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Ows Protestors Have Support Of Pelosi, Biden, Obamao..


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They can, and may push our country into a civil war, on the heels of their first ever radical marxist president Obamao.


Big, BIG trouble.


RNC Asks Top Dems: ‘Where’s the Outrage?’ on Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitism

The Republican National Committee slammed top Democrats for lauding the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement yet ignoring the numerous reported incidents of anti-Semitism that have occurred during the protests, which also have the support of the American Nazi Party.


“Democratic leaders have spent the last week championing the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement, yet in the midst of protestors’ extreme anti-Semitic, anti-Israel comments, they’ve been silent,” RNC communications direct Sean Spicer said in a release.


Specifically naming President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), Spicer accused them all of turning “a blind eye” to “ugly displays of bigotry.”


“Where’s the outrage?” Spicer asked. “While protestors are seen spewing hate against Jewish Americans, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz have declared their support for the demonstrations. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel even circulated a petition saying he’s “standing with” Occupy Wall Street.”


Both Israel and Wasserman Schultz are Jewish.


“Is Steve Israel standing with those calling for the killing of Jews? Does Debbie Wasserman Schultz agree with the various calls for Jews to be “run out of this country” and to oppose and “destroy” the state of Israel?” Spicer added.


Spicer charged that Democrats have been quick to jump on “any instances of perceived extremism” among the Tea Party, yet are blatantly ignoring what’s been happening in New York City and the rest of the country.


A new ad released earlier this week similarly criticized politicians for not condemning anti-Semitism at the protests.



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Me protesting might have their support, but they certainly don't have mine. This is a ploy to turn OWS into a reelection campaign.

See Pumpkin eater post right before yours.

Of course this is a re elect obama charade.

Yes, that's right. The same guy who bent over for the wall street barons that you guys pretend to hate.


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Oh I thought this was a thread to post ridiculously stupid things.



Apparently so.


"and Republicans spread their legs for big business. "


Anyway this happens in most political affairs.

Start with a basic inrest then look for a reason to be pissed off.

Then raise hell despite the fact you aren't really sure what you're mad about or how you'd change it. See Sevs post.

Then search the net and find something that sounds right.


And it's not just you, we all do it to an extent.

Say you don't like the X party and Smith is the X party guy.

Then you go looking for reasons that Smiith is an asshole.


See you start with the anti Smith agenda then flesh it out.


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Why not


"All Dems spread their legs for the NEA? ANd the gay faction? And the murderers of unborn and born children? And the SEIU? and the AFL-CIO ?


And the Palestinian terrorists? And every state Education union? And GM ? And the Communist Party? And the extreme left ? And socialists? And marxist governments?


and the anti-gun lobby? and all the flea bitten flea baggers? and spreading their legs for all antagonists of our American Constitution? and electoral fraud? and talk of "dictatorship?"


Come on, PE, you can do better than to intentionally say stupid things when you just don't like libs being challenged for their hypocrisy.

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