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Total Trap Game: I'm Calling A Browns Win 20-14


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At the beginning of the season I thought this game would be an easy win but now that SF is playing good it makes it more difficult to decide.


I still think that we will win. Our defense is playing amazing and should be able to create some turnovers but have to lockdown Gore and force SF to pass.


The biggest question is how will our offense play against SF's defense. Colt needs to play smart. Hillis needs to come back strong and be physical.

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I agree that it is a possible trap game for San Fran becuase they are coming off a bye and playing one of the most boringly useless offenses every, but I still can't see the offense scoring enough points to win. San Fran wins 20-9, do we get 9 by 3 field goals, or 1 field goal and a blocked PAT? I'll let you decide

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Guest 49ers4Life

Initially I thought like SF 55 CLE 3, but then I though nah, that ain't right. How do dem Brownies beat dem Smitties? Alex gonna light it up dudes. Teams get 12 possessions on average, so that's 12 TD's for SF.


Final score... SF 96 (12 TD's, 12 2-pt conv) CLE 0


We need to make a statement and make the brownies leave early so they can all go to the mall and buy new bras and panties..

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um....if i recall correctly...your finally understanding football after 7 years QB smith has regressed from 70% to 54% completion percentage....while commanding the 28th ranked passing offense. yeah...he's real scary, for sure. add in mr butterfingers edwards....and no one is fearing your offense.


gore is your offense....old school run the football and stop the run defense (27th in passing D). are you forgetting the browns defense is #4 in total yards....yes, ranked higher than you my small minded foe.


so while i realize youre trolling, your simply not even very good at it.

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Guest 49ers4Life

alex is gonna beast... Vernon Davis, Crabs, Delanie Walker, Gore, Hunter, beastly o-line. edwards is resurecting his career here and figured he mightas well get a ring while hes at it...

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Something in me is not allowing the negative Browns influence to overtake me. I see the Browns taking this game IN SanFran. We're going to do it: 20-14

Hey bro, can I have some of what yer smokin'? Cuz I'm purdy sure dat stuff is illegal here in TX. :lol:

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alex is gonna beast... Vernon Davis, Crabs, Delanie Walker, Gore, Hunter, beastly o-line. edwards is resurecting his career here and figured he mightas well get a ring while hes at it...

absolutely solid argument.... :rolleyes:


no wonder ya'll think your gonna roll. oblivious to actual facts. you should win, but thats why they play the games.

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Texas9erFan. I nocticed on your interests you're a fan of "micro-brewed IPAs." Do you enjoy all microbrews, or are you just an IPA guy? Over the last year I've started really getting into different brews. Just curious what some of your favorites have been.

IPAs are my favorite but Scottish ales are great too. I like most dark ales as well but shy away from pilsners... just not enough flavor. Beer is good food! :)

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alex is gonna beast... V

so another quiff video game fag....which makes you what, 15 years old? go fxxk yourself little boy.


usually i'm negative nelly thinking we don't have enough gas BUT seeing what's been comin through these doors the last couple of days (and i'm sure the browns READ) i'm saying this is the breakout week where the team actually has a statement to make.


browns 24 49ers 13. and sheard gives harbaugh a uppercut on the way out the door.


FXXK you FRISCO!!!!!!

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Damn, you guys are more positive than the Lions fans. At least 1/3rd of them predicted the loss. I've seen about 1-2 people here predict it.


Niners will win. This isn't a trap game because Harbaugh has made it clear that this is a must-win game for us. Our pass defense is horrid overall, but if you look at our last few games, it's one of the tops in the league. I bet top half at the very least. Ask Stafford and Megatron how our pass defense is. Megatron got 100 yards in garbage time. We'll be OK in pass defense imo.


Special teams... if Cribbs can break one early... that's the only way I can see possible doom.

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Actually the majority of browns fans here were being more realistic until some of the more absurd Niner fans starting talking all kinds of crap. Now they are predicting a victory more often now on here just to try and get under our skin.


No need to get under your skin ... we will just blow up your board after we win.


Who really gives a shit about predictions when rubbing in the outcome will feel so much better. And we all know you guys are never going to show your face when you lose.


This week I have learned 2 things ...


1. A 5-1 record has helped spread temporary insanity throughout your fan base. You guys really think you have a high power O. Pretty funny stuff.


2. You guys think we suck, but yet our sloppy seconds (Braylon in case you couldn't figure that out) you think is actually a good WR. As if it weren't bad enough we tossed him to the curb and have NO talent at WR the Jets decided to go with a 34 yr old WR who spent the last 2 years in jail instead of signing him. And my favorite part of the Braylon twist is he is still better then your other shit WR Crabtree.


I actually thought the Browns were going to lose this game ... until I found out Braylon would indeed be playing in it.

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You think that Braylon hasn't played good since leaving the Browns? How have the Browns fared since then?


Gee and u think the Browns were playoff calibre when Braylon was there ? look at the history and the record. Why dont u use the Jets as an example considering they are the neutral team ? Why would they let Braylon go and replace him with Burress who has nvr played in the NFL in a while ? Which NFL team in its right mind will do that ? Also after he was let go, how many NFL teams came with a contract for him ?

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Gee and u think the Browns were playoff calibre when Braylon was there ? look at the history and the record. Why dont u use the Jets as an example considering they are the neutral team ? Why would they let Braylon go and replace him with Burress who has nvr played in the NFL in a while ? Which NFL team in its right mind will do that ? Also after he was let go, how many NFL teams came with a contract for him ?

About the same amount that went after Carlos Rogers, who leads the league in Ints.


About the same as Ted Ginn Jr, who is an MVP candidate on special teams.


About the same as Dante Whitner, who eventually cracked the starting lineup, and is one of the reasons for our recent success with the pass D.


How many teams would have gone after Alex Smith if he didn't resign? How about 0? He's now a top 10 QB (QB rating wise).


It's all due to coaching imo. Braylon will be very motivated to perform because he's not only playing for a contract, but because he's on a winning team, coached by great coaches.


I'm not worried.

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Harbaugh is a douchebag. Your passing offense is set up to fail against the Browns #1 pass defense. Joe Montana and Jerry Rice are not walking through that door ... Alex Smith and Josh Morgan are.


Your team is a mirage. You have a decent defense, a decent running back and a rah rah coach who is having his moment before he lands hard.


No need to call it a trap game. But it's a game you probably won't win.



LOL! Nice one, Zombo. What door, exactly, is Josh Morgan walking through anyway???



I'll tell you. It's a hospital door. Josh Morgan is on IR and out for the season.

Watch football much? :lol:


As for the rest of your post, it's a lot funnier!

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About the same amount that went after Carlos Rogers, who leads the league in Ints.


About the same as Ted Ginn Jr, who is an MVP candidate on special teams.


Cleveland native FYI


About the same as Dante Whitner, who eventually cracked the starting lineup, and is one of the reasons for our recent success with the pass D.


Cleveland native FYI


How many teams would have gone after Alex Smith if he didn't resign? How about 0? He's now a top 10 QB (QB rating wise).


Don't get stupid now. Smith is doing well, now. But 7 years of crap ain't rubbing off after just a few good games.


It's all due to coaching imo. Braylon will be very motivated to perform because he's not only playing for a contract, but because he's on a winning team, coached by great coaches.


Braylon was on a team that went to the AFC title game the last two years, and by that coaches own admission he is a great coach. So, what has changed?

I'm not worried.

Why should you be? I assume you and your family will still be alive after this game, win or lose.

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Niners will win by suffocating the browns. It might start slow, but it'll be 20-6 or worse by end of game. browns have a couple wins over the worst teams in the league while the Niners have had the hardest schedule of anyone with 5 or more wins. factor in watson, massoquoi and hillis all being banged up and there's no hope for the traveling team.

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Damn, you guys are more positive than the Lions fans. At least 1/3rd of them predicted the loss. I've seen about 1-2 people here predict it.


Niners will win. This isn't a trap game because Harbaugh has made it clear that this is a must-win game for us. Our pass defense is horrid overall, but if you look at our last few games, it's one of the tops in the league. I bet top half at the very least. Ask Stafford and Megatron how our pass defense is. Megatron got 100 yards in garbage time. We'll be OK in pass defense imo.


Special teams... if Cribbs can break one early... that's the only way I can see possible doom.




Your a moron, You won the Lion game with 30 seconds left in the game on 4th down on a slant to your back-up tight end who was playing wide reciever cause all your wide-outs were hurt.. There was no Garbage time. That being said nobody stops Megatron, so dont feel bad about that..


Aslo you guys rave about your defense and you should you have a very solid D. You seem to no give any credit to the Browns Defense. You keep forgetting we have the 4th best defense in the NFL, and the top 4 Defenses in the are ALL IN THE AFC NORTH.


I understand alot of niner fans are coming over here, because they are off to a great start, and you are pumped about your team. You should be, but show a little class. YOU WOULD NOT BE PULLING THIS SHIT IF I WAS SITTING ACROSS FROM YOU AT A BAR.


That being said, I for one really like your team, and hope the Browns follow the pattern the 49ers have done, but with a better QB..


fact is niners have a very solid Defense, solid Special Teams, and a great Running back with a great tight end.


WE aslo have a great D, but do not have a great running back or any offense player for that fact...We have alot of "what Ifs" What if Little is the real deal, what if Mitchell plays a down( I think he is this week), what if Moore can get in the game, What if Hillis can stop being a bitche and be the man he was last yr..


As for your coach, I love it. I think hes a really good coach. Wish the Browns had him...


You take all the stupid threads and post on here forthe 49er fans...Everybody in the beginning of the yr thought this was a game we could win. THen the 49ers started off realy well, and we are not that good. Do I think we have a chance?? Sure I do..


My heart says Browns win 17-9

My Money says 49ers win 17-13

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