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Future Uncertain For Browns Offense, Including Colt Mccoy


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Future uncertain for Browns offense, including Colt McCoy


Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on October 20, 2011, 3:02 PM EDT



Mike Holmgren and Pat Shurmur are in Cleveland to fix the offense above all else.


That’s why it’s been a surprise to see quarterback Colt McCoy and the Browns running game take a step back after Eric Mangini’s firing. Only Kerry Collins has a lower yards-per-attempt average than McCoy this season.


Browns president Mike Holmgren made it clear Thursday McCoy is still being evaluated to see whether he’s really a franchise quarterback.


“Let’s let him play and see how performs and we’ll evaluate it at end of year,” Holmgren said via Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer.


Holmgren said he’s not opposed to adding a new quarterback every year until one sticks: “You have to find that person.”


Pete Prisco of CBSSports watched tape on McCoy this week and came away unimpressed with his arm strength and inability to handle pressure. Quarterback may not be the only change for the Browns offense if they don’t get things turned around.


Holmgren said that Shurmur will likely hire an offensive coordinator next season. That’s a tacit admission that the first-time head coach could use a little more support.



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i was wondering when we'd get a response or some type of statement from fat ass. i like how he said shurmur would likely hire an OC next year. is that correct? so this year is just shit and be done with it? why would he let shurmur decide on an OC when shurnur has proven the inability to do anything thus far? so he gave total control to shurmur? i thought holmgren made the hirings?


the biggest kick in the ass from this statement which should really trouble everyone is the fact that he said that this year is another evaluation year. REALLY MFer?? what was last year? you evaluated mangini out the door. we won only five games with the core of these players. was shurmur supposed to come in, change the offensive and defensive scheme to holmgren's liking and now reevaluate once again? or was this puppet with no HC experience suppose to come in and do better than what we had because it's now his (holmgren's) system?


this guy's a sham!!!! hate his fat liver-eatin' guts! two wasted years thus far. it's amazing how he gives himself five years (which used to be the norm for a HC) to change things around but will fire someone two years into their supposed five year plan. hypocrite

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I just read holmgren said winning takes time and that he wouldnt be against staying longer than five years.



Well of course he wouldnt. Get paid to do nothing!



That's actually not what he said. Here is the exact quote:


Q: You said some things to a Seattle radio station that led some fans to think you were not planning on staying with the Browns a long time. How would you respond?:



Holmgren: “Did they say I was leaving Monday after the game? Holy smokes! I did a radio show with a guy I used to do a show in Seattle with. A lot is tongue in cheek. I said I’m 63 and in 10 years I’d be 73. I didn’t think much about it and this is important to me, I mean this.



“Getting the Cleveland Browns to a point where the fans are proud of the way we’re playing and getting to the Super Bowl, I’m all in. Kathy and I are living here and we’re all in. We’re involved in the community and people shouldn’t think too much of it.”



Q: How long do you think it will take?:



Holmgren: “How long will it take? That’s a tough question. In Green Bay, it took five years and Seattle it was seven years. We’ve been able to do it, my group, in about five years. You have to have good drafts. I have the utmost confidence in Tom Heckert. You have to find the quarterback to get you there and that’s as big as anything.”



Q: Are you committed to making sure the Browns are successful, even if it takes more than the five years on your contract?:



Holmgren: “I’m in. Absolutely. I want to feel I’m doing a good job. I don’t want to waste anybody’s time. I think we have a good plan. I don’t know what the future holds. I love Cleveland and we like it here. We’re not excited about the weather right now, but it’s good. I signed up to do something here and I intend to do it. This is not rocket science. There are no conspiracy theories. You need good players who are coached well and I believe that’s where we’re headed. We have a good coaching staff and we are getting better players. What I would ask is to spread the word. Distractions are not helping anybody and distractions are sometimes hurting us.




So where in that does he say is leaving after 5 years and where did you read it?

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i was wondering when we'd get a response or some type of statement from fat ass. i like how he said shurmur would likely hire an OC next year. is that correct? so this year is just shit and be done with it?why would he let shurmur decide on an OC when shurnur has proven the inability to do anything thus far? so he gave total control to shurmur? i thought holmgren made the hirings?


the biggest kick in the ass from this statement which should really trouble everyone is the fact that he said that this year is another evaluation year. REALLY MFer?? what was last year? you evaluated mangini out the door. we won only five games with the core of these players. was shurmur supposed to come in, change the offensive and defensive scheme to holmgren's liking and now reevaluate once again? or was this puppet with no HC experience suppose to come in and do better than what we had because it's now his (holmgren's) system?


this guy's a sham!!!! hate his fat liver-eatin' guts! two wasted years thus far. it's amazing how he gives himself five years (which used to be the norm for a HC) to change things around but will fire someone two years into their supposed five year plan. hypocrite

Good post Toxic.

That's a good point.

Like fatboy didn't know a first time HC wouldn't be able to handle the managing of the game AND calling the plays at the SAME TIME? What a concept! Calling the plays is FULL TIME job on the field, and now we know why we have had so many lapses on special teams where Shurmur accepts full blame.

And I agree, it's total BS that this year is an evaluation year. LAST YEAR should have been the evaluation year.

I can't help but to want to kick this lard butt's a$$ when he nonchalantly fluffs this year off. NO year should be a cast off.

How many HandH homers do we have left nowadays? The bandwagon is getting light with everyone jumping off Holmgren, quit siphoning cash from Lerner's pockets and get your hands dirty and start making a difference in this town, or GTFU after next year!

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First post on the browns board!!! Excited to finally post after a year of reading along with u guys. I, like you all have a great level of frustration with this years current team. But about holmgren and shurmur..... I feel, once again, since it's another "evaluation" year, that we should give holmgren a chance with a few years. This team can NOT afford another re start though. We have to stick with what we have in place, unlike what we did with mangini. And this year is evidence of that. You start over again...and you have a year like this. Keep hanging in there and something good WILL happen with this franchise. Theres nowhere to go but up.

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First post on the browns board!!! Excited to finally post after a year of reading along with u guys. I, like you all have a great level of frustration with this years current team. But about holmgren and shurmur..... I feel, once again, since it's another "evaluation" year, that we should give holmgren a chance with a few years. This team can NOT afford another re start though. We have to stick with what we have in place, unlike what we did with mangini. And this year is evidence of that. You start over again...and you have a year like this. Keep hanging in there and something good WILL happen with this franchise. Theres nowhere to go but up.


agreed. there's nothing much any of us can do at this point but move into the bar car of the shit express and hope for the light at the end of the tunnel.


even though i hate holmgren, the real blame should fall at the feet of lerner who has flip flopped more than charlie tuna on a crack withdrawal.


at least holmgren is a football guy BUT we've had those too before.

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We have something going. Little has promise. Haden, sheard, Taylor, ward, hillis, cribbs. We have another draft like we have had the past two years and this team will show actual signs of frickin improvement. Guaranteed. This year is the year for our qb. If McCoy has the stuff then our team gets upgraded big time. But if not, shit looks like were playing qb roullete in the draft.....again.

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Also does this not feel like complete Deja vu from the mangini years? We have a system in place, but for the first two years, it's unsuccessful. But the second year, just as were turning into a competitive team for 15/16 games, we boot mangini. And start a brand new system, under lockout conditions to add to that. This wasn't shaping up to be a dream season in the first place.

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Browns president Mike Holmgren made it clear Thursday McCoy is still being evaluated to see whether he’s really a franchise quarterback.



And you remember Uncle Joe He was the one afraid to cut the cake.

Bob Segat/Firelake

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We have something going. Little has promise. Haden, sheard, Taylor, ward, hillis, cribbs. We have another draft like we have had the past two years and this team will show actual signs of frickin improvement. Guaranteed. This year is the year for our qb. If McCoy has the stuff then our team gets upgraded big time. But if not, shit looks like were playing qb roullete in the draft.....again.


100 that.


i really think heckert is the gem of the FO of the past what 3 yrs is it now or did holmgren hire him?


love his drafts to date for the browns. the players you mentioned plus the two on the OL should be the core moving forward.


let's hope mccoy can pull it together BUT i blame his regression on the new offensive scheme. what i saw of him and hillis last year....if we had the same momentum with an upgraded OL (heckert blew it on lavauo and letting vickers go btw) and little starting, a mix of momass and even a little mix of hardesty running (not catching) i wouldn't be 'whining' so much.


so far haven't seen shit.

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I have posted this comment in almost every freakin thread about our front office, and NOBODY HAS A ANSWER. WHo would you hire that we can get???


Our front office is fine, jesus F christ some of you are babies on here...


H&H have been here 1.5 yrs...Green Bay took 5 yrs not 2 yrs, Seattle too 7 yrs not 2 yrs...



Shut up already...you make me throw up a little every time you type same baby shit every thread

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We think hillis blows because this teams performance has blown. We may have a worse line than shitsburgh. (who do we have besides Thomas, mack?...no one) any rb would blow with this line. And vickers is sorely missed, where did he go to anyway? Did he retire? Why in the hell did we

Not resign one of the hardest hitting fbs in the league?

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We think hillis blows because this teams performance has blown. We may have a worse line than shitsburgh. (who do we have besides Thomas, mack?...no one) any rb would blow with this line. And vickers is sorely missed, where did he go to anyway? Did he retire? Why in the hell did we

Not resign one of the hardest hitting fbs in the league?


Our FO drafted an unproven rookie and houston picked up our beast FB.


I said it when it happened and i'll say it again, bad move. Some guys wanted to give the rookie a chance before we write him off. Can't write him off now, he's all we have. Sure give him a chance, but we could have kept Vickers another year while our new FB learned the ropes and subbed in on a couple plays.

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I 100% agree that our front office made a mistake with vickers, and I think its a bigger mistake than people think..Vickers was a beast. How is our draft picks unproven???


I think our 2010 draft class is for the most part proven, and our 2011 draft class, well from the games they have played looked pretty good to me, but wouldnt all 2011 draft picks unproven...Julio Jones who some of want to suck off is unproven, and he is not having a huge year with a better QB!!!!

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Let's talk about that statistic that McCoy is next to last in Yards per Reception. Remember, this team is trying to run Shurmur's form of the WCO. The WCO is predicated on short passes and on YAC. So naturally in this system the passes are going to be short....but when is the last time we have seen any YAC by anyone catching the ball this year? They are always dropped immediately upon making a catch. There is rarely any separation and there is no breakaway speed anywhere.

The best guy at getting YAC has been Payton Hillis, and he has been out hurt half the year.

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Let's talk about that statistic that McCoy is next to last in Yards per Reception. Remember, this team is trying to run Shurmur's form of the WCO. The WCO is predicated on short passes and on YAC. So naturally in this system the passes are going to be short....but when is the last time we have seen any YAC by anyone catching the ball this year? They are always dropped immediately upon making a catch. There is rarely any separation and there is no breakaway speed anywhere.The best guy at getting YAC has been Payton Hillis, and he has been out hurt half the year.

Now you people after five games are realizing this. I'm glad to see this tho.

Should have expected that like we talked about before week 1

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Has anyone seen the Rams this year with the same personal, except for.....

and what does that mean? hmmm....the same excuses we have been seeing around here. sophmore slump, terrible receivers, new system....


sound familiar?

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Has anyone seen the Rams this year with the same personal, except for.....

you're saying pat shurmur was the reason they won those games last year? 7-9?


they beat the likes of the cardinals, panthers, 49ers (last year sucked), broncos and seahawks.


this year 0-5 so far. lest's see who've they've played? eagles, giants, ravens, redskins and packers.


i'd love to see the shurmur led browns do any better against that schedule this year.


btw, the rams 'personnel' isn't much better than the browns albeit bradford (looks as shitty as colt sometimes) and jackson.


edit: even though we beat some of the best last year we also lost to some scrubs. no excuses.

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My biggest concern when he talked about evaluation is the fact that while he is trying to evaluate the QB and the offense, not once does he say that he will also be evaluating the Head Coach. His admission that Shurmur might need an OC is scary. It is almost like confessing that a new HC is in over his heads and that this Front Office did not even have the common sense to see that commin .. What if Shurmur is nothing more than a good OC who cannot cut it at the HC level ? Are we going to use next year to evaluate that ? While they are evaluating all this crap, can they please also evaluate if the ticket prices are worth this crap ?

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Colt hasn't played a full NFL season yet. let him play this year out. I have a feeling being compared to a young drew brees is a good thing. And colt statistically is the most consistent qb the browns have had in years( not that that's saying much) but it is a positive. Yes I'm a homer most of the time, but colt can develop with time, if we are patient with him. Unlike the 20 past qbs the browns have had.

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