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Ah, Now The Hillis Info Surfaces...


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I guess the Madden curse, as well as Hillis's running style, leads him and his agent to want mega millions of bucks - he won't be a rb for another ten years by any stretch.


He'll find what he can get, and the Browns can match that.


Browns president Mike Holmgren indicated Thursday that Peyton Hillis will be allowed to reach free agency in 2012.


Holmgren ready to let the market set the price for their bell-cow running back. Hillis' original asking price was reportedly "extremely high." His agent has since come down from that offer, but the latest proposal "wasn't anywhere near what the Browns were willing to pay." At this point, Hillis appears more likely than not to hit the open market this winter. Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer

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well either way he better start producing or his price tag will surely go down.


let's hope he has a chance to show us he wasn't some flash in the pan........shurmur needs to give him the ball at least 25 times a game, and with some blocking, who knows?


that is of course if we're not down by 24 points at the half of these games.

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well either way he better start producing or his price tag will surely go down.


let's hope he has a chance to show us he wasn't some flash in the pan........shurmur needs to give him the ball at least 25 times a game, and with some blocking, who knows?


that is of course if we're not down by 24 points at the half of these games.



he likely will be out of the league by the 2014 SEASON

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If there is a positive to this hillis bullshit, it's that we get draft picks and/or some moderate playmakers for him. I'd much rather have draft picks for him to build more progress for next year. Sucks to see such a positive symbol of Cleveland one year being given away the next. Damn browns. And I thought we had our running back. Never is easy....especially with Cleveland

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he's not out of here yet. the fact that he was sick/hurt hasn't helped him or his agent's stance nor has the fact that the HC isn't designing plays around the run.


if he does go into free agency we can always match the figure or trade him before FA.


i could see the bitterness brewing between the two factions if he doesn't see the ball more in the upcoming weeks.

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Yep. He's not so down to earth love to just play the game like he says. Anyways...

Why not start feeding him the ball early and often. That is until as been said we're suddenly down by 24. Then its time to the Garbage Time Champ to start chucking it.

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Ghoolie is an ego maniac and Rich is just his coffee fetcher----keep that in mind as you respond to his rants....


I think the Madden thing went to Hillis's head, why else would he be on his third agent this year....


This is the NFL... You negoitiate your contract by your play on the field and so far Hillis is not getting the job done...


Think about it--Thats why your upper tier players are always saying get the contract done before the season starts cause once the season starts the contract talks stop...


The Browns have always taken care of their players, its time for some players to take care of the Browns..


BTW if Mary Kay Cabot writes another article on Hillis I think I'm gonna puke---does she have a jones for this guy or what....





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Yea fellas, no need to ever post anything ever again on here because ghoolie has already covered it all and told us what the deal was.......and remember he's always right so what's the point.






King Ghoolie Lives



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Posted 19 October 2011 - 01:29 AM


Good grief,


what is it with you people and this tub-o-shit HIllis?


Rich and I predicted that his year two with us would be NOTHING LIKE year one. Why?




Rich and I told you guys the same thing about the man HIllis was cloned from, Rueben Droughns. Same thing. He caught teams with their pants down in year one, in year two? Just like Hillis, he got stuffed.


HIllis is a C+ level player. Nobody is going to miss a guy like this once he's gone. That's all there is to it. And for the record, he didn't exactly have a HUGE year last year. Huge for US? Okay............... but by NFL standards? YAWN...........


Big slow guy with no lateral moves.


WOW......... how innovative and unusual. Boy, defenses will have a hard time accounting for this guy............. NOT!


Hillis is an also ran. Nothing more, nothing less. He has Dime-A-Dozen talent. If he WAS good, you would see it surely since we are playing the worst defenses in the NFL.


Nobody is going to pay HIllis anywhere near what he thinks he is worth. With that, he may clear waivers and get picked up next year as a walk on.


Really, the guy blows.

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King Ghoolie Lives



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Interests:Cigars, Bowling, Women in hose, heels and garter belts. Catfighting. Las Vegas. Torturing liberal vermin. Guitar, accordion bass, dobro, fiddle, harmonica, recording, writing, BBQ, pit bulls, self dentistry, BBQ, Browns football, recording, producing records, foosball, Cedar Point, Peanut Buster parfaits, Aerosmith, John Prine, Marg Helgenberg, Dice Clay, Moses, Lombardi, abandoned buildings, power boats, chocolate, snow cones, chili dogs and model rocketry.



Posted 19 October 2011 - 01:29 AM


Good grief,


what is it with you people and this tub-o-shit HIllis?


Rich and I predicted that his year two with us would be NOTHING LIKE year one. Why?




Rich and I told you guys the same thing about the man HIllis was cloned from, Rueben Droughns. Same thing. He caught teams with their pants down in year one, in year two? Just like Hillis, he got stuffed.


HIllis is a C+ level player. Nobody is going to miss a guy like this once he's gone. That's all there is to it. And for the record, he didn't exactly have a HUGE year last year. Huge for US? Okay............... but by NFL standards? YAWN...........


Big slow guy with no lateral moves.


WOW......... how innovative and unusual. Boy, defenses will have a hard time accounting for this guy............. NOT!


Hillis is an also ran. Nothing more, nothing less. He has Dime-A-Dozen talent. If he WAS good, you would see it surely since we are playing the worst defenses in the NFL.


Nobody is going to pay HIllis anywhere near what he thinks he is worth. With that, he may clear waivers and get picked up next year as a walk on.


Really, the guy blows.


You obviously couldn't read my previous posts either. Droughns was a 2 year wonder if you even want to call it that. One 1200 yard year with Denver and 1 with the Browns. But he had only 6 TD's for Denver and only 2 for us so he was never even that good. Hillis had 1200 yards rushing, nearly 500 yards receiving, and 13 TD's last year. Hardly comparable to Droughns.


The only way Hillis is a 1 year wonder is if he can't stay healthy. Unfortunately so far that is the case. He needs to stay healthy and we need to have another RB that can split carries. Hillis doesn't have to run the ball all the time to be effective. He needs to be used in the passing game instead of Hardesty since Hillis can actually block and catch the ball. Hillis is far from useless when he is healthy and used correctly..

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Anyone consider the possibility that in retaliation, the Browns won't let him see the field much in 2011. If they're pissed at his demands, they may be saying, go sign a free-agent contract - with less than 500 yards this year.

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Anyone consider the possibility that in retaliation, the Browns won't let him see the field much in 2011. If they're pissed at his demands, they may be saying, go sign a free-agent contract - with less than 500 yards this year.


I would really hope they wouldn't be that shallow about it. You just don't mess with a mans livelyhood like that ya kno.

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Are you out of your Fooking Mind? WHo the hell is going to give up DRAFT PICKS for this piece of shit?


The guy is a bum, man. He is easy to shut down. NOBODY is going to give us SHIT for this guy.



I think he means if another team signs him as a free agent we would get compensation picks

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it isn't about me. I WISH I was dead ass wrong in my assessments. That's what you don't understand.


But as long as a big group of fans like this can get on a board where there is a faggot looking letter begging a mediocre player like Peyton Dickless to be nice to us, then we remain a bunch of rubes.


Out talent level absolutely sucks and while you guys may be sick and tired of me? I am sick and tired of posting things, having you guys collectively bitch at how negative I am, only to see my predictions come true at the end, while the damned Browns remain in a state of shit confusion.


It is time for fans here to clear the snot out of their heads and start demanding the quality of players the better teams have. Big Ben, Mendenall, Ward, Harrison, Polamalu.......


Jesus, Joseph and Mary, how many years do I have to sit and watch Browns fans give online blowjobs to stinky players like Hillis, Cribbs and McCoy? How freaking inept can an organization be? In 12 years of Lerner, NOT ONE SINGLE GUY have we acquired who could start for teh Steelers.




Ok say everyone on here started to think exactly like you and agree with everything you say, what would that accomplish exactly? IMO there would be a board full of douches instead of just one. And guess what the browns would still be the same, would not make any difference what so ever.

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If there is a positive to this hillis bullshit, it's that we get draft picks and/or some moderate playmakers for him. I'd much rather have draft picks for him to build more progress for next year. Sucks to see such a positive symbol of Cleveland one year being given away the next. Damn browns. And I thought we had our running back. Never is easy....especially with Cleveland


What did the Browns organization do? This is all Hillis's doing. He's the one who wants a new contract and sat out a game. I don't blame Shurmur at all for not giving him reps especially after admitting to sitting out the game because of his agent.

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Yep. He's not so down to earth love to just play the game like he says. Anyways...

Why not start feeding him the ball early and often. That is until as been said we're suddenly down by 24. Then its time to the Garbage Time Champ to start chucking it.


because he sat out a game at the advice of his agent. Coaches rightfully hate that shit.

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Ghoolie. Hillis has played in only two full games this season. Cincy and Indy. Shit happens and it's happened to hillis. He's got some of the best hands in the league for a rb, and with a good line he can get in space and do what he does best....get 3-4 yards while being tackled even if he's stuffed. He runs downhill and is still a handful to take down. He doesn't not "blow" at all. Why would he be on the madden cover dude, he had broken ribs the last chunk of the season where he "sucked". The way this guy runs in the NFL, of course he's gonna get banged up and won't be able to be 100 percent every game. He still is a good rb. With 25 carries to him? We've only had one game this year giving him that rhythm. He had 94 yds and two tds. I agree with u saying he may be slightly overrated. But the guy still has talent we can't pass up!!!

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Giving hillis the ball 8 times a game is in no way a true representation of what he can do, we seen what he can do if you give him the rock, all this other whiny bullshit you guys are talking about is making me laugh.


Give him the ball 25 times tomorrow and i am pretty sure all you faggots who are turning your back on this guy would turn right back around and suck his dick, flip flop city of homos i swear.

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I suppose Gscmoolie is bashing everything in sight. "yawn", but I wouldn't know.


I have him on ignore. Life around here is much more peaceful.


BTW, I still have a theory that Gshmoolie and Rich are conjoined twins,


and Rich has the sense of humor and the class. Living in the past


surely makes for a sad here and now for them, I think.


It's more likely, that the Browns used Hillis a lot last year, and he was starting to get beaten up.


Now, if any one of us were in his position, wouldn't we want to get a bigger salary for later years after football,


when we need hip and knee replacements, and our fingers are bent from all the fractures?


The 48 mill is too much. Battering rams don't last another five or six years. Hillis's agent is playing


his cards and betting too much because he doesn't have anything to lose, and will still get a nice paycheck in the long run.


Hillis is fine by me, and I hope he gets back on the field, because he always lays it all on the line.


I'm tired of the constant extreme bashing at every turn. It's long, long since gotten out of control for a few folks around here.

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There's really only a few Hillis bashers here. I think most of us do like him and enjoyed watching him play smash football. The majority know he's not worth the money he wants. The guy needs to prove himself before he gets paid. His actions are speaking louder than his humble words.


I just see the batlles on here of the Hillis homos and the guys who know he's not the greatest thing since Jim Brown. He's a decent back who needs to get healthy and produced before he starts asking for top back money.

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hillis isn't worth 48 mil. but in my eyes no one is who plays a frickin GAME.


can't really bash the guy for trying to get his pat day. this will be his only shot at it. every athlete does it and when doing so it looks bad. they look greedy.


bad or good advice from his agent, sitting out a game because of it makes him phony. and saying it was a sickness, untrue to his fans.


we all know the life expectancy of a RB in the NFL. let him get as much as he can from someone while he can cuz god knows, after the game leaves him, he won't be doing tv or radio with his huckleberry ass. more like baggin groceries at the local A and P.


that being said if the browns staff isn't letting him showcase his talent, which would obviously help us in the W-L column, because of this contract shit that would really throw another turd in the already shit face of holmgren.

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A healthy Payton Hillis is a back that I'd want on my team...


You can win with Hillis.. Is he the 2nd coming of Jim Brown??? Ain't no back in the nfl as good as Jim Brown IMO...


Madden went to Hillis's head then he got injured... Get healthy, get on the field, play your game and you'll make the Browns a better team...


How in the hell can you bash this guy based on his past performance???


One year wonder??? Year 2 aint over yet so that statement is pure bullxxxx.....





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