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Our Slow Starts, And Can We Make The Playoffs?


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Ok I threw that last one in as a joke. But, what is the reasoning for our slow 1st quarter starts? After the half we seem to settle in and get more aggressive on offense. They just seem so rusty coming out of the gates.

Ok, well, IF we win our next two games over San Fran and Houston, we have two really easy games with the Rams and Jags. If we go on an unbelievable 4-0 stretch we'd be at 7-3. Would you start talking playoffs?

I saw why the hell not think like this because let's face it, we aren't going to draft in the top 5, so we are are probably going to finish around .500. .500 is the worst record to have since you can't draft high and you miss the playoffs.

I'm pulling for an upset win of 'Cisco next week that ejects life into this team and we go on a tear and become the Cinderella story of the season.

I'm such a homer.

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I wish... But seriously, I don't see us beating SF or Houston. This team just can't score points consistently. We might get to 5-5, then the schedule gets tough. 6-10 or 7-9 at best seems most likely IMO. That said, I'd love to be wrong and see them do better.

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The Browns are not beating the 49ers or Texans.....So they will be 3-5.


Also, the Rams and jags are not easy games. Winnable...Yes. Not easy.


Now, if Mangini were still coaching, I would say that any of these games are winnable because of his game planning. He did great against great teams.


But Pat Shurmur is our coach, and he is not good yet. He is not smart enough, or creative enough to beat Houston or SanFran. I will admit I'm wrong if he does.


Foster will have 200 APY and 2 td's. They will be lucky to score 6 against SanFran's D.


With what I saw today, I will be happy with 6 wins.

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is it wrong that i stopped laughing when you said this was a joke? :P


i dont care if we win em all or lose em all....i just want this team to start looking respectable rather than laughable every week.



wins are respectable choco

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i dont care if we win em all or lose em all....i just want this team to start looking respectable rather than laughable every week.


wow. i've been searching for the words in my head about how i feel about this team and BAM you said it.


some of us pickers and critiquers aren't here to put a cast of doom across the skyline of the browns. we want respectability. some relevance. last year we had it IMO. i know all you mangini haters will disagree. then i say you are blind.


hey let shurmur be the greatest thing since sliced bread. just win baby. but beat the shit out of a bad team! (i.e. see reverse thread on seahawks forum).


where's the respectability in a 6-3 win when we expected to roll them. to beat miami, indy and the seahawks this year to bring us to .500?


sorry makes me sick to my stomach, but hey, i've been feelin this way august through december every year for the past 25 so.....cheers to your cat!!!

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The Browns will not win either of the next two games. Make then 3 -5. You can write off the last 5 games of the season, there will be no wins there. This brings us essentially now to 3 - 10


They won't win more than 2 of those 3 games.


THE VERY BEST the Browns will do is 5 - 11, but 3 - 13 is just plausible.



4 - 12 would be the smart bet.


That the Browns will lose out is just as likely as your prediction the Seahags were going to blow the Browns out.

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We NEED Hillis next week! :angry:

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We NEED Hillis next week! :angry:


Why? So he can average 3 yards per carry just like Hardesty does? Lol.


I'd rather see what we have in Ogbonnaya. He was our leading receiver yesterday and he ran well (even tho it was only for 3 times).


Give OooglyBoogly the ball and let's see what we have in him. This is, after all, another "evaluation year."

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the smart bet would not to do predictions on this board.


Agree, but remember, the Browns always seem to win a game they're not supposed to.


I'm saying it happens this week- an upset of the 49ers, who are coming off of a bye.

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Its hard for me to think we can beat the 49ers, but any given sunday...


Defense 4th in the NFL, matter a fact the whole AFC North is 1 thru 4 Crazy!!! I do not care that we "played nobody" we are 3-3 with a banged up o-line, a QB that cant hit the side of a barn. Hardesty I thought played very well, keep feeding him the rock.


Shurmer, best play calling of the season, think I am crazy!!! Think about it. Was going against one of the best run Defense in the league. Shurmer didnt give a shit ran right at them with a banged o-line. Took the ball out of Colts hands. Said we will win it old school Defense, and running the ball. Thats what Browns fans want right?? So he gives you what you want and you still bitch...


That being said, Our offense not good, but if we run,run,run..It will shorten the games like last year and will have a chance to win at the end


4-12 if Colt starts throwing the ball everywhere

6-10 if Hardesty starts rest of the yr

8-8 if we have Hillis and Hardesty and the Osfhsdjghjg running the ball 85% of the time

12-4 if the Packers give us Rodgers and Jennings, then the Bears give us Forte. the the Lions get mad at Megatron and give us him as well

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The best case scenario is pulling an upset in one of the next two games. I don't think there's a chance in hell we can beat both Houston and San Francisco but winning one of them is possible. Look no further than that shitty Seahawks team that we beat went to New York and beat a decent Giants team. We should beat both the Rams and Jacksonville after that though.

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yeah...we garnered alot of respect barely beating a poor seattle team today.... :rolleyes:


we are hands down the least respected 0.500 team in the league....


A Seattle team, with their back-up QB & RB, we got all the breaks, yea it was an incredible win!


Playofffsss????? Yea, right... Maybe 2 more wins this year, only because we get to play 3 more crappy teams.

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Ogboya showed up Hardesty pretty good.


He played with heart and like s guy just picked up off the practice squad: HUNGRY


Change of pace backs are supposed to come in and rip off yardage in their few carries. That's the idea. No way he showed up Hardesty's 33 carries for 95 yards against the #1 rush D in the NFL. But I did like his spark.


There is no reason, realistically, this team isn't 5-5 after the next 4 games. Then we play Cincy, Pitt X2, Baltimore X2, and Arizona. Win 2 of those games and we finish 7-9. Seems pretty realistic, and is definetly an improvement. But we'll see...

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A Seattle team, with their back-up QB & RB, we got all the breaks, yea it was an incredible win!


Playofffsss????? Yea, right... Maybe 2 more wins this year, only because we get to play 3 more crappy teams.


Browns did not have Hillis, MoMass, Ben Watson and others, so don't cry me a river about who the Seacocks were missing.

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