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An Occupier In Dayton


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They hate our military and our country and our flag...our our police, and our porches and our homes and our yards and


children and yards and jobs and ...... everything.


they are dirtbags of the worst kind.


But Heck likes em.



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lol, cameraman is a successful troll. Notice how people are trying to stop him from talking, and the cameraman ignores them and only focuses on the unstable dude. Need I get a video of a cameraman successfully trolling tea partiers? Didn't think so.




I take it back. What a dipshit this cameraman is. He loses his temper and starts talking gibberish at 3:15. How are you gonna go trolling, and then get trolled by the people you're trolling?


I'd love for them to bring a camera up to me.

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Hey. Vapor - maybe you can get a video of the occupier trash pooping on peoples' front porches and frightening their little kids all night with


drums, and leaving trash all over their yards and streets. It should be pretty easy - go for it.


Meanwhile, one protester was angry with another protester who climbed into his tent, and was sniffing


his girlfriends' feet.


And drugs. lots of dope. Cocaine bust. No wonder the communist and socialist parties and SEIU and Obamao and Pelois and Reid and a lot of


prominent dems are all over themselves in support of the occupier trash. That's what they are.


But it's nice to know that Vapor somehow thinks the occupiers are like the Tea Party.


That's like saying stinkie, filthy diseased dirt is like clean white linen....


Vapor, you go for it. And have a handout while your there. Free food, free whatever. It's the Obamao vote getting way.

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"Vapor loves the dirtbags, Vapor loves the dirtbags"......... @@


“They are defecating on our doorsteps,” fumed Katherine Hughes, a stay at home mom who has the misfortune of living one block from the chaos. “A lot of people are very frustrated. A lot of people are concerned about the safety of our kids.”Fed up homeowners said that they’ve been subjected to insults and harassment as they trek to their jobs each morning. “The protesters taunt people who are on their way to work,” said James Fernandez, 51, whose apartment overlooks the park.“I walk out of my apartment and see people urinating on my steps.”

Board member Paul Cantor said that residents are fed up with the incessant racket that emanates from the protest at all hours. “It’s mostly a noise issue,” he said. If people can’t sleep and children can’t sleep because the protesters are banging drums then that’s a problem.”

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Odd, the more I read about the perversion of the occupier dirtbags all over our country, I get concerned... that you support them.




Oakland riot police tear down tent city, clear plaza...


REPORT: 14-year-old girl sexually assaulted at 'Occupy Dallas'...

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Heroin Dealers Living with 6-Year-Old in Tent Busted at Occupy BostonCrime


Meanwhile, vandals graffitied 21 buildings in downtown Boston.


Police Investigating Possible Sexual Assault of Teen at Occupy DallasCrime

She allegedly told the men at the campsite that she was 19.


WatchVictim of Anti-Semitic Occupy Wall Street Attack Responds: ‘Poison’Faith


"Everybody wants to blame Wall Street."


Shootings Skyrocket in NYC…and Cops Blame Occupy Wall StreetCrime

"150% spike in shootings in one week" compared to last year.



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Vapor, a little advice. You NEVER know who will be at an event like that. True the person in the video was obviously some bum who was leaching off of the college students. But there could be quite a few like him. Maybe mentally ill, a drug addict or some ex con trying to score with some chick and get a place to eat and crash for the night. With you striving hard to become an MD, you have to be careful. What you do now could have adverse affects on you later in life. Charles Manson was an expert manipulator who fed off off college kids.

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Diehard, I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not an idiot. And as cool as it is to get out there and find common political ground with a bunch of people, I'm not going to let any of them into my house. The only way I'm going to let a serial killer in to my home is if she happens to be very good looking and wants to sleep with me. And if that's how I go out, so be it, at least my head was in the right place.

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Cal do you you ever form your own opinion about anything or do you always rely on Faux news and Rush "druggie" Limbaugh to do it for you? PE


No, you goofball, I have my own opinions, but my online proof to back it up has to come from online news, and Drudge's site has links to


many, many, many places on the net. I do watch FOX News a lot, because the dirtbags on MSNBC, CNN etc etc etc are corrupt and don't


do the truth any favors. Where in all of my opinions, do you get the idea that I get them from anybody? Ya gotta be kidding.


I have all sorts of opinions, like my opinion of the groundhogs on our farm, and I didn't get that from anywhere, either.:angry:

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