. good coaching is fundamental to player development, and right now.....they simply are not getting it.

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To those who didnt want play makers.. To those who didnt want to sign free agents.


I told you how we would look!



I want you guys to chime in now...


Heckert does not know what he is doing...



Holmgren has a better chance at winning in dancing with the stars than turning the Browns into a winner..


"The most successful teams in the league make decisions for the long term and not just what is best for today. Thinking one day at a time is extremely dangerous. And let's face it: The Raiders made this move for today."


The above is from one of the pros at NFL.com. Read it. Reread it, and reread it again until it sinks through your thick skull. You're a one trick pony, salivating over any Free Agent (washed up or not) or potential trade bait that's come down the pike. So tell me how's Asomugah working out in Philly, Edwards in San Fran, or Kolb in Arizona? Not so hot you say? Go to the head of the class, Mr. Free Spender.


You do anything more than bitch the Browns aren't winning NOW because they ain't following your perfect plan? You think I wouldn't like to at least have a winning season sometime soon? Until you're plunking serious coin down every year for season tickets, (like several of us on this board do) you've got no horse in the race. Let me clue you in- Mike Holmgren's forgotten ten times more about football than you'll ever know.


BTW, if you think Heckert doesn't know what he's doing you don't know what you're talking about. He unloaded Andersuk, got Hillis + a draft pick for Quinn, got four starters out of the 2010 draft, 5 starters and a significant backup out of the 2011 draft. What the hell do you want? A repeat performance of the Steelers supreme luck in the '70s when they pulled four Hall of Famers out of the Rabbit Hat in ONE draft?


Yes impatient one, the top free agents weren't coming here, the second tier ones wanted to be overpaid, and your latest heart throb Brandon Lloyd will want to be paid like Larry Fitzgerald assuming he has a decent year with the Rams, potentially blowing the Browns cap space in 2012 to hell.


I've been waiting since 1964 for the Browns to win it all- I can wait one more year to see if Holmgren and Heckert are on the right track. Too damn bad if you aren't. One thing I've seen over the years that doesn't work is the short term band aid approach fails miserably. So we've blown everything up about every two years since 1999, and it has produced a reliable stream of garbage. Let's try it again!! Not! So who do you want as GM? I'm listening. Too bad your other man-crush Gruden just re-upped with ESPN for another 5 years, so he won't be coaching anytime soon, hate to tell you. Yup, the Raiders just might squeak into the playoffs this year with Palmer. In 2014 they'll be 2-14 and be picking in the top three. Take it to the bank. My plan (and Holmgren and Heckert's) is better than one and done. Re read that top line again, please.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with being active in the free agent market....in fact any winning team does it. New England lands a big name free agent regularly. In fact....it's something you have to do, to build a winning team. If you are content to build through the draft, you will never get there. By the time you have a complete team of good, drafted players, most of your team will be too old to compete. This is common sense. Maybe you're right about Holmgren....about forgetting. I've never been sold on the guy, and he certainly hasn't done anything to impress me since he's been here. Impatient????.....waiting since 1964, and you're not impatient? You must be a Monk. I've been a Browns' fan since the early '60's, and impaient came and went long ago. Now that we're in the 2011 season, I'm more like pissed off at myself for wasting the last 47 football seasons, being disappointed every year. I think those circumstances give us the right to question the procedures of the front office. You're right.... you can't continue to hire new coaches every other season, and expect to ever make progress. Why is Mangini no longer here? What I saw last season, sure as Hell looked better than anything I've seen this year. As far as the Bengals....I wouldn't be too critical. They have been a lot more successful than us since 1999. Now, they are on the upswing again....after all the so-called experts said they would be the worst team in the NFL......kind of like the expert you quoted above.

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Winning teams...the operative word being "winning"....use free agency to supplement their core, drafted players where they have holes or a lack of depth. But by and large, those teams draft, develop, and retain their draft picks.


The browns don't really fit that bill as a winning team. We've gone down the FA route in the past with not so good results. There's a time and a place for FA....which is not now for us. Do you really think a vet WR would magically fix all the problems with this offense?

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"The most successful teams in the league make decisions for the long term and not just what is best for today. Thinking one day at a time is extremely dangerous. And let's face it: The Raiders made this move for today."


The above is from one of the pros at NFL.com. Read it. Reread it, and reread it again until it sinks through your thick skull. You're a one trick pony, salivating over any Free Agent (washed up or not) or potential trade bait that's come down the pike. So tell me how's Asomugah working out in Philly, Edwards in San Fran, or Kolb in Arizona? Not so hot you say? Go to the head of the class, Mr. Free Spender.


You do anything more than bitch the Browns aren't winning NOW because they ain't following your perfect plan? You think I wouldn't like to at least have a winning season sometime soon? Until you're plunking serious coin down every year for season tickets, (like several of us on this board do) you've got no horse in the race. Let me clue you in- Mike Holmgren's forgotten ten times more about football than you'll ever know.


BTW, if you think Heckert doesn't know what he's doing you don't know what you're talking about. He unloaded Andersuk, got Hillis + a draft pick for Quinn, got four starters out of the 2010 draft, 5 starters and a significant backup out of the 2011 draft. What the hell do you want? A repeat performance of the Steelers supreme luck in the '70s when they pulled four Hall of Famers out of the Rabbit Hat in ONE draft?


Yes impatient one, the top free agents weren't coming here, the second tier ones wanted to be overpaid, and your latest heart throb Brandon Lloyd will want to be paid like Larry Fitzgerald assuming he has a decent year with the Rams, potentially blowing the Browns cap space in 2012 to hell.


I've been waiting since 1964 for the Browns to win it all- I can wait one more year to see if Holmgren and Heckert are on the right track. Too damn bad if you aren't. One thing I've seen over the years that doesn't work is the short term band aid approach fails miserably. So we've blown everything up about every two years since 1999, and it has produced a reliable stream of garbage. Let's try it again!! Not! So who do you want as GM? I'm listening. Too bad your other man-crush Gruden just re-upped with ESPN for another 5 years, so he won't be coaching anytime soon, hate to tell you. Yup, the Raiders just might squeak into the playoffs this year with Palmer. In 2014 they'll be 2-14 and be picking in the top three. Take it to the bank. My plan (and Holmgren and Heckert's) is better than one and done. Re read that top line again, please.



Hoorta please read and re read the following attachment


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Sproles was one good acquisition....absolutely! What about ray Edwards, sims-walker, ocho, haynesworth, bush, Ronnie brown...just off the top of my head. Nmandi while playing ok, is not pushing the dream team to superstardom. However....it is only week 6.


I don't disagree with your premise per say, but a big WR would be all over colts shit cause he's struggling at the moment. TO would be tearing this lockerroom apart. Shurmur can't seem to handle the relatively benign personalities we currently have, I'd hate to what would happen with a diva in here.

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Winning teams...the operative word being "winning"....use free agency to supplement their core, drafted players where they have holes or a lack of depth. But by and large, those teams draft, develop, and retain their draft picks.


The browns don't really fit that bill as a winning team. We've gone down the FA route in the past with not so good results. There's a time and a place for FA....which is not now for us. Do you really think a vet WR would magically fix all the problems with this offense?

Maybe we would become a winning team if we used FA to a greater extent.... Obviously, the receivers we've drafted recently, for the most part, aren't productive. I'm talking about the Robiskies, Braylon Edwards', Steptoes, etc. While I don't think a good FA receiver would fix everything, I do believe it would be a major step in the right direction. I don't know, but I can only assume, management must have had some intention of going after a receiver in FA. Did they really plan on getting by with the current receivers? If the answer to that is yes, then did they really have any intentions of winning more than a few games? I'm no genius, but it seems to me that any player you draft, is unproven and a risk. You don't know how his skills will transfer to the NFL. On the other hand, when a proven wide receiver comes available, why not fill a position that you desparately need to fill?

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"The most successful teams in the league make decisions for the long term and not just what is best for today. Thinking one day at a time is extremely dangerous. And let's face it: The Raiders made this move for today."


The above is from one of the pros at NFL.com. Read it. Reread it, and reread it again until it sinks through your thick skull. You're a one trick pony, salivating over any Free Agent (washed up or not) or potential trade bait that's come down the pike. So tell me how's Asomugah working out in Philly, Edwards in San Fran, or Kolb in Arizona? Not so hot you say? Go to the head of the class, Mr. Free Spender.


You do anything more than bitch the Browns aren't winning NOW because they ain't following your perfect plan? You think I wouldn't like to at least have a winning season sometime soon? Until you're plunking serious coin down every year for season tickets, (like several of us on this board do) you've got no horse in the race. Let me clue you in- Mike Holmgren's forgotten ten times more about football than you'll ever know.


BTW, if you think Heckert doesn't know what he's doing you don't know what you're talking about. He unloaded Andersuk, got Hillis + a draft pick for Quinn, got four starters out of the 2010 draft, 5 starters and a significant backup out of the 2011 draft. What the hell do you want? A repeat performance of the Steelers supreme luck in the '70s when they pulled four Hall of Famers out of the Rabbit Hat in ONE draft?


Yes impatient one, the top free agents weren't coming here, the second tier ones wanted to be overpaid, and your latest heart throb Brandon Lloyd will want to be paid like Larry Fitzgerald assuming he has a decent year with the Rams, potentially blowing the Browns cap space in 2012 to hell.


I've been waiting since 1964 for the Browns to win it all- I can wait one more year to see if Holmgren and Heckert are on the right track. Too damn bad if you aren't. One thing I've seen over the years that doesn't work is the short term band aid approach fails miserably. So we've blown everything up about every two years since 1999, and it has produced a reliable stream of garbage. Let's try it again!! Not! So who do you want as GM? I'm listening. Too bad your other man-crush Gruden just re-upped with ESPN for another 5 years, so he won't be coaching anytime soon, hate to tell you. Yup, the Raiders just might squeak into the playoffs this year with Palmer. In 2014 they'll be 2-14 and be picking in the top three. Take it to the bank. My plan (and Holmgren and Heckert's) is better than one and done. Re read that top line again, please.



Hoorta, Let me steel a quote from someone on your brain level. Mike Tyson "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"



Now read that quote over and over again... I love it how you call Holmgren and Heckerts plan yours, have you given them input??? HAHAHHAHAAH



Have you thought about a 12 step program for yourself?

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Maybe we would become a winning team if we used FA to a greater extent.... Obviously, the receivers we've drafted recently, for the most part, aren't productive. I'm talking about the Robiskies, Braylon Edwards', Steptoes, etc. While I don't think a good FA receiver would fix everything, I do believe it would be a major step in the right direction. I don't know, but I can only assume, management must have had some intention of going after a receiver in FA. Did they really plan on getting by with the current receivers? If the answer to that is yes, then did they really have any intentions of winning more than a few games? I'm no genius, but it seems to me that any player you draft, is unproven and a risk. You don't know how his skills will transfer to the NFL. On the other hand, when a proven wide receiver comes available, why not fill a position that you desparately need to fill?



Agreed thats what they dont understand. Why not fill a need with a player they need.


What I dont get is last year we Holmgren and Heckert signed Jake Delhomo and Scott Fujita. How are these two signings????


What have we built over the last two years? The Bengals look a hell of alot more rebuilt than us, dont they???

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I think a big reason we didnt go after a WR in FA is that all the WRs were crap that wanted more then they were worth. Next year on the other hand there are some very god WR available such as Wes Welker, MArques Colston, Steve Johnson, Jordy Nelson, and Pierre Garcon ... Plus Desean Jackson who will probably be franchised and Mike Wallace is a RFA


I would much rather pay any of those guys next year and evaluate what we have this year with a full year of Colt. Then piss away money on the crap WRs that were available this year.


I also happen to think Colt isn't very good right now and it is making us look that much worse. He has done nothing this year but make terrible throws. Hopefully he either gets better or we get a new QB.

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I think a big reason we didnt go after a WR in FA is that all the WRs were crap that wanted more then they were worth. Next year on the other hand there are some very god WR available such as Wes Welker, MArques Colston, Steve Johnson, Jordy Nelson, and Pierre Garcon ... Plus Desean Jackson who will probably be franchised and Mike Wallace is a RFA


I would much rather pay any of those guys next year and evaluate what we have this year with a full year of Colt. Then piss away money on the crap WRs that were available this year.


I also happen to think Colt isn't very good right now and it is making us look that much worse. He has done nothing this year but make terrible throws. Hopefully he either gets better or we get a new QB.


The Problem is we have been saying this now for years. Next year! yada yada yada..


always next year!

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The Problem is we have been saying this now for years. Next year! yada yada yada..


always next year!


Well, H&H correctly surmized the talent level on the Browns wasn't good enough to make a Super Bowl run this year. You use free agency to supplement your core of talent, not the other way around. Those great Steeler teams of the 70s were built through the draft. Who's #1 in the power rankings today? Packers? Other than Woodson, the list of their FAs is mighty short. Rodgers, Driver, Raji, Matthews, Hawk- all astute draft picks.


I'm not against bringing in free agents- I fact I was thrilled when we brought in LeCharles Bentley unfortunately, that didn't work out. But there's a time and place for making a FA push or the big trade. That would be the Raiders and Falcons. We'll see how that works out as both teams have mortgaged their future in the hope of winning it all now. MHO is the Falcons maybe- the Raiders likely have made one of the biggest goofs since Hershell Walker.


BTW, the only reason guys like Delhomme and Fujita were brought in was to provide some quality veteran leadership.

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