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Raiders Get Carson Parmer For 2012 1St And 2013 1St


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Good trade for both teams ... Bengals are stockpiling, gonna be interesting in our division.




Bengals could be on the verge of something here. They didn't need Palmer and he was a cancer that they just cut off their team.

Now only if the Browns (LOL) could get up there and compete we can have some great inner-state rivalries in the coming years.

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Raiders traded their 2012 and conditional 2013 first found picks for Carson Palmer per ESPN. :wacko:


I think the trade was just a 2012 first rounder and a CONDITIONAL pick in 2013 not another first rounder.


The Raiders got raped on this one.

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Yes, there is no doubt this is a great trade for the Bengals for their future. It is actually a great trade for Palmer as well. He gets the change of scenery he wanted..and in particular he gets the west coast.

Now, the question is will it be a good trade for the Raiders. Is Palmer all that and a bag of chips. Recent indications were that he wasn't. We shall see.

Needless to say, this is not a vote of confidence for Kyle Boller, but it doesn't affect Pryor. He was going to wait a year or so no matter what to get a chance. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Campbell, Boller, or Palmer in front of him.

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You are right but I believe it is a 1st rounder in 2013 if the raiders make the playoffs..

They have to win a playoff game. Wow Cinci is getting away with highway robbery. I'm actually pissed that the Raiders are this dumb. Good for Cinci though. They've have enough terrible moves in their past. Good to see that they may be turning things around. It also scares me that they could be really good in a few years.

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If i were a bengals fan i would be jumping around, thus i am not and am throwing up the clam chowder i ate for lunch with how sick this trade is.


Raiders might look even smarter sitting in the playoffs with Palmer and not Boller ... The raiders have to believe they have drafted enough talent to put up a few good runs to not need the 2012 first round pick and they just might have.

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Man, didn't the Raiders just give up a few picks to pick up Pryor in the supplemental Draft... then to give up potentially two more first rounders for another QB? No way I'd give up a first rounder let alone 2 for Palmer :wacko: .

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Man, didn't the Raiders just give up a few picks to pick up Pryor in the supplemental Draft... then to give up potentially two more first rounders for another QB? No way I'd give up a first rounder let alone 2 for Palmer :wacko: .


They gave up their third round pick in next year's draft to take Pryor in the supplemental. He was going to sit for a couple of years behind Campbell, or Boller,or now Palmer regardless. I doubt the Palmer deal affects their position on Pryor one bit.

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Cinci wins this one. Palmer always seemed to throw a LOT of picks & is almost 32. I am amazed that he garnered a #1, much less another conditional pick. He'll soon be on the down side (if not already) & the Raiders gave away the picks needed to replace him....believe me, Pryor is NOT the future!


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