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What The Occupy Wall Street Flea Bitten Flea Baggers "stand" For


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Useful Idiots Occupy Wall Street

Michael Skinner, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Oct 15, 2011 "Contribute content like this. Start Here."

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Before the Marxists and public employee unions infiltrated the meager Occupy Wall Street movement, I read a statement by a famous communist--you know the one who was kicked out of the white house by Glen Beck. Anyway, this famous communist said that there would be an October surprise. The Marxists had been planning to hijack Occupy Wall Street from the start.


If you are being run by communists you are by definition a useful idiot.


Furthermore, it would appear that an anti Jewish group operating out of Canada is one of the forces behind Occupy Wall Street. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi knew about the communist and anti Semitic forces behind Occupy Wall Street. Well since the left says the Tea Party is responsible for what anybody anywhere does, thinks or says in their name as long as it's evil, stupid or wrong, surely the same logic applies to the left.


Therefore, in my very own personal opinion, by her own words, Nancy Pelosi must be an anti Semitic communist. No wonder liberal Jews love democrats!



When the useful idiots of Occupy Wall Street are not busy stinking, using a park for a toilet, having sex in public, or using drugs, they are making demands like:


1) The hoax that is Global Warming and the scam that is Climate change should be used to destroy capitalism in general and the economy of the United States in particular. (Your job is to starve, freeze and die after they do this)

2) They don't want to pay their student loans

3) Just like Obama, they want jobs they are not qualified for

4) They don't want to see banks and corporations making a profit

5) They want to institute the economics of Greece and Zimbabwe

6) They want to institute the politics of North Korea and the Soviet Union

7) To use the world as their toilet


(8) Replace the constitution with the communist manifesto

9) Change the name of the United States to the Union of Gay, Transgendered, Green, Socialist, Marxist and Communist States

10) Free dope for everyone

11) Make 911 Truther Truth the Law (Yeah, Bush did it!!!!!)

12) 100%, full employment and citizenship for illegal aliens and other foreign criminals

13) That public employee and government unions be allowed to continue to bankrupt every government on earth

14) That public school teachers be allowed to continue teaching communism

15) That colleges and universities be allowed to continue teaching communism

16) That democrats, liberals, and progressives be allowed to continue bankrupting the world by giving people homes they can't afford to pay for

17) That the national news media will continue to blame problems that liberals caused on conservatives

18) That Roseanne be allowed to behead inconvenient people

19) That the bribed thieves in Washington DC keep watch over the people who bribed them on Wall Street--like that's gonna happen

20) That unions get unlimited political power, unfettered and unmatched





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Useful Idiots Occupy Wall Street

Michael Skinner, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Oct 15, 2011 "Contribute content like this. Start Here."

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Before the Marxists and public employee unions infiltrated the meager Occupy Wall Street movement, I read a statement by a famous communist--you know the one who was kicked out of the white house by Glen Beck. Anyway, this famous communist said that there would be an October surprise. The Marxists had been planning to hijack Occupy Wall Street from the start.


If you are being run by communists you are by definition a useful idiot.


Furthermore, it would appear that an anti Jewish group operating out of Canada is one of the forces behind Occupy Wall Street. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi knew about the communist and anti Semitic forces behind Occupy Wall Street. Well since the left says the Tea Party is responsible for what anybody anywhere does, thinks or says in their name as long as it's evil, stupid or wrong, surely the same logic applies to the left.


Therefore, in my very own personal opinion, by her own words, Nancy Pelosi must be an anti Semitic communist. No wonder liberal Jews love democrats!



When the useful idiots of Occupy Wall Street are not busy stinking, using a park for a toilet, having sex in public, or using drugs, they are making demands like:


1) The hoax that is Global Warming and the scam that is Climate change should be used to destroy capitalism in general and the economy of the United States in particular. (Your job is to starve, freeze and die after they do this)

2) They don't want to pay their student loans

3) Just like Obama, they want jobs they are not qualified for

4) They don't want to see banks and corporations making a profit

5) They want to institute the economics of Greece and Zimbabwe

6) They want to institute the politics of North Korea and the Soviet Union

7) To use the world as their toilet


(8) Replace the constitution with the communist manifesto

9) Change the name of the United States to the Union of Gay, Transgendered, Green, Socialist, Marxist and Communist States

10) Free dope for everyone

11) Make 911 Truther Truth the Law (Yeah, Bush did it!!!!!)

12) 100%, full employment and citizenship for illegal aliens and other foreign criminals

13) That public employee and government unions be allowed to continue to bankrupt every government on earth

14) That public school teachers be allowed to continue teaching communism

15) That colleges and universities be allowed to continue teaching communism

16) That democrats, liberals, and progressives be allowed to continue bankrupting the world by giving people homes they can't afford to pay for

17) That the national news media will continue to blame problems that liberals caused on conservatives

18) That Roseanne be allowed to behead inconvenient people

19) That the bribed thieves in Washington DC keep watch over the people who bribed them on Wall Street--like that's gonna happen

20) That unions get unlimited political power, unfettered and unmatched






They stand for bringing back America to its dream. A place for opportunity for all, you and your right wing nut cases stand for taking back America to where women were not people and shooting first and thinking later and screwing the people


It is sad Cal you have no clue about reality.........................your political view is more dumbass than your the OL is the key view to football............................


..On both accounts you fail simple math and history 101..................and PROMOTE LOSING

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Perception is reality in one fashion or another. I don't see any lies there. The asinine attempt


to justify the flea butts to compare it to the upscale, AMERICAN Tea Party is really, really ignorant.


Like Rich is. Rich is a flea butt, a flea bagger. You have bad signs at the OWS all over the place....


but it only takes one sign by one non Tea Partier, for you all to paint all the Tea Party with a bad brush.


How convenient. And dishonest. The flea baggers are a woodstock type bunch of losers. I think


the occupation should end with mass arrests, and send them to Siberia.

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