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A Little Perspective On This "nightmare" Season

Pumpkin Eater

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There's a lot of whining around here about the Browns so far this season. It seems a lot of you have ignored that the Browns still lack the talent to be competitive on any given Sunday, that they have a completely new defensive and offensive system, that players were locked out this summer, and that McCoy is essentially a Rookie QB by predicting the Browns would be near .500 at the end of the season or even competing to make the playoffs.


While I admire the optimism, I can't think of ONE expert who is paid to analyze NFL football that predicted the Browns would be competing for a playoff spot or somewhere near .500. Most had the Browns finishing 3rd or 4th in the AFC North. Many experts also have noted the teams that were hurt the most by this summer's lockout. The Browns top most of their lists. Pat Shurmur is a new head coach, following a lockout that denied his staff adequate time to implement a new system that includes a large amount of new players.


That being said, it's ridiculous that at this point some of you are overreacting that the Browns are 2-3 and in the midst of a "nightmare season." If the Browns go and lose the next 6 games, then fine, it's becoming a nightmare season. But not yet. Some of you point to the Lions success thus far this season. This isn't that regime's second season with a rookie head coach in his first. It's their third, and the season's not over yet. They went 2-14 in year one, 6-10 in year two, and now they're at 5-1. Most of you would have had Schwartz and the front office fired after year one. Most of you wanted the Browns to hire some retread like Cowher as head coach in 2009 and bashed the prospect of the Browns hiring Schwartz. The 49ers have had the talent to be a good team for quite some time but have had poor coaching. The Bills have lost 2 straight and it's really hard to tell how they're going to do.


Also, there are plenty of teams with superior to the Browns who are playing worse or have an equal record so far this season. The Vikings are sitting at 1-5. The Cowboys are 2-3. The Eagles are 2-4. Carolina is 1-5. Kansas City is 2-3.


Many of you are impatient, which is understandable. Stop blaming the current regime for the failings of the former regimes. And Hillis is just an average NFL running back, not worth the trouble he is causing this young team. Man up and stop being bitches.

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Good post. I'm definitely one of the negative people around here now. I didn't think the Browns would be good, but I also didn't think they would completely regress this year.


I liked the turn around I saw with Mangini, not that the record showed it. I thought he deserved more time. But they went out and hired a new coach who was OC of the Rams? You freaking kidding me, the f-ing lousy sorry ass Rams? I'll still have to support him though because he's our Head Coach.


With all this aside, I do have to point out that there's not too much else to dissect about the Browns other than they completely and utterly suck ass. This is a forum for football fanatics who like to have discussion about their favorite team and right now they stink. What else is there to talk about?


It's just become natural and easy for us to get into the negative rut. I'll try to work out of it, but then I'd probably have to watch Golf on Sundays instead.

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Good post. I'm definitely one of the negative people around here now. I didn't think the Browns would be good, but I also didn't think they would completely regress this year.


I liked the turn around I saw with Mangini, not that the record showed it. I thought he deserved more time. But they went out and hired a new coach who was OC of the Rams? You freaking kidding me, the f-ing lousy sorry ass Rams? I'll still have to support him though because he's our Head Coach.



What is the turn around that mangini lead? He went 1-11 in before winning 4 in a row year one then took all that momentum to an 0-3 start the next year finishing twice at 5-11. I'm not telling you this like you don't know. He was and is so overrated!! He is perfect right where he is on ESPN just speculating like the rest of us.

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What is the turn around that mangini lead? He went 1-11 in before winning 4 in a row year one then took all that momentum to an 0-3 start the next year finishing twice at 5-11. I'm not telling you this like you don't know. He was and is so overrated!! He is perfect right where he is on ESPN just speculating like the rest of us.


blind as a bat my friend. in your eyes if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a horse.


the record didn't show it but the all around performance of last year's team, even if we didn't win, was sooooo much better than this heap of dog shit we're putting on the field so far this year. lack of discipline, hillis not getting the ball, mccoy looking like a deer in the headlights.......shurmur looks like someone with no clue. granted he's a rookie coach with no experience running the whole shebang but why did he have to come here to 'learn'?


note the pres., gm, head coach all have the same agent? you don't think there's something weird about that? hire all your friends and collect a fat check on your last gig before retiring and opening up a dunkin donuts franchise. way to go holmgren!

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blind as a bat my friend. in your eyes if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a horse.


the record didn't show it but the all around performance of last year's team, even if we didn't win, was sooooo much better than this heap of dog shit we're putting on the field so far this year. lack of discipline, hillis not getting the ball, mccoy looking like a deer in the headlights.......shurmur looks like someone with no clue. granted he's a rookie coach with no experience running the whole shebang but why did he have to come here to 'learn'?


note the pres., gm, head coach all have the same agent? you don't think there's something weird about that? hire all your friends and collect a fat check on your last gig before retiring and opening up a dunkin donuts franchise. way to go holmgren!


But you're comparing Mangini's 2nd yr to Shurmur's 1st. And in all reality, it's not that much different... especially considering that Mangini had HC experience and a yr coming off of a 4-0 finish riding momentum...

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blind as a bat my friend. in your eyes if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a horse.


the record didn't show it but the all around performance of last year's team, even if we didn't win, was sooooo much better than this heap of dog shit we're putting on the field so far this year. lack of discipline, hillis not getting the ball, mccoy looking like a deer in the headlights.......shurmur looks like someone with no clue. granted he's a rookie coach with no experience running the whole shebang but why did he have to come here to 'learn'?


note the pres., gm, head coach all have the same agent? you don't think there's something weird about that? hire all your friends and collect a fat check on your last gig before retiring and opening up a dunkin donuts franchise. way to go holmgren!


McCoy probably looks like a Deer in headlights because he's operating a real NFL offense, not whatever the hell Daboll was running last year. Yes, the Browns beat the Pats and Saints... but also got blown out by the Squeelers TWICE, and lost to the Bungles, Jaguars, and the Bills. They also were 1-4 after their first 5 games and didn't get win #3 until week 9.

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i know i know. i'm saying with mangini had less to play with and got more out of the group he had (at least up to this point) than shurmur seems to. i don't see the same attributes from last year's team that made me excited about this year......albeit the firing of the HC from last year.


it's just my opinion and i could be totally wrong (lord knows it wouldn't be the first time). then i'll be the biggest crow eating MFer on this board.

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Man up? Dude, you have Holmgrens spooge all over your face, dripping down your chin.


A few things.......... if your fkucking point is that the Browns don't have talent........Duh!!


And, if we Don't have talent, who's falt is that? Eh Spooge face?


McCoy is "essentially" a rookie. That's what Steeler fans said about Queerdell Stewart in Year 3 because he was playing multiple positions before that. YOu soulnd like the same idiot.


Hey, hows come Cinci's rookie QB isn't have the same problems?


2 - 3 with wins against teams who have no QB and who are battling for teh 1st pick overall in 2012? IMPRESSIVE................


This team is worse than last year's team. Fans have a right to bitch.


Finally, that no writers or experts picked us to do anything ather than finish 4 - 12 should piss you off. WHO's Fault is that?


Hey, wait, befor you leave, take this towell, you still have a little bit on your forehead.


Oh I see. You want to hire a magician who can transform a team from crap to SB champions in two drafts. Good luck with that dufus.

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OP, you are basically spot on. I really can't agrue with you. It is a good level headed assessment of the Browns' current state.


Here is my problem, your post is all too familiar. You could regurgitate that post about every two years.......changing a few names of course. That is what burns my ass. Maybe they got it right this time but history tells us they do not. Give me a reason to believe. Win more games then you should this year. Do something to give me hope.

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Its a slow....slow start. A decent coach would go a long way to developing the talent we do have. My real fear is shurmurs coaching inadequacy will break these players and we rebuild again. The coaches are the real issue here

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Actually, the offense last year was better.

A lot less short plays(which don't make sense when you don't have the reciever to turn out yards after the catch), a lot less penalties, a lot more running to keep defenses honest.

I think Haden is going to be a damn good player, but the rest of the defense is dookie as well.


Yes, there is still plenty of football to play, but how can you possibly tell people to feel good about the product being put on the field? It's hard to watch on TV. I'd be tempted to trot out to mid field, drop my pants and take a dump during the time out if I paid for a ticket.



We want them to succeed, but at some point, you just have to see some ray of hope. What is there that makes you hopeful for the future on this team? Because I got nothing.

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OP, you are basically spot on. I really can't agrue with you. It is a good level headed assessment of the Browns' current state.


Here is my problem, your post is all too familiar. You could regurgitate that post about every two years.......changing a few names of course. That is what burns my ass. Maybe they got it right this time but history tells us they do not. Give me a reason to believe. Win more games then you should this year. Do something to give me hope.


True, But you just don't know how a regime is going to turn out. I know it's awful to give a FO a chance and they turn out to be crap. But this FO is actually drafting decently, something that hasn't happened in Cleveland 2.0

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Im not trying to be a jerk, but here are my observations.


1. Our defense under the old regime was good. Our defense under the new regime is good.


2. Our penalties under EM was minimal. Our penalties under Shurmur has increased.


3. Our offense under EM's OC Brian daboll was horrid. The bar was set so low that any improvement should not be difficult- The playcalling was bad but the effort was great. Our offense under the new regime does not seem awesome - the playcalling is better - but there is hardly any effort.


4. Colt has regressed under the new regime. Although EM did not develop Colt when Colt was called and given limited time - He played really well- We all had our hopes up. Now we are doubting if he can be the guy or is he a career backup.


5. Our schedule under both the EM years were difficult. This year the schedule seems more favorable but it seems more like we are shooting ourselves in the foot.


6. Under the old regime we saw toughness and we were looking more like the AFC North calibre team. Now we dont seem to have an identity.

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